WTF? British, US Trade Unions To Merge

May 25th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.


Why do I have a funny feeling this is a very bad idea….

Britain’s biggest trade union is set to announce a merger with a US counterpart to eventually create the first global labour organisation, a press report said Sunday.

The planned tie-up between Britain’s Unite and United Steelworkers (USW) in the United States is designed to better protect workers against the effects of globalisation, the Sunday Telegraph said.

Unite has two million members in Britain and the Republic of Ireland working for major companies including oil giant BP and Rolls Royce, while USW has more than one million members in the United States and Canada.

The paper said the two unions had finalised the details of a “framework agreement” and a formal alliance would be unveiled at a USW convention in Las Vegas in July.

The two unions view the merger as the first step towards a global union that could take in labour movements from the world’s emerging markets in eastern Europe, Latin America and Asia, the report added.

The plans also reflect recognition among union officials in Britain and the United States that as a cross-border body they would be stronger in negotiations with multi-national companies, the Sunday Telegraph said.

Unite was unavailable for comment.


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11 Responses

  1. Spitfire

    Yeah this is terrible.

    There economy has been plummeting. Meanwhile, back in the US, we’ve been doing amazing, financially.


  2. Paula, KY

    Seems the New World Order is moving right along. :gun: :gun:

  3. Chandler

    The baby steps to the World Union and the New World Order.

  4. Paslode

    We sit and watch as our country is given away day by day, piece by piece…..un-fucking real.

  5. Egfrow

    Worker’s Parties of the World Unite! Viva la Revolution!

  6. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Not good. Not good at all.

  7. alex

    yes it is a bad idea because the brits have absolutely shit workers rights and conditions.the government in australia attempted to make our rights and conditions similar to the brits.

  8. Kurt(the infidel)

    Wow i agree, horrible idea!

    new world order

  9. danielle


  10. ken holton

    :arrow: Alex, the US has no idea the shit fight they will cause. US, say no way!

  11. Mike Mose

    Does anyone think that the Chinese will join this union or will every manufacturing job in the world move to the Pacific rim?

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