‘US Drones Violate Pakistani Airspace’

May 25th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.


Haha - We taking bets on some “Interesting Kill Reports” that should be coming out soon from Pakistan?

Daily Times

LAHORE: An unmanned United States aerial vehicle, or drone, and several fighter jets have violated Pakistani airspace five times in North Waziristan, ARY TV reported on Sunday. The channel stated that the US drones and fighter jets flew 10 km inside the Hamzori area of North Waziristan, spreading panic amongst locals. It said that US spy planes had been continuously violating the Pakistani airspace for the last four days. daily times monitor

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11 Responses

  1. Getsome


  2. devildog81mm

    so what are you telling me, these pakistani’s have superior eye sight and can see these drones at crusn altitudes of what 5 miles 10 miles or has freakn munitions been falln out of the f ing sky, is there a bolshivek minders close by and no one can say what the f()ck is actually happening

    im sic as hell of bs being implied, either it is or isn’t

  3. Old Sailor

    “spreading panic among locals”: Good!

  4. Dan (The Infidel)

    Violating air space and spreading panic? You mean like the jihadis are doing nothing to deserve a smack-down? The violation going on here is by the jihadi tards who’ve violated repeatedly the rules of civilization and have thereby given up their rights to hold a “life card”.

    You want war jihadis and jihadi sympathizers? You asked for it and we are delivering big time. What’s a matter goat-humpers? Changed your mind about the 72 virgins thing?

    Inshallah bitches.

  5. GF

    Is it really your airspace if’n ya can’t control it? :gun:

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    Any time a jihadi apostate devil-worshipper is killed is a good day for civilization.

  7. Birdddog

    The Reaper is waiting…. :twisted: :gun:

  8. HardLuck

    Here’s an interesting accompanying piece:


    Sounds like the poor ol’ tallies are between a rock an’ a hard place.


  9. GregGS

    We own the sky fuck them!

  10. CJW

    Terrorism: Bin Laden in Pakistan’s K2 mountains, says report

  11. Lock and Load

    Geez, wouldn’t it be great if a Predator found OBL and sent him to Allah, right before the elections :smile: then the dhimmicrat house of cards will collapse, because OBL’s demise was their “standard” for the war on terror being a success… VOILA - SUCCESS :mrgreen:

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