Video: “Worried” Bob Beckel Predicts Michelle Obama Bombshell Tomorrow

June 3rd, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

The “Whitey” Tape? Worse?

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26 Responses

  1. Mr. Standfast

    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  2. sully

    Sign at Obama HQ: “Whatever Michelle says is the message.”

    Bambi can always throw her under the bus too.

    ALL these Dhimmis are freaks. And wtf with Beckel? Wasn’t he manager of that hugely successful Mondale campaign? :roll:

  3. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    It’s coming from the Republicans?!?!?!?!!!!

    Gimmie a fucking break!

  4. Kurt(the infidel)

    i hope its the whitey tape and something even worse, one right after the other. maybe his wife will be the iceberg to his titanic :mrgreen:

  5. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: Kurt(the infidel)

    You, son, are a friggin’ comic genius! :lol: :lol: :beer: :gun:

  6. AmericanJarhead

    Here’s hoping for a good one! Kaboom!

  7. Vehement

    Iiinnnt’resting. :lol: :twisted:

  8. Paslode

    I pray it is one spectactular bomb shell of reverse racism…..or that she comes out of the closet that she is a man.

  9. Steve in NC

    Do not be surprised, We know why hillary has stayed in fighting, not giving up, just in case (or when) this kind of thing hits. It has to hit between tonight after the final polls close, and before the d’rat festival in Denver. It will be claimed to come from the McCain camp or Republicans in general.
    It will be the assassination she warned about, but in political terms, not like Vincent Foster.

    Bob beckel is an ass and a neo-communist. He developed the super delegate system, which is in simple terms a way for the party elite to not follow the vote of it’s members.


  10. momps

    unfortunately if it’s “whitey tape” you know they’ll pass the blame to repubs for digging up the tape and it will “unite the party”

  11. The Angry Redneck

    I would love for it to be the “whitey” tapes…he’s going to be as bad-off as a rubber-nosed woodpecker in a petrified forest!

  12. The Angry Redneck

    And someone please explain to me what “reverse racism” is…I’m confused.

  13. Tom

    I believe that the tape exists, is bad but not horrible. Beckel and operatives will make it sound HORRIBLE. They pump up expectations of how bad it is.

    Then it comes out and…

    “oh, not as bad as I thought.”

    They are getting out in front of it. But it is not going to change things massively.


  14. dad3-7

    she has been keeping on a low profile as of late…hmmmm

  15. Goodbye Natalie

    It won’t matter to the bobble-heads in the Obama camp but it would at least expose the truth of how corrupt the entire Obambi Klan is.

    I hold little hope for America in the short run. What libs need and the only thing they understand is pain in their own pathetic lives.

    Remember 9/11? Short lived but a reminder to how lame these people really are.

  16. The Angry Redneck

    GN…excellent point! But how many blamed 9/11 on our foreign policy? I think it will take a grassroot effort to let these assholes know that us gun-toting, bible-reading, hard-working, blue-collar Conservatives are tired of watching the dilution of America. We want our borders closed, our Rights preserved, our taxes at a minimum, and our Government small and out of our business.

  17. RTLM

    Will Obama toss M-Bama under the bus?

    Like his Grandmother, Rev. Wright, Rev. Pfleger, Trinity United, etc…)

  18. RTLM

    I wouldn’t mind getting drunk with Beckel. Except he says he doesn’t drink.

  19. fan

    Even if there is a tape, its a right wing conspiracy - video edited , its not really what she said ..etc , etc, the MSM will help them spin it, prble produce a special showing how people can create fake videos from scratch. Rumors still swirl that Hillary is open to the VP spot. Many of the women will still vote for an Obama/Hillary ticket. To those of us on this site it is clear what Obama is, but remember most dems that vote dem, dont deal in facts. I dont think it will have much impact.

  20. Will

    DO you really think its gonna be a Obama/Clinton ticket though?

    I mean I know she has alotta influence and all but come on…

  21. Zeke Eagle

    “Obama/Clinton ticket” T’would serve him right.

    What will the former VP new President Hitlery wear to the funeral?

  22. Will

    A pantsuit. :gun:

  23. Will

    A pantsuit. :gun:

  24. fan

    Hillary as VP, I think its at least 50/50. Billary have always been about power or spotlight. We know she didn’t move to NY because she really loved it. It was a calculated move, just like everything about Billary. She knew she could get an easy win for Senator, and then run for Pres. She might decide that if Obama without her loses to McCain, McCains vp would have a good chance of winning in 2012. This may be her best chance at being the center of attention for a little longer even if she is vp for 8 years.

  25. sully

    “I wouldn’t mind getting drunk with Beckel. Except he says he doesn’t drink.”

    Maybe a reformed drinker. The way he talks there is no way that face hasn’t been slapped ALOT for improper advances toward women and punched for mouthin’ off while drunk.

  26. momps

    When’s this going to hit?!?!?!? that’s some fallout i’m looking forward to

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