Brits Use Controversial AGM-114 Hellfire On Taliban (Hell, Yeah!) - With Video

June 23rd, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Dude…this thing sucks the air out of victims, shreds their internal organs and crushes their bodies…then incinerates them…muuwahahaaaaa….fucking fried piglets. Can never have too many of those…

From Times Online:

British forces in Afghanistan have used one of the world’s most deadly and controversial missiles to fight the Taliban.

Apache attack helicopters have fired the thermobaric weapons against fighters in buildings and caves, to create a pressure wave which sucks the air out of victims, shreds their internal organs and crushes their bodies.

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has admitted to the use of the weapons, condemned by human rights groups as “brutal”, on several occasions, including against a cave complex.

Bash here: Brutal? Brutal!? Decapitation by rusty pocket knife is brutal you ignorant FUCKS! This is humane, especially considering the targets.

The use of the Hellfire AGM-114N weapons has been deemed so successful they will now be fired from RAF Reaper unmanned drones controlled by “pilots” at Creech air force base in Nevada, an MoD spokesman added.

Thermobaric weapons, or vacuum bombs, were first combat-tested by the Soviet Union in Afghanistan in the 1980s and their use by Russia against civilians in Chechnya in the 1990s was condemned worldwide.

The secret decision to buy the Hellfire AGM-114N missiles was made earlier this year following problems attacking Taliban fortified positions.

British Apache pilots complained that standard Hellfire antitank missiles were going straight through buildings and out of the other side. Even when they did explode, there were limited casualties among the Taliban inside, particularly when a building contained a number of rooms.

American Apache pilots overcame the problem in Iraq with the thermobaric Hellfire.

Fukn-A, right!

The weapons are so controversial that MoD weapons and legal experts spent 18 months debating whether British troops could use them without breaking international law.

Eventually, they decided to get round the ethical problems by redefining the weapons.

“We no longer accept the term thermobaric [for the AGM-114N] as there is no internationally agreed definition,” said an MoD spokesman. “We call it an enhanced blast weapon.”


The redefinition has allowed British forces to use the weapons legally, but is undermined by the publicity of their manufacturer, Lockheed Martin, which markets them as thermobaric.

When the American military bought them in 2005, President George W Bush said: “There are going to be some awfully surprised terrorists when the thermobaric Hellfire comes knocking.”

The laser-guided missile has a warhead packed with fluorinated aluminium powder surrounding a small charge.

When it hits the target, the charge disperses the aluminium powder throughout the target building. The cloud then ignites, causing a massive secondary blast that tears throughout any enclosed space.

The blast creates a vacuum which draws air and debris back in, creating pressure of up to 430lb per sq in. The more heavily the building is protected, the more concentrated the blast.

The cloud of burning aluminium powder means victims often die from asphyxiation before the pressure shreds their organs.

Jim Gribschaw, Lockheed Martin’s programme director for air-to-ground missiles systems, said the thermobaric Hellfire was “capable of reaching around corners to strike enemy forces hiding in caves, bunkers and hardened multi-room complexes.”

Human Rights Watch argues they are “particularly brutal” and that their blast “makes it virtually impossible for civilians to take shelter”.

Fuck you…

The MoD said: “We are conscious of the controversial aspects [of this weapon] but it is being used sparingly and under strict circumstances where it is deemed appropriate by the commander on the ground.”

A spokesman added that it could “achieve objectives with the minimum coalition casualties and reduced collateral damage”.

(Times Online)

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27 Responses

  1. AmericanJarhead

    I hope they use them exclusively. Blow the crap out of the whole area.

  2. Lone Wolf

    Using low effectiveness weapons is unethical because it prolongs the conflict and ends up getting more people killed. You can’t avoid “civilian” casualties when the terrorists hide behind women and children and in mosques because they know we are reluctant to attack them there. Al Qaeda obviously considers them legitimate combatants, so we should take them at their word. They certainly consider all of us kuffar legitimate targets.

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    Fuel-air explosives are the “bomb” Tee-hee. I made a pun…

    WTF are the weasel libs talking about? I suppose burning someone alive or serving a baked child is the better option. Or maybe suicide bombers or the sawing off of a human’s head while still alive is cool. Or how about gutting a man or child while still alive and ripping out their insides? Guess that’s OK too huh?

    Yeah, so long as the west plays by the Marques of Queensbury rules with one hand tied behind their backs all is well. While the enemy uses terror, torture and murder as
    their battle doctrine.

    In wars against Islamists you don’t play by our rules, you play by their rules shitbirds.

  4. jarhead68

    When do we take the gloves…er…handcuffs off and start fighting to win? :gun: :gun:

  5. Unbreakable

  6. Molly

    Civilian casualties are unfortunate but not always preventable. Bottom line, it’s either kill or be killed.

  7. Q_Mech

    Shred, crush, enhanced-blast, smoosh… Yeah - do all that stuff.

    Oh, and they can keep that bullshit about the Russians doing things in Chechnya that were “condemned worldwide”. Nobody “condemned” a damn thing. The Russians invaded the small muslim nation of Chechnya not once but twice, used massed artillery attacks against civilians and arguably did more to “create terrorists” than anything else in our lifetime. Many of the tactics used against our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan were used first in Chechnya.

