AP News Alert: Obama Clinches Democrat Nomination

June 3rd, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Seems like the AP has really had it in for Hillary this morning. In fact, it may be no accident that they ran this alert in less than an hour after Hillary said their last report about her “concession” was 100% wrong.

WASHINGTON (AP) - Barack Obama has effectively clinched the Democratic presidential nomination, based on an Associated Press tally of convention delegates.

The tally put Obama over the top Tuesday, ahead of the results from the day’s final primaries in Montana and South Dakota. The Illinois senator becomes the first black candidate ever to lead his party into a fall campaign for the White House. Obama outlasted former first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton in a historic contest and now faces Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona for the presidency.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information.

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7 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    NO HE HASN’T. Denver is waiting. The dirt is coming.

    The hussein will be seen as unelectable and many delegates will switch and vote for hillary at the convention.

    > The will say they wanted to vote for the messiah, but, with what is being said about him, they had do what is best for the party and nominate the candidate with the best chance to defeat McCain, which as you know will be just 4 more years of George Bush.

  2. sully

    But he seems like such an inadequate black male.

  3. Will

    He pretty much has it in the bag.

    But I do love how Hilary is just handing this shit to McCain.

    Good job!!! :beer:

  4. The Angry Redneck

    He really makes me nauseaus…I find it difficult to understand how people can’t see him for what he really is.

  5. RC

    He talks about struggle and change in the same lying breath so often it sounds to me like he wants to bring the Caliphate to Washington DC. Islamists everywhere are beating themselves in frenzied anticipation.. “this is our moment! Allahu Akbar!”

    Obama can shove his pseudo-ideas of change up his asinine marxist arse.

  6. sully

    Bush and our brave military have made it possible for the likes of the Obamabots to feel secure enough to spend our liberty on pandering freaks like Obama and their feel good fuzzy politics.

  7. alex

    lets just hope the hilderbeest buries him alive with that dirt :twisted:

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