Women Booted From Mariners Game Over Lesbian Kissing

May 29th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.

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17 Responses

  1. mark tanberg

    why would anyone want to kiss the thingwiththe glasses

  2. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Degenerate depravity of the society at a freaking baseball game. Just stupid. :mad:

  3. Jeff

    “Were you guys being inappropriate? No.”

    Well, ‘mom’ thought you were being so inappropriate, she called stadium cops and had you two tossed. Sorry ladies, you do not get to decide what is appropriate for the rest of us.

  4. Kevin

    That glasses chick is gnarly!

  5. David Marcoe

    The stadium is a private venue. They decide the rules. Personally, I wouldn’t think it was something big enough to get worked up over, but they should have known that if they are going to do something like that, right or wrong, they are going to attract attention. Acting indignant over that simple fact is idiotic. However, I do agree that if it could have been handled differently, it should have been. They were paying customers and I’m pretty sure there weren’t any signs posted with the stadium’s policy.

    On a personal level, it looks like Sabrina and her “girlfriend” are a couple of naive, self-righteous college girls going through the “I’m a lesbian!” phase that should wear off by senior year. :roll:

  6. K. Stewart

    “why would anyone want to kiss the thingwiththe glasses”

    Reminds me of the beginning to 2001: A Space Odyssey.


  7. rightangle

    I’m sure these two are agents of the gay mafia who haven’t forgotten the 2004 Focus on the Family pro taditional marriage rally hosted at SafeCo Field. Bet they are feeling emboldened by that damn :gun: 9th circuit ruling favoring gaymirage in Cal. I’ve heard they might even stage a kiss-in.

  8. 007

    What a waste and I am not talking about the Freak in the glasses!!!!

  9. Bill

    id pittb

  10. TJ (Honorary Lesbian)

    Hey this is nothing! a few years back a hetero couple decided to get naked and have intercourse at a Buffalo Bills Football game! :shock: when asked by reporters after they were arrested, the drunk idiot said” Hey, I love my lady and I dont care who knows it”, yeah, but we do care how you express it. I dont like watching heteros kiss either. but you know, these lesbos could have complained about the heteros kissing and Im sure the security would have warned them too. the point was that someone complained! I might have just kicked these girls asses myself. :lol:

  11. ken holton

    Read the ugly four eyes tee shirt “Hank”. like that country & western song says “I don’t think Hank did it this way”. Anyway, her liquor (read licker) license was revoked.

  12. tedders

    I don’t believe Hank is a girl. Hank is a butt ugly guy by any society’s standard. So gross!!

  13. Atom&Yves

    Who’s the guy in the glasses impersonating a lesbian?

  14. Kurt(the infidel)

    that sabrina chick was booted off the a shot at love with tila tequila like 2 weeks ago. guess after looking that hot chick she was so devestated that she went out and found a boy with va-jayjay instead

  15. David Ross

    Oh waahhh! Get over it. Been to many a game and never felt the overwhelming urge to start kissing my wife. Sick and F’in tired of the gay’s in society pushing their agenda on everyone.

  16. Marc

    See your run of the mill porno lesbian are never the ones kicked out of the games but these twits are.

  17. Phil N Blanx

    It wasn’t like they didn’t have a choice (I thought lib women liked that).

    Security asked them to stop kissing or they would have to leave.

    Dyke replied; Well, your going to have to kick us out then.

    WTF? Ya can’t control youself long enough to watch a baseball game without kissing? Her biggest problem ain’t being a lesbian. She’s a certifiable sex addict.

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