A Hussein Presidency Will Set Race Relations Back Decades

June 1st, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


News By Us:

by Warner Ted Houston

I know some conservative Republicans who almost wouldn’t mind if Barack Obama does win the White House in November. Their theory is that once we as a nation elect a black man to the White House, that election will forever eliminate the claim that Americans are racist because we won’t elect a black man to that office. On its face, it seems a logical theory. In practice, however, it will not work. Not with this black man, not with Barack Obama. If Obama becomes president of the United States, his disastrous time in office will set race relations back 50 years.

First of all—and there is just no other way to way this—the man is a liar. He claims to want to solve our partisan strife, doesn’t he? He claims he wants to work with Congress instead of against the other party. He is supposedly the man of “change” and “hope.” If you do a web search for “Obama reach across the aisle” you’ll get thousands upon thousands of hits. The general perception that Obama has succeeded in fostering is that he does, indeed, want to “reach across the aisle.”

Unfortunately for all of us, it is all a giant lie.

As a legislator, Barack Obama has absolutely no history of working with anyone “across the aisle.” There are instances when he has occasionally made statements that have seemed to auger support for an idea that is supported by the Republicans, but when ever it has come down to actual votes, his is always a straight up, far left, liberal vote. He has never worked with anyone on the other side of the aisle on anything. And there is no reason to suspect he’ll suddenly start such a practice upon stepping into the White House, either.

Worse, we have seen the sort of people he’s surrounded himself with and none of them are folks on the other side of the aisle. He is close friends with racists (Rev. Wright, Louis Farrakhan), he has the support of aging hippies who were domestic terrorists in their youth (William Ayres, Bernadine Dohrn), he has even invited a young fellow who was mentioned as a communist while at Harvard to be his official campaign blogger (Sam Graham-Felsen). Then we get to his wife who is famous for having said that she was never “proud of America” until her hubby ran for president. She has also said things to disparage capitalism and called the country “mean.” But does Obama have any close associates and supporters who are Republicans, even moderate ones? No. Not a single one. And further more, he never has.

Then we add this little fact: Obama has rarely stood up to be counted on much of anything in his whole political career. He has never been a major activist for any cause. He has never led a movement or pushed an organized, identifiable agenda. He has no past of true leadership. His past is almost a blank slate.

So, what sort of president will he make? And why do I say he will set race relations back 50 years?

A Barack Obama presidency will be one filled with one extreme left idea after another. He will strengthen our enemies, most likely try to gut our military, undermine the economy, raise taxes, and inflate government spending on pointless give-aways and welfare programs. He will find mounting resistance from Republicans and moderates because of it. He will repeatedly stumble with foreign policy making himself look the fool. God help us if a terror attack happens during his presidency, because his response will be a fiasco.

And what will be the result? The right will eviscerate him. And his response will be to continue the whining that he has done thus far in the campaign. He will moan that he is being “attacked” and will lament that everyone is so mean to him. With that, his supporters will point fingers at everyone else and claim racism with every attack on their demi-god, Barack.

We already have a parallel by which to gauge what will happen in this country should Barack Obama get elected: O.J. Simpson. The so-called trial of the century is a perfect template by which to measure what will happen between black and white in this country after Obama takes the White House.

You’ll recall that guilt and innocence closely followed the racial divide between black and white while the O.J. trial was on going. Blacks by and large assumed he was innocent of the charges of murder. Oh, they didn’t necessarily know what the evidence against him was, nor did they care. The assumptions of innocence that many blacks evinced for O.J. was built on their feelings that whites are racists and that, therefore, O.J. must be being railroaded by the white establishment. Worse, there were many blacks that didn’t even care if O.J. was guilty. they wanted him free just to get even with the white justice system that they so despised. By and large, blacks in America gave O.J. a pass and his case was used as a way to attack the legal system quite regardless of the merits and evidence of the case.

Many whites, on the other hand, felt he was guilty based on the evidence they heard. There was little if any bias against O.J.’s race mentioned among whites. In fact, few people even thought of O.J. as a typical black man at all. He’d been around so long that he was thought of as just O.J. not as “that black guy O.J.” But, every white person who said O.J. was guilty was deemed a racist in the view of the nation’s black population.

You’ll find that this will happen with Barack Obama. Every time he makes a fool of himself in front of a foreign leader, whites will be called racists for pointing it out. Every time his wife is heard to confirm how much she hates this country, it will be the fault of whites for asking her why she is so filled with hate. With every legislative failure and internal scandal, whites will be attacked as being mean to Barack.

It will get very tiresome. It will get so tiresome that whites who would never have a racist thought in their minds will begin to have unkind thoughts of Barack’s racemongering supporters. And this will be reflected upon every black person in the country. Blacks will have their hate-whitey feelings further entrenched (just as they did during the O.J. trial) and whites will find frustration with the foolish, blind support of a president that is obviously a failure. And for those who truly are racists, the debacle of an Obama presidency will give them the excuse to say that they have proof that blacks are not up to the pressures of being president.

After the last days of a Barack Obama presidency, we will see race relations taking a giant step backward. So, I say to my Republican readers who think that an Obama presidency might be helpful for race relations in America; it isn’t going to happen. Sadly, just the opposite will occur.

A President Barack Obama will nearly ruin race relations in America.

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17 Responses

  1. SOC

    Left wing appeasers will always find fault with something in our election system. That is no reason to elect the greatest detriment to American politics since US Grant. You think corruption is there now, wait till the liberals take over
    they are the biggest appeasers and give away artist who ever stood on two feet. Imagine Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barbara Boxer, Barney what’ his name, the gay blade, 4 more years
    with Obama and god knows whoever as VP. God help us!

