Buchanan Warns Against Hussein, Tells Colmes His Bullshit Detector Isn’t Working - With Video

June 9th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Pat Buchanan called Alan Colmes on his fucking bullshit tonight, and drove home what may boil down to being the fundamental reason the swing votes go to McCain…

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13 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    I have been saying this for months, John McCain will not lose this election. Barack Obama will not win the south or the middle of the country. or most of the west for that matter.

  2. Kurt(the infidel)

    off topic from this but pollster frank luntz just said on hannity and colmes that the american people dont want us to drill for oil, they want us to ‘explore for energy’. screw you!

  3. Zeke Eagle

    Colmes is such a rat. Monica Crowley’s sister is married to that pansy punk! He makes the skin crawl.

  4. RTLM

    Saw this at another site - too good not to share:

    “Society today is composed of two distinct species. The first, Homo sapiens…what we consider to be normal intelligent logical people who understand cause and effect, people that understand nothing is free and everthing costs something.

    The second species is Homo Stupidicus. This species believes that they are entiteled to have all the wonderful things in life but that they should not have to work for it. The believe that they should not have to risk anything but still reap success. They believe that government can create money out of thin air and should give it to everyone that doesn’t have enough.

    Homo Stupidicus has grown, prospered and bred to become a majority of the populace because Homo Sapiens had a minor brain fart and created welfare, social security and modern medicine. Prior to these inventions Homo Stupidicus rarely lived long enough to breed.

    We have shortcircuited the filter in the gene pool….Homo Stupidicus is now breeding rampantly and has reached a critical mass where the members of this species outnumber Homo Sapiens. They continue to demand more and more from the productive species while becoming less and less capable of self control, self direction, self reliance and at times self awareness.

    The two species are virtually indistinguishable physically. You cannot determine which species you are confronted with by simply looking at them. You have to listen to them to find out whether they are sapient…intelligent, or stupidicus. Homo Stupidicus will invariably make their presence know by the socialistic bleatings they utter.

    Most Homo Sapiens are politically conservative or independent. Homo Stupidicus is almost exclusively liberal or apolitical….meaning they don’t care who is in charge as long as the food stamps and welfare check shows up every month.”

  5. Jarhead68

    Colmes is married to Crowley’s sister? That’s a new one on me. Is she ugly, too? Meaning Colmes is ugly, not Monica.

  6. PiggDogg

    After Buchanan was on H&C, Dick Morris further explained The Obamessiah/Rezko first simultaneous real estate deal. According to Morris, when The Obamessiah and Rezko simultaneously, oops, make that, on the same day purchased adjacent properties, The Obamessiah paid $300,000 less than asked for his property. Meanwhile, Rezko paid full price for his property. This transaction is where the, er, interesting issue is.

    Subsequently in a second later transaction, The Obamessiah paid 1/6 of Rezko’s cost in order to purchase 1/6 of Rezko’s property. This second transaction is of little interest.

    OK, we all got it regarding this issue regarding The Obamessiah and his 10 plus year buddy, Rezko.

  7. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Should have poked Skelator in the eye. :lol:

  8. PeaceBySuperiorFirepower

    Obama has already done himself in. He has had WAY too many cons about him that have been exposed, MOSTLY by Hillary…I personally enjoyed the Libtards screwing themselves trying to get the nomination…McCain just had to sit back and keep his mouth shut, I bet he saved a lot of money in ads. Besides Obama ruining his chances already by hanging out with the wrong crowed in a sense, as bad as it might sound, race will still play a huge factor. It’s something we need to live with, not everyone will get over the race issue, ever. When it comes down to it a lot of people will still look at it and say, “Black or White? What do I want?”

  9. A. S. Wise- VA (George S. Patton Conservative)

    To tell you the truth, I’m surprised Buchanan hasn’t endorsed Obama (or at least Ron Paul), given his stance on the War.



    He totally downplayed Hitler’s aggression! Now he downplays the threat of Islam, in particular, Iran! :evil:

  10. Bob P

    Skelator! LMFAO :beer: :lol: :beer:

  11. Old Sailor

    Skelator! You nailed it, buddy! Good one.

  12. CPLViper

    Skelator was built like a diesel … you guys must be talking about the crypt keeper from that HBO series “Talse From The Crypt”.

  13. ken

    :arrow: Have to disagree. The two species are virtually indistinguishable physically. You cannot determine which species you are confronted with by simply looking at them. I can spot them at a 1000 yards. What a concept, may catch on.

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