USMC 24th MEU Took 96 Hours To Accomplish What The Brits Could Not In 2 Years

May 27th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Pictured: Members of the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit watched for Taliban fighters last week from a forward outpost in southern Afghanistan. The unit pushed the Taliban out of a town in the south in four days, bolstering the optimism of residents.

Okay, its the fukn New York Slimes that actually posted an article that had some good factual news regarding the troops and the global war on terror, but they still had to throw their left-assed spins and get their jabs in, so I am not going to post too much of their article here, you can go read it here if you like, but be ready to want to put your fist through something anyway because for some damned reason those fucktards can’t seem to say something good about the troops without also having to mix in some of their bile…

Here is the part worth reading:

For two years British troops staked out a presence in this small district center in southern Afghanistan and fended off attacks from the Taliban. The constant firefights left it a ghost town, its bazaar broken and empty but for one baker, its houses and orchards reduced to rubble and weeds.

But it took the Marines, specifically the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit, about 96 hours to clear out the Taliban in a fierce battle in the past month and push them back about 6 miles.

The 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit patrolled the southern Afghanistan village of Hazarjoft on May 21. The unit is planning to move on in the next few weeks.

“They have disrupted the Taliban’s freedom of movement and pushed them south, and that has created the grounds for us to develop the hospital and set the conditions for the government to come back,” said Maj. Neil Den-McKay, the officer commanding a company of the Royal Regiment of Scotland based here. People have already started coming back to villages north of the town, he said, adding, “There has been huge optimism from the people.”


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9 Responses

  1. Rob

    Won’t read about this on CNN. Good job Marines!

  2. Phil N Blanx

    Thanks for saving my monitor Bash. Fuck the NY slimes. I’d rather get the real news from you.


    What was that quaint little saying on a car bumper sticker I saw the other day …”When it absolutely, positively must be destroyed overnight……Marine Corps”

    Yeap - that says it all - OORAH!!!!!!

    24th MEU Kicks Ass

  4. Lee__

    God Bless those young folk. Thanks Bash for the continuing flowing of the truth….you guys are making the MSM look like turds about to be flushed down the crapper….

  5. mindy abraham

    Gotta Love Marines :mrgreen:

  6. Bob P

    Amen Lee :beer: :beer: :beer:

  7. Sandy

    Thanks for filtering that story from the slimes Bash.
    I am supposed to stay calm and not let my blood pressure get too high these days and it is a difficult task with all the nasty anti-military spew.

    As usual, we see nothing but victory from our Marines!
    The Best of The Best :!: :cool:

    They make the libtards cry themselves to sleep each night. :lol:

  8. Snake

    “mindy abraham

    Gotta Love Marines :mrgreen:
    May 27th, 2008 at 6:04 pm ”

    Correction, US Marines!

  9. Goose

    The important thing is to not move out, the moment they move on to the next village, like we did going from Sangin to Gareshk, the Taliban just move back in behind.

    Got to soak the whole area for a while.

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