Jihadi Smackdown Of The Day

May 13th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


A new weapon against cyber-jihad…Okay, the very first Bashman video was put up at Liveleak over a year ago, and from that moment on I have been harassed and harangued and dissed and threatened by these what I call “Internet Jihadis”…you know, the losers that still live with their parents, many in the basement, that pass along the videos of IEDs blowing up American Troops and so on and so forth.

Once the jihadis started getting their asses kicked in Iraq they conitnued to put these types of videos up at LiveLeak and You Tube and they would often take an IED video from months and months before and replay it as if it were new, when it was not.

Peole started calling their bullshit on those and so that’s why sometimes when you go to Liveleak you’ll see these idiotic fuck-vids labeled “New”….yeah right…

Anyway, these videos are used as propaganda by jihadis worldwide and one of their targets are disenfranchised teenagers.

How many teenagers aren’t “disenfranchised” at one time or another? Anyway, I’m all for free speech so I’m going to exercise mine right here:

These videos are enemy propaganda aimed at recruiting people here in America and around the world, their main outlets being YouTube and Liveleak. Now Liveleak won’t remove these videos, but YouTube will. It’s just that YouTube doesn’t have a pro-active regulatory system, the system, as most of you may already know, is REACTIVE.

In other words, they won’t pull a video unless someone “flags” it.

When people flag these jihadi recruiting propaganda videos, YouTube removes them.

Enter “Jihadi Smackdown of the Day!” I like this idea…

From the “Got War Porn?” site:

Today we unveil our latest weapon in the fight against YouTub terrorists. We know how valuable your time is, so we wanted to make it even easier for you to participate in the YouTube SMACKDOWN.

To that end, it is with great pleasure that we announce:

Jihadi SMACKDOWN of the Day

A new tool to help get terrorist recruiting videos off of YouTube. The idea is simple, we will post one video a day. All you need to do is subscribe through your favorite feed reader or sign up to receive a once a day email containing the targeted video. When you receive the notification, simply click the link and flag the video.

If you would like to help promote jihadi SMACKDOWN of the day, email the page to your friends and family. You can also embed the feed into your website, blog, or social networking page. Or, if you prefer, you can add one of these cool animated headline tickers.

jihadi SMACKDOWN of the day

↑ Grab this Headline Animator

Great Idea!

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6 Responses

  1. One Shot

    Just keep reporting the LiveLeakers to your senator and congressmen (unless they are Dhimm’s…in which case it won’t mean shit). I do every time that I see a new insurgent vid over there.

    Since LiveLeak uses US servers, maybe LE type’s can harrass the providers enough to tell Hayden to pound sand and take his bullshit to some Russian or Chinese servers where it costs far more, is far slower, is less dependable and far more hassle. THEN, the man still has to move terabytes of data to those new servers. Serves the POS right…

  2. TBinSTL (just typical)

    I love that pic…he looks so “peaceful” or is that “pieceful”. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    everyone of us needs to support this site and what they are trying to accomplish. propaganda is another front in this war and i will do my part to stop them. great idea!

    and yeah thats one of the gnarliest pictures i have ever seen :mrgreen:

  4. ArleighB

    Looks like he’s “changed” his mind about Jihad .

  5. Sandy

    Great stuff Bash!
    I am posting it around. :cool:

    :gun: :shock:

    Kill the jihadi bastards. :twisted:

  6. Brian H

    Speaking of new weapons …


    a 50cal with ½ the weight, ¼ the recoil.

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