Update: Guardian Reporter Prevented From Arresting Bolton By Extra-Large Security Guards

May 28th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


He said he was coming for Bolton. Apparently the Guardian reporter actually got to question him at the meeting. Then afterwards he actually tried to arrest Bolton for “War Crimes” and…failed…

Security guards blocked the path of columnist and activist George Monbiot, who tried to make the arrest as Mr Bolton left the stage.

The former ambassador - a key advisor to President George W Bush who argued strongly in favour of invading Iraq - had been giving a talk on international relations to more than 600 people at the literary festival.

Mr Monbiot was blocked by two heavily-built security guards at the end of the one-and-a-half hour appearance, before he could serve a “charge sheet” on him.

After being released by the guards the columnist - a fierce critic of the 2003 American-led invasion - made a dash through the rain-soaked tented village in a failed attempt to catch up with Mr Bolton.

A crowd of about 20 protestors, one dressed in a latex George Bush mask, chanted “war criminal” as Mr Bolton was ushered away.

Mr Monbiot said moments later he was “disappointed” that he had been blocked from making the citizen’s arrest.

“This was a serious attempt to bring one of the perpetrators of the Iraq war to justice, for what is described under the Nuremberg Principles as an international crime,” he said.

During Mr Bolton’s talk, to a packed-out audience, Mr Monbiot had asked Mr Bolton what difference there was between him and a Nazi war criminal.

Mr Bolton said the war was legal, partly because Iraq had failed to comply with a key and binding UN resolution after the end of the Gulf War in 1991.

On the war’s legality, he added: “This is not my personal opinion, this is the opinion of the entire legal apparatus of the US government.”


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13 Responses

  1. sully

    “….On the war’s legality, he added: “This is not my personal opinion, this is the opinion of the entire legal apparatus of the US government.” ”

    I support the war. Come arrest me Mr. Moonbat. :cool:

  2. dad3-7

    they should have let him ‘arrest’ him… then they could have arrested the moron for false imprisonment and kiddnapping.. that would have been good for 35yrs…

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    On the war’s legality, he added: “This is not my personal opinion, this is the opinion of the entire legal apparatus of the US government.”

    this guy is a moron. the congress voted for the War in Iraq and so did the UN. resolution 1441 said, disarm or face serious consequences. and the entire UN voted for it so nobody has a right to this “illegal war” claim

  4. Kurt(the infidel)

    and of course Im not talking about Bolton, he is a genius and a patriot. im referring to Moonbat.

  5. A. S. Wise- VA (George S. Patton Conservative)

    They shoulda tazed him! :twisted:

  6. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    George Monbiot, “I’m telling on you! Naa-na-na-naa-naa!”

    “This was a serious attempt to bring one of the perpetrators of the Iraq war to justice, for what is described under the Nuremberg Principles as an international crime,” he said.

    Ever notice how these fuckers that state such bullshit NEVER read/cite word for word, article for article what the fuck they are referring to?

    Just throw out the damn “Nuremburg Principles”, and it’s supposed to stand all on its own … No challenge, no questions, no doubts.

  7. TJ (Honorary Lesbian)

    the polticians in the UN Know full well that “serious consequences” is extremely vague and that if this were found to be an “illegal” war they would be subject to blame for it as well. make any pronounce ment vague and suffer the consequences. :gun: :sad:

  8. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    Oh, and BTW, IF it REALLY IS “is the opinion of the entire legal apparatus of the US government” why the hell hasn’t anything but ceremonial socialist/communist enclaves of places like San Fran and some dumbfuck hippie town in Vermont just passed symbolic ‘impeachment/arrest resolutions” for Pres. Bush and VP Cheney?

    And for all their occassional bellowing and farting, why hasn’t the asshole contingent of the democrat congress filed impeachment on the two?

    Put up or STFU.

    Shit or get off the fucking pot, dick-wads …

  9. Doc Holliday

    If you can’t tell the difference between the actions of the United States and those of Nazi Germany, you are either hopelessly biased or a retard.

    or both.

  10. ukatheist

    the bloody graunaiad again[the private eye calls the gaurdian that as it has a well known reputation for spelling mistakes and dodgy reporting in other words crap]moonibot is an arse he is supposed to be some sort of academic of what i do not know,wants everybody to wear plastic sandals and use a bicycle for transport,that newspaper is very popular with the arses at the bbc.

  11. Kufir Ken

    George Monbiot… almost, but not QUITE spelled like MOONBAT!

  12. mike3481

    :arrow: ukatheist

    Are you Pat Condell?

  13. ukatheist

    :arrow: mike3481
    no i’m not i swear to much,sometimes he comes across a bit arsey,but i think he’s from london so that is expected.

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