Caroline Kennedy To Head Hussein VP Search Team

June 4th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


WASHINGTON (AP) - Barack Obama pivoted quickly to the general election campaign for the White House on Wednesday, naming a three-person team including Caroline Kennedy to lead his search for a running mate while expressing confidence that the Democratic Party would soon unify after a bruising battle for the presidential nomination.

“I’m very confident of how we’re going to be able to bring the party together,” Obama said after a brief conversation with Hillary Rodham Clinton, his vanquished rival.

Campaign officials said Kennedy, who is the daughter of the late President John F. Kennedy, as well as former Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder and longtime Washington insider Jim Johnson have already begun compiling information on potential running mates. They disclosed no names.

Obama clinched the Democratic nomination on Tuesday, taking a major step toward his goal of becoming the first black president. While Clinton has yet to concede defeat, she and associates have been maneuvering for the past 24 hours to gain her a place on the ticket.

The party began closing ranks quickly.

Two senators swung behind Obama after remaining neutral throughout his long nominating battle with Clinton.

“We have a nominee of our party,” said Sen. Tom Harkin of Iowa. Sen. Ken Salazar of Colorado also announced his endorsement.

Former Vice President Walter Mondale, who had been a Clinton supporter, announced he was backing Obama.

It hardly mattered in terms of delegate math—after months of struggle, Obama had more than enough to prevail at the party convention in Denver in August.

But Mondale, Harkin, Salazar and others poised to endorse Obama later in the day were also sending a message to Clinton that her race is over, whether she will admit it or not.

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3 Responses

  1. sully

    Make it a Kennedy’s fault if Hilda doesn’t get offered the VP slot.

  2. GregGS

    Oh! that rich!

  3. Boo Boo

    Eric Holder and Jim Johnson make Carolyn Kennedy look like a right wing conservative. These are the people he has around him? Scary!

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