WTF? WTF Is This? Was She Raped? Or What!!?

May 16th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

Okay, I’m not a usually naive guy, and I can spot fakes a lot of times, but I just don’t think this is fake, and this is really fucking with me.

Does anyone know anything about this? Is it real? Is it fake?

There is one weak spot I have in my life and it is for protecting little girls. I have four sons, and one daughter. My 8 year old daughter is my Angel Princess. Sounds weird, I know, coming from me, but she is the one thing in this whole world that, in my mind and inside me, is pure and true.

If there is one part of Bash that is my achilles heel, my “thing I can’t take” it is seeing poor defenseless young women and girls being preyed upon.

If this is real I want to see this girl get help. If it is fake then…I don’t know what to say…

This fucked with me, big time.

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12 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    I dont believe this is fake for a second. seems very genuine and wow, you could just see and hear her pain. messed with me too and i hope she gets the help she is looking for

  2. 007

    I seen this on Fox eather yesterday or the day before? But they did report It. It does not make It true though.

  3. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    The way she delivers her side of the story/facts does not sound rehearsed or crafted. She stays too on target to be making it up and following some sort of script.

    However, IF this IS a fake, she needs to be punished … and gotten some mental help.

    If she did it to show her ‘acting talented’ … she just may have had her one and only Oscar moment.

    I’ll cut her some slack … Wouldn’t be the first time Fla. dropped the ball in prosecuting people down there.

  4. Jeff

    “The teen, whom CNN interviewed but is not identifying by her last name, is among dozens of young people who are turning to social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace to talk about sexual assault.”

    Appears to be very real.

  5. mike3481

    Well…people will call the Fla. Gov.’s and the Atty. Gen.’s office.

    …and whether or not this is true, WILL be known

    …”you can’t stop the signal”, (yeah, a movie line, but it fits)

    …if it’s true, that kiddie raper better start running for his life

    …about 24 hrs. ago.

  6. Jeff

    I guess I could have put the link in with my last post. :oops:

  7. Typical White Texas Mom

    That really sucks. Where is her mother?

    Even if it was consentual as the state attorney stated (in the CNN article supplied by Jeff - Thanks), she was not 16 yet. She is not old enough to have “consentual sex” with a 23 year old guy - period.

    If I were her mother, he would be dead - or without a penis - whichever came first.

  8. Jack

    I personally think it is fake but it still deserves looking into, I’m glad it has gotten the attention it has. If it is true though, it’s a great reason to take a page from the ancient Romans and make a penal corp so the fucker can die and have his blood taint some shithole land instead of the United States’.

  9. franchie

    “If she did it to show her ‘acting talented’ … she just may have had her one and only Oscar moment”

    It’s also my impression

    She is a bit too talkative for a person that is in pain

  10. Jeff

    This article names her alleged attacker.

  11. franchie

    ok, then my Apologies

  12. Jeff

    :arrow: franchie
    ok, then my Apologies

    Ah, no need. :beer: When I first saw the video, I got the same impressions you and many others did. It was only after doing some research that I found out otherwise. Very depressing.

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