Hussein The Liar - Fake Troop Support - He’ll Kill Us All

May 12th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Watch the two videos, the second one should scare the shit out of you. Take what he said today, obviously pandering, and compare it to what he pledged not that long ago…I’m telling you this man is a liar, and he will castrate and eviscerate and defacate upon the members of our Armed Forces. He despises the military and anything he says to the contrary should be considered a lie…

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40 Responses

  1. sully

    The Obamanation, believing himself to be ‘the presumptive nominee’, attempting his move to the center (in one of the few states where Dhimmicrats might tolerate it) is all.
    Give a typical Wright person a break will ya?!
    He’s just trying to help his husband Michelle’s kids after all.

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    This fool is a poor liar. You know a man by the company he keeps. Gotta wonder about a guy who gets the approval and draws to himself the likes of Chavez, Ahmedthedickwad, Nazrallah, OBL, Ayers and Dorn.

    Scum attracts scum…its a universal law.

  3. sully

    I do wanna add though that the lying sack of shit does not look very comfortable in his new role.
    Despite the effort to ’square’ him up with a new suit, he still doesn’t look like he believes his own bullshit. Another vagary of his inexperience.

  4. SOC

    What a two faced piece of shit. This fellow will destroy our country. He is a closet muslim who will coddle our enemies,
    giving them whatever they desire to be appeased. All talk but no action.

  5. Kurt(the infidel)

    Anyone who believes Obama has any respect for our military has a real stark reality check coming. I hope none of our veterans get hoodwinked by his backtracking views.

    When he doesnt use a speech writer he just opens his mouth and crap flies out and it lets us see the real man. As if we needed any confirmation other than the fact of who he surrounds himself with.

  6. Iacobus

    Yeah, he’ll cut that wasteful spending all right. He’d probably gut the military worse than Clinton did so that we’re powerless to do anything against a nasty threat.

  7. John Cunningham

    There are similar little face movements that are similar to OJ’s. It’s what I call the “I know I’m lying, you know I’m lying, what are you going to do about it?” OJ’s is like a look of a hold of just about to break into a smile, BO’s is done with that of a hold of “I’m very intelligent, aren’t I?”

  8. Quincy

    This guy is so far in over his head it is not even funny.

    His foreign policy is going to consist of challenging foreign leaders to games of one on one. Make em take em Win by 2 baskets. Im serious!

  9. Word-Drum

    I can’t listen to the guy any more. Did you see Jakie Mason on the subject? He kicks O’s ass:

  10. old wino

    The people who harassed the returning troops from NAM are his same leftists buddies who are doing it now. I also see that he’s back to wearing the flag pin on his lapel. What’s susprising is that he managed to get it on right-side up!

  11. tedders

    What a dumb ass!

  12. Mike Mose

    Obama has all the sense and abilities of Jimmy Carter. He will cut our nukes, and ask Russia, China, NK, Iran, Pakistan to cut theres. I’m sure they all say they did already.

    Who could possibly think Obama would have any credibility except in the middle east. Iranians are jumping up and down right now with excitement.

  13. sully

    “I also see that he’s back to wearing the flag pin on his lapel.”

    Yeah, there are so many things just wrong about the pic and vid. That there are actually Americans that believe this puke should be CINC is just surreal.

  14. GF

    So, let me get this straight.
    1. He wants to get rid of the missle defense system. Hmm, it actually works and this buffoon wants to get rid of it.
    2. He wants to slow down weapon development. Wow, that’s brilliant, the Russians and Chinese need time to catch up.
    3. He wants to get rid of Nukes. Hmm, since we have not been willy nilly blowing the shit out of people with nukes for the past 60 years I think this is a failure of him to be rational. Hair triger is a bit over the top too.
    4. Global ban on fizzle material. How exactly will you enforce this global ban dumbass, with your good looks.

  15. Jeff

    A good Commander-in Chief hopes for the best, but prepares for the worst.

    If he is elected President, we’d all better prepare for the worst because it’s coming.

  16. franchie

    there is some margin as it’s shown

  17. Jeff

    :arrow: franchie

    That graph is highly misleading. Military spending is relative so what appears to be a huge gap between the U.S. and other countries, isn’t nearly as large as that graph would have you believe.

    When a country pays a soldier $3/year, they can hire a lot of soldiers.

  18. sully

    the french one that is….

  19. franchie


    of course China or India can align a hudge more soldiers

    you can have the comparaisons on the right in clicking on a flag

  20. franchie

    ta gueule raciste

  21. sully

    racist??? moi????
    oh that’s what all libs say.

  22. franchie

    I love you, I’m sorry

  23. sully

    stop posting bullshit that you know absolutely nothing about franchie. At least a year here and still doing fucked up google searches and posting em as gospel. go back to the kos where they actually value that horseshit.

  24. franchie

    missié professor pissoff, y’a un mamoisil ruska que le venute, e que le dans un salun, oh lala, que le blond ave un gross poitrine

  25. franchie

    Sully, vas te faire foutre, dans ton petit laboratoire de merde,

    a good subject for your study :


  26. sully

    piss off yourself.
    nobody gives a shit about someone from france telling us what to think when they continually show they don’t know how to think themselves. fucked up your own country and wanna see if you can help fuck up ours now?
    go tell your countrymen what to do… they seriously need the help.

  27. franchie

    oh lala le mechante le professor,

    your not my governor,
    I am not here for you,
    BUT, if your here, I am going to wait and see how you manage getting more indignity

    and your clichés put them in your ass

  28. sully

    i know why you’re here.
    to tell us how and what to think from inane google and wiki searches.
    just like kos kids do.
    now just trundle your indignant self up and hobble back over to where you’re one of the kos P.C. team.

  29. franchie

    you repeat yourself

  30. sully

    yeah but in a good way.
    now seriously. head on back over to Kos. It looks like they could use your help today in art direction and composition.

  31. franchie

    I love you, I’m sorry

  32. franchie

    Thanks Bash

  33. generalinterest

    Just ignore him.

  34. sully

    yes franchie. please do.

  35. Jeff

    :arrow: franchie
    “you can have the comparaisons on the right in clicking on a flag”

    That information seems to be a little more accurate. :beer:

    I wonder though if they’re counting railways, airports and all the rest of that stuff as potential military strength. It could be I suppose but so could intangibles such as troop moral and strong leadership.

    Opposite of Obama, I am for doubling our current strength. I think we’re going to need it.

  36. franchie


    that’s ok, BUT not if he tells rubbish

  37. sully

    likewise, but that puts us right where we started since that’s all you post.

  38. franchie

    shadow, keep away

  39. Boo Boo

    Here’s some more food for thought, if only the MSM would report about his other “friends.”

  40. sully

    :arrow: Boo Boo

    Good catch.
    I’m pretty sure Obamanonuts is toast with the pro- Israel lobbies. That’s how he finally brought himself to put the flag pin on and ‘talk’ patriotism.
    His move to the center and capturing ‘moderates’ and ‘independents’ has become JOB #1 for him. His ‘associations’ are the only way to assess the content of his character and it falls way short.

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