  2. Old Chief

    As more and more comes out on Obama, I don’t know how anyone could vote for him. I am really starting to question his vaunted intelligence too. He never published anything at Harvard as a member of the Law review, and I wonder what his class rank was. The Emperor is starting to look more naked than a Jay bird. If he gets the nomination, it could be the worst defeat in the history of American politics.

    Or at least, I hope so

  3. Mike Swann

    Who cares about race relations? I am more concerned about our economic & military strength. Race is small potatos in this world.

    This guy does not have what it takes to lead. If he does get in, his cadre of puppeteers looks pretty bleak too.

  4. Mike Swann

    To Old Chief: What do they call a law school student that graduates last in his class? Attorney.

  5. jarhead68

    :arrow: SOC: Replace US Grant with Jimmy Carter and you be right.

  6. Jeff

    “It will get very tiresome…..”

    It WILL get? It GOT….a long time ago.

  7. Goodbye Natalie

    It will get so tiresome that whites who would never have a racist thought in their minds will begin to have unkind thoughts of Barack’s racemongering supporters.

    I’ll be brutally honest. The first 40 years of my life, I tried to remain “pure” about judging by content.

    But the last seven years of everything from having my daughter bullied by a bunch of black thugs, then being accused of being insensitive to past “oppressions” when I complained, to black punks terrorizing my elderly neighbors while driving around with Jena 6 signs in their back window, to run ins with a few from the hood, to working with black racists and their incessant whining when they couldn’t carry the load in corporate America got me there a few years back.

    While I’m not going to broadbrush every black in America and am old enough to realize every race, creed and color has its good and its bad, there is a black “attitude” prevalent in our country and I, for one, am growing real tired of it.

    Like I’ve said before, if that makes me a racist, so be it.

  8. NV Sailor

    A friend of mine found and sent this to me a couple of weeks ago, I don’t know if the reverend is who he says he is, but it meshes with this article.

    Barack Hussein Obama Warning: A black preacher warning white America not to vote for Obama.


  9. NV Sailor

    A friend of mine sent me this a couple of weeks ago. I don’t know if the reverend in the video is all that he says it is, but it meshes with this article.

    Barack Hussein Obama Warning: a black preacher warning white America not to vote for Obama.

  10. Mike Mose

    Just like every Dem leader, Carter and Clinton come to mind here, Obama will blame all problems on someone else. It will be Bush’s fault, it will be Cheney’s fault, it will be the senates fault, it will be the House’s fault. With all the problems that he has caused to happen in his campaign ,has anyone heard him say “That is my fault”

    His own words, his wifes words, his pastors words (all of them), it’s someone else’s fault.

    When you look at the man it is hard to believe that the Dems can’t find anyone better than that.

  11. Tom in CO

    I believe Morgan Freeman said it best: “Freeman’s views on racism were a bit more complicated. When asked by Wallace how we could get rid of racism, Freeman shot back a simple answer. ‘Stop talking about it,’ he said. ‘I’m going to stop calling you a white man. And I’m going to ask you to stop calling me a black man. I know you as Mike Wallace. You know me as Morgan Freeman.’”

    Hear that Dems, stop talking about racism and sexism and get to fucking POLITICS. SHOW ME that you can actually guide the country, not call us names and blame the Republicans for everything you didn’t get done or forgot to do.

  12. Irish Gal

    Come on now Tom, you KNOW our brains are very different, just ask Rev. Wright.

  13. Nick1970

    :arrow: Natalie

    I hear you. I have had many black friends (male and female) myself, but there is a black “attitude” in this country that no one likes to talk about, but has nearly boiled to the surface during this election, and which will only get worse if Hussein is elected. I once had to work at a Shell station in the “Hood” near New Orleans a few years ago, and it was one of the WORST experiences of my life. The blacks there were some of the rudest, most arrogant, intolerant, and bigoted people I have ever dealt with. Even now, though I have a better job in Houston, most blacks I deal with, even the nicer ones, tend to be obsessed with race to an extent, and often are locked into that “us-versus-the-world” herd mentality. And I long ago learned not to discuss politics with black co-workers, who almost always tend to the far left (again, that “herd” mentality).

    Unfortunately, I don’t see race relations improving any time soon in this country; they are going to get worse regardless of what happens to Hussein’s candidacy, thanks to him & his white liberal apologists in the media & the Democrat party.

  14. jasjfarrell

    An Nobama presidency will not bring the races together. It will cause a further rift. He is not presidential material, although I don’t know who is any more. I think the democrats hate George Bush so much, and they want power so much, that they will elect the devil. They are about to do so. Formentatation.

  15. sully

    Set race relations backward decades? They’ve not advanced in decades. Pretty much since Jesse Jackson Sr. started the whole race-baiting phenom.

    Obama and Jesse Jr. have a new plan….

    You don’t tell whitey ‘go fuck yourself give me power’, that just frightens them;
    you get power by telling whitey what he wants to hear while politely making him feel guilty over white assholes enslaving us 150 years ago and THEN, after they even make one of us POTUS, you tell whitey ‘go fuck yourself’.

    Rules For Radicals 101.

  16. Tom in CO


    my bad… ;)

  17. Dave M.

    And the killer lie?
    Barack ain’t no Black man. He’s an Arab.
    He’s just pretending to be “Black” because that makes him
    more electable. He owns “black liberation struggles” about as
    much as Bin Laden.
    You can read about his genealogy here:

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