Uh-Oh…Another Rodney King Type Of Incident?

May 6th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

Here’s the explanation with the video:

May 05/08:Video from a local TV news helicopter is under review by the Internal Affairs unit of the Philadelphia Police Department, to see if excessive force was used on three suspects allegedly involved in a shooting Monday night in the Hunting Park section of the city.

The incident started on Monday night when members of a police narcotics team were following up a homicide investigation at 4th and Ansberry Streets.

The video shows about a dozen police officers involved in chasing and capturing three suspects who allegedly fled a shooting on Monday night in Hunting Park where several men were wounded.

The tape shows a car pulling over after being chased and surrounded by police vehicles. Suspects are pulled from the car, and it appears that some of the suspects were uncooperative. It looks as though officers restrained the suspects and then some started to kick the suspects.

Philadelphia police commissioner Charles Ramsey:

“On the surface it certainly does not look good in terms of the amount of force that was used. But we don’t want to rush to judgment. We want to look at the video. And I think it’s important to remember that these individuals had been observed involved at a triple shooting at the time. There is also a lot of heightened emotions since Sgt. Liczbinski was murdered on the streets just Saturday.”

The investigation continues.

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7 Responses

  1. Mark

    You were just involved in a triple shooting…you deserve an ass beating beyond all belief. Fuck these low lives, they got what they asked for. This says it all, enjoy:

    Click here…for “Joe, The Fuckin’ Cop!”

  2. Leatherneck

    You have to do something really special in order to get that kind of attention from the police.

  3. Holland

    What always amazes me is the number of police present in those situations. High speed chases with more than a dozen patrol cars following it. I always wonder if that is police policy..? or is it something like the more the better…like.. more souls means more joy?

    I am sure that when something like this happened in my nation the police officers would be in jail longer than the real criminals.

    just a note* i don’t even think the police station in my town has that many officers present on the streets any time of the day!

  4. John Cunningham

    Holland, guns are involved, I have no problem with the police using overwhelming force.

  5. sal

    i’m sorry but, it brings a tear to my eye to see this. Finally the instant justice we have been talking about has just been served to these pukes!!! “Magical” unfortunaly all those upstanding officers will all be fired or lives will be ruined. so before that happens, Gentlemen :beer:

  6. Gman

    Now watch the video again and watch the suspects hands. Where are they? How long does it take them to pull them out from under their bodies? If you boot me in the ribs my hand comes out to protect myself. Smack me with a baton on the legs, I turn over and curl up. What are they hiding in front of their body? A gun, knife or another weapon?

    When they produce their hands and are cuffed, how many more times are they hit? It looks like it stops right a way.

    For a shooting and pursuit with multiple suspects, everybody shows up except the cowards.

    God bless Rizzos Raiders!

  7. Vehement

    While I understand why it happened, and don’t feel sorry for these idiots, I can’t see where all the force is necessary to take these men in. Deserved or not, we have laws against this stuff for a reason. I do hope no one loses their job, but something has to done.

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