Video: Hussein: Iranian Problem Is Bush & McCain’s Fault

May 19th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Not only does he not “get it”…but pay very close attention to the things he says. This is a very dangerous man who should NEVER be in control of this country. Take for example, what he says in this clip regarding nukes…seems innocent enough, he says he wants to secure all the loose nukes in the world.

But when you couple that with what he says here….dude, this guy is bad for America.

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11 Responses

  1. T Double Dash

    The Soviet Union wasn’t religious like those crazy jihadist leaders in the middle east.

  2. Marc

    That big guy behind Barry in the pinkish red shirt, looks bored out of his gourd, just look how he claps, like a silly golf clap, he thought he might get laid going to the Barry rally on his day trip to Billings from the ranch.

  3. steve m

    So, when you point out the flaws, idiocy, and glaring lack of clarity of someones viewpoints you are “attacking them”.. :mad: .stupid fucking moron, his toadies, and blind fawning minions would lead us all headlong over a cliff.

  4. Reagan T.

    I cannot even listen to the asshat

  5. Mark

    Hussein: “…Iran is the single biggest beneficiary of the war in Iraq…”

    How so, oh great messiah hussein? Nice little statement with no back up, not even 1 example.

    Hussein: “Thanks to George Bush’s policies, Iran is now the greatest threat to the US, Israel, and the middle east for a generation.”

    Wait, I though you just said they are a non-threat with no power over us at all? Hussein, you are a fucking curse upon my country. Go back to your hole in the ghettos of chicago and suck off rezko. :gun:

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    You stupid asswipe Hussein. Iran is a threat because your boot-lick Carter let the dogs loose on Iran back in 1979. Iran has been a threat ever since that time…dumbass.

    The USSR was a country who likes living as much as the US did. Dealing with a western-oriented power is WAY different from dealing with homicidal lunatics like the Iraniac apostates.

    Talking to them gives them credence and blesses their suicidal pact with the devil. We saw what similar devil-worshippers do when you negotiate with them in WWII.

    Another thought: If GW’s diplomacy is “Cowboy Diplomacy” then yours is pussy-ass Dhimi diplomacy you punk.

    Get off the stage you idiot. And I’ll be damned if I’ll sit back and watch your rookie puke ass turn my country into a Dhimi state in November.

    Nappy-headed fool.

  7. Caligula

    the fact that people are clapping to this asshat means that they’re even more ignorant that HE is - we are doomed if these assholes vote!!

    time to secede!!

    well on the bright side, McCain argues points, obama compares him to bush. he may crush him in the general

  8. Dan (The Infidel)

    @T Double Dash

    To the contrary. The USSR was and Russia remains a predominently Russian Orthodox Christian country. It is precisely that religion that may have kept the USSR from going over the brink.

    There is no suicide pact in Russian Orthodox Christianity
    as there is in the so-called religion of Allah the moon-god.

  9. Ang

    Unfortunately the average American citizen is so uninformed that they will think all these pretty words sound good and vote for this twit. Scary… the American public doesn’t know it’s own history and is convinced that all we need to do is be more accepting and loving and the jihadist will come around and live with us in peace. They forget these jihadist have stated their goal quite clearly.. Become Muslim or die. They won’t stop short of that goal unless made to.

    However we are making progress in Iraq. The average Iraqi is fed up with clerics ruling their lives with fear and religion. The tide is turning and the thunder is rolling in the not too far distance.

  10. Kevin M

    :arrow: Mark

    “Hussein: “Thanks to George Bush’s policies, Iran is now the greatest threat to the US, Israel, and the middle east for a generation.”

    Perhaps that’s because Iraq is no longer a threat, and Iran just came out of the cellar?!

    Hussein just credited GWB for bitch-slapping Iraq into shape, and he’s complaining?! :shock:

  11. Q_Mech

    “Seems like common sense.”

    No, you moron - it seems like the dumbest Goddamn thing I’ve heard in weeks. Iran is more dangerous than the USSR because mutually assured destruction won’t work with them. Deterrence won’t work with them. Meandering over to have a chat definitely won’t work with them, and will only make you look like a bigger idiot than you already are!

    Oh my God this man is just plain fucking clueless! He is one of those people who think of life as an extension of their college debate classes, where they can twist reality into their own little game and “win” by doing so. I am genuinely frightened that he might end up with real power. :shock:

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