Anti-Gun Campaigner Stabbed To Death

June 2nd, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Gee…maybe if she were carrying a gun, she’d be alive…

UK: Anti-gun campaigner Pat Regan has been found stabbed to death at her home.

Pat’s 20-year-old grandson, who suffers from mental health problems, was arrested on suspicion of murder and is in police custody after her body was found in her flat on Marlborough Grange, Leeds, at 7pm last night.

It’s believed he was arrested earlier yesterday in connection with an unrelated stabbing at Leeds railway station.

A 45-year-old railway staff worker was treated in hospital for a stab wound to his arm after he challenged a man for trespassing at the station at 11.28am yesterday.

Tributes to Mrs Regan poured in from across the country following news of her death.


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11 Responses

  1. Kentucky Jim

    She was 45 and her grandson was 20. Hmmm.

  2. Kurt(the infidel)

    The UK will probably end up anti-knife now too

  3. The Angry Redneck

    Twas’nt the knife that killed her…twas irony that killed the beast.

  4. deathstar

    Guns save lives.

  5. Molly

    :arrow: Kentucky Jim

    The railway worker is 45, not that guy’s mom.

    They have a lot of stabbings in the UK it would seem. I just read about a 15 year old girl that was found stabbed to death in an elevator in London.

  6. sully

    When knives are outlawed, only outlaws will have knives.

  7. Lone Wolf

    :arrow: Kurt(the infidel)

    There’s no “probably” about it:

    The government won’t rest until all of the law-abiding citizens are completely disarmed, leaving them completely defenseless against all criminals and…. well, gee, the government too, I guess.

  8. GregGS

    They’ve been on the knife outlaw stuff for a while, the average joe in the UK can not carry a knife for “defense” because the UK mind set is that all objects created to be used as weapons are considered “offensive” weapons thus they are illegal. You do not have the right to defend yourself in the UK with a offensive weapon, you can only defend yourself with a non-weapon like a shoe or rolling pin on skillet. Only sanctioned authorities can carry weapons. Or a knife that is used in your job. handymen can carry tool knifes like leatherman tools. The UK is a prime example of Liberal PC pacifism gone to tumor. It’s spreading out till death and they haven’t even begun to diagnose the problem correctly.

  9. franchie

    knives are also illegal by us, (despite the law, I have a nice little one in my bag)

    the problem is that the youngs use them a bit aleatory in the play-grounds

    But Dogs are allowed, got a small one that uses her teeth quite politically corrected

  10. Goodbye Natalie


    You don’t have one of those ill-tempered, nappy-headed poodles, do you? If so man, we are going to have to work on you some more. Don’t you know carrying around a fifi dog makes you look like a poof?

    Get yourself a German Shephard, a Lab, a Dobie…some real man’s dog. Piss all over those lap dogs…

  11. franchie

    funny, Goodbye Nat!

    no poodle at home, but american doggies : Boston-terriers, I tell you they have temper, they are also agilitist champions

    I used to have Beaucerons (bas-rouge) they are shepherd dogs, also used in the army and police ; they are known not to be afraid to jump with their master within parachutism operations, (unlike the other sort of dogs)

    They are quite gentle, though strong and “brutal” as defensive

    I got no more of them, too big for my business, and need a lot of exercices, that we can’t provide them anymore

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