Astrology And Vodka Clarify Election Results - With Video
The Swamp:
It was in the stars, some say, that Hillary Clinton would have to concede defeat to Barack Obama.
She is a Scorpio.
And the general election contest?
Well, it appears to be a virtual tie, according to the astrological record, a tie which diviners of such matters propose settling with the elements. Bear with us:
The astrological record of presidential elections suggests that Leos, such as Obama, prevail in contests with Scorpios.
So say the people at ZODIAC Vodka - and let’s be clear, here, that we have not taken the time to verify their research. We will gladly leave this one to the makers of the “luxury potato vodka handcrafted and distilled in Idaho” - which is a red state, stars aside.
So who are they betting on now?
“The inevitable and unprecedented McCain/Obama or Virgo/Leo match-up has never before been seen in a U.S. election,” says Kimberly Ashton, of Ink Foundry PR, on behalf of the distiller. “Virgo has a win average of 33 percent, three points below Leo.”
That’s within the astrological margin of error, for sure.
Here’s the fun part:
“With such a marginal difference, the elemental factor had to be taken into account: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water,” Ashton explains, taking us into a whole other swamp of extraterrestial political science-fiction. “Fire (Obama) has been a historical tie breaker, making him ZODIAC Vodka’s predicted 44th president.”
Seems clear as vodka to us.
McCain a virgo ?
I tell ya that he will not concede his space to a leo
June 6th, 2008 at 2:56 pmthere might come some killing ironical points at a long teethed king
yo, I know I am going to get a lot of shit for this, but, I think the movie hair is cool. Not because of its bullshit political message but because 70s funk is the catchiest music ever invented.
As far as the article goes - if i were to create an analytical argument about a pseudo-science - someones astrological sign would have nothing to do with whether they will win or not because all the other signs will be the ones doing the voting. In astrology - as far as I know (or care to know)- there is no leader sign, so, someones sign should not matter for shit. But anyway, vodka is cool.
June 6th, 2008 at 3:11 pmWho else was hoping the cops were going to draw and mow down every hippie on the screen?
June 6th, 2008 at 3:22 pmwow the hippie in me loves this shit, but only the getting tore up and frolicking part, i am officially an apolitical hippy, far out….
June 6th, 2008 at 6:20 pm