Arab Muslims Humiliating French Cops - Happens Daily

June 12th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

According to the poster of this video, Arab Muslims humiliating cops like this is a daily occurrence.

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10 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    What a gay looking cop car. Get some real wheels. If he tried that shit in this country he’d be in jail right now…

  2. Professor Bill

    If he tried that even here in libtard California he’d get his ass kicked and then taken to jail. That was truly pathetic.

  3. franchie

    “The “Unsa” Police (union) claims that instructions were given to the CRS to avoid practice controls in sensitive areas of the suburbs. The direction of the police denies…”

    The CRS asked to show a low profile in the suburbs

    I imagine my sceptical fellows awaiting me in that corner :lol:

    I won’t deny that our “police” is the weak link of our repressive system since the 1968 years.

    This is correlated with the end of Algeria war when our police had a bad reputation : the treatments were not equal wether you were French or Arab.

    Even a few decades after, the same persons were still in place and still practice their colonial princips.

    got an exemple for myself :

    When we were young married, we lived in Marseille aeras ; a concert by the russian red army was planned. I issue the wish to attend it. For his work my man had to meet the Marseille police Komissar, in the discussion he talk of my desire for the russian concert, that “Commissaire Berurier” said he could provide us free tickets, under one condition that I would go and meet that “evil” Kommissar. Of course we paid our tickets.

    Then the new policemen were lectured not to behave in old-fashion ways.

    Plus the fact that French people felt guilty toward their former colonial empire, each police slippage was in the papers, that didn’t help the police to exerce its prerogatives.

    In the seventies, the immigrants behave, till the nineties. It’s the third generation that has no respect, also some french indigens, especially in the “hot” surburbs.

    None of our governments wanted to see the problem, they pushed it further with subventions. Yet, the Sarkozy election was the result of a global “fed-up” ; he promissed to clean the surburbs with a karscher. The far-right votants made the difference between Segolene’s voters and his’ : he won.

    Now, we still can’t see the effects of his promisses.

    Only illegal immigration and islamists are treated.

  4. SOC

    Ridiculous. Digging their own grave. This would happen 5 minutes in Dallas/Ft. Worth or Dade county. These boys need to be bitch slapped….several times.. Muslins goat fucking pricks

  5. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    WTF was that?
    No testicles in Frenchie land?
    Just appease, appease, appease. :roll:

  6. franchie

    marc, still, on the net :lol:

    the problem is that the police depends on the municipalities

    and if you recall the last elections for the mayors, you could see that a lage majority went lefties, (people didn’t vote for a policy but for a person they know ; as the kind of situation requierts lot of spare time, only persons in administrations manage to become invested).

    so imagine a police directed by lefties (the mayors are often a former teacher)

    till the next revolution :lol:

  7. Tom

    The coming Islamification of Europe will take place in such tiny little bites, which is appropriate for such a gastronomic super power as France. The police run away, the non Muslim women start to wear veils rather than be harassed, Bardot is put in jail…each a little step forward for Islam and a step backwards for French identity. Leftists will wring their hands with guilt and ignore the honor killings, the rapes and the horrors of Medieval Islam being practiced in the boundaries of the Republique. The final irony will be how Islam treats its erstwhile leftist allies when power is finally in its hands. Atheism, good wine and gay rights are not highly valued in Islam, alas.

    Many French will leave their country. Others will submit. (The word “Islam” means submission…)

    Au revoir, les enfants.

  8. franchie

    “Many French will leave their country.”, OK, we’ll go to the US, and bring you our “savoir-vivre” (again ?) :mrgreen:

    Atheism, which means by us Laicism will make that we remain aware of our independance with any bigoted religious

    the youth that are “humiliating” the cobs here, don’t care of religion, they just were breed in the belef that France owes them a moral compensation for our colonial past.

    They are under 18 years old, because they cannot be condamned under this age. You would be surprised how they calm down after their fatidic birthday

  9. Tom

    It is sad to see the French police being chased away by a skinny boy on a mini-bike.

    We know this is not a one time thing. It happens everyday all over France and many other parts of Europe. Malvo, Sweden has areas where the police do not even bother to enter any longer.

    Humiliating. Allahuakbar!

    Islam will rule.

  10. Barb

    “owes them a moral compensation” Sounds familiar. :shock:

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