    Meanwhile, there wasn’t jack shit in the way of “international condemnation” for anything that europe did in Chechnya. The same brain-dead, TV-following fucktards that poured into the streets to protest the Iraq war didn’t do a goddamned thing about europe’s multiple invasions of Chechnya.

    Cry me a fucking river, you brain-dead, decadent, euro-hypocrites.

    And for the record, I’m a big fan of using weapons, “brutal” or otherwise, against anyone who teaches children to behead people and then films it to show the world. :evil:

  8. 007

    It sucks to be them!!!!

  9. mart (just another infidel)

    “The laser-guided missile has a warhead packed with fluorinated aluminium powder surrounding a small charge.”

    Cool…. “fluorinated aluminum powder” helps fight cavities too. :razz:

  10. AmericanJarhead

    The whole civilian casualties thing is getting old. You’d think civilians would know better than to be caught anywhere near a target. It makes you wonder just what the civilian is doing so close to these spontaneously exploding bastards.

  11. tedders

    Dead is dead whether it’s fluorinated aluminum powder or lead. What’s the big deal? Kill the terrorists enemy, as many and as fast as possible, overwhelm them with death and destruction. Only then will they see the err of their way and rehabilitate themselves to be better members of society. If they don’t come around then overwhelm them with death and destruction.

  12. steve m

    Nice! - I agree, dead is dead. Screw opinions of bleeding heart morons. :gun: :gun: rock on!

  13. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    I like this humane bomb. Gone instantly. No better way to go. No time to even pray to the false god allah. :gun: :twisted:

  14. brovato

    use the mfer and fuck the UN and any other bleeding heart fuckface out there! :gun: :gun: :beer: :beer:

  15. Goodbye Natalie

    Human Rights Watch argues they are “particularly brutal” and that their blast “makes it virtually impossible for civilians to take shelter”.

    And the MOAB does? This HRW group is beyond stupid.

    Me, I’m still partial to the good, old daisy cutter. Just let them blow where they land. Way I understand it, you’re standing around within about a quarter mile radius of any air fuel bomb, having the air sucked out of your lungs is the least of your worries.

    I’d be more concerned with the mushroom shaped cloud forming over your head before the blast wave removes it from your body.

  16. Goodbye Natalie

    James Hansen is currently an adjunct professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Columbia University, and also serves as Al Gore’s science advisor.

    I’m sure this man’s motives are pure like Al Gore’s Occidental stock plan. :???:

  17. cuchieddie

    Somebody oughta drop one of these on obamas house :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun:

  18. doubleglock

    :shock: When are they going to be offered as surplus..I gotta get me some of those.

  19. chay

    Fight smarter - not harder. This is the way to go. If bin Laden isn’t dead yet, this is the thing that’s going to get him. GWB wants him gone before he has to go.

    These damn Liberals have the same goals as the terrorists. They want the West defeated and humiliated. Enemies all.

  20. mike3481

    :arrow: doubleglock

    I read on a few years ago that the Marines in Iraq had come up with something they called “The House Guest”.

    They’d scrounge up a nearby propane tank, 3 to 5 gallon, whatever one guy could throw through a window and duct tape a block of C-4 w/ a timer on to it and chuck it inside. :shock:

    The blast was primarily a thermo-baric one that would push the walls out, then suck them in so hard the structure would pancake killing anyone inside. It did little damage to nearby structures, where more than likely the propane tank came from. :mrgreen:

    Wonder if propane tank possession will become a “War Crime”.

  21. Goodbye Natalie


    When are they going to be offered as surplus..I gotta get me some of those.

    GUFFAW! :lol: Man, great point. Get me a handful of these and we’ll see if my hippie neighbors bitch about the dogs barking now!

  22. Phendlin (Death Rattlers)

    the other nice thing about this weapon, is that it’s an ‘introduction’ to how they’re gonna be spending the rest of eternity. roasting in the belly of slor i tell you!

  23. James

    “The cloud of burning aluminium powder means victims often die from asphyxiation before the pressure shreds their organs.” Personally taliban scum deserve worse, but I’ll take it, please view my favorite taliban death videos on my youtube channel, DeathtotheTaliban

  24. TBinSTL (just typical)

    To quote from FrankJ’s top ten US Military slogans:

    10: We don’t like collateral damage but it helps to stay the fuck out of our way.

  25. BradW (the Infidel)

    Human Rights Watch argues they are “particularly brutal” and that their blast “makes it virtually impossible for civilians to take shelter”.

    Then the so called civilians need to stop hiding, supporting, housing, feeding the terrorists. In my opinion, they are combatants, even if they do not hold a rifle, because they are enabling our enemy.

    word of this baby gets arounda little more, all it can do is scare the bejeebies out of potential supporters who think that they are safe as long as they don’t touch weapons, but do everything else in their power to help the enemy.

    Let’s look at the options to unarmed potential combatants.

    1) support the enemy, and get one of these up the stove pipe and die, along with the entire family

    2) as soon as an AQ or Talibani show up, alert the nearest American ally, and everyone that wants to live gets away

    HHMMMM, what to you think the choice will be?

  26. CBL

    Looks like a winner to me…..I still miss the good old fashioned flame thrower.

  27. John

    Making good use of the islamofascists, I mean what better way to test out our new toys?

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