Caught Without Make-Up / Who Has True Beauty Here? Part 1

June 4th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Who are these three ugly women? They’re actually celebrities caught without their make-up on. Some of these ladies are downright ugly without their make-up…one or two, however, actually possess true beauty, in my humble opinion. Inside you’ll find these three and four other celebrity babes caught without make-up on…tell us who, if any, actually possess true beauty even without make-up…I found two of the whole set of 14.

Pamela Anderson

Hilary Duff

Beyonce Knowles

Cameron Diaz

Adriana Lima

Jennifer Lopez

Penelope Cruz

In this group, I find Penelope Cruz to possess the true beauty.

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25 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    Ahh yes, the great trick that hollywood and the fashion industry have pulled on women. you’re not good looking unless you look like one of the celebrities but in reality its all just a mirage. it has destroyed their self esteem in the process. well plastic surgeons have made tons of money from this sham, so i guess someone is a winner

  2. Zeke Eagle

    Penelope Cruz is fine, it’s true, but I have seen Jennifer Lopez’s derriere! XOXOXO

  3. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    Best: J-Lo

    Worst: Cameron

  4. Caligula

    fuckin yuck!!! i’m going to have to go with beyonce and jlo…

  5. Caligula

    is it me or does cruz look like she’s getting off a heroin binge?

  6. franchie

    but I have seen Jennifer Lopez’s derriere! XOXOXO

    yeah, they are her speciality :lol:

  7. Kim

    As a woman, somedays I can look in the mirror and say “Yeah, I got it goin’ on!” and on other days it’s “Oh dear Mother of God, have mercy!” Clean hair, a little make-up, good lighting - yeah we all clean up nice! And speaking of good lighting, have you guys ever wondered why we women are so enamored with candlelight? :lol:

  8. David Ross

    I agree with Drill that Diaz is absolutely the worst, and an Asshat to boot, but Lima has my vote for best. Never base your impression of a lady’s looks on her public presentation but how she looks without the makeup. That’s why most Hollywood couples never last more than a couple of months or years.

  9. Kim

    :arrow: Caligula

    I agree, Cruz looks like she’s been on a 4 day binge.

    Lima would be the best.

  10. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    When I was in high school there were two sisters … one was 3 yrs. ahead of me and the other 1 yr ahead of me. They were pre-Prince possessed with the color purple … and put on the face make-up as if it were frosting on a wedding cake. And then there was the over-bleached, ratted-up, long hair that would have made a female country singer envious. They looked as if they were in their 50s … BAD 50s.

    One day the older gal came to school without make-up on and she looked horrific! … (we all had concert choir together.)

    Anyhow, she grabbed my face in both her hands and stared into my eyes and insisted, “Maggie, you have skin I would actually kill for … NEVER start wearing make-up … Accent only those sky-blue eyes.”

    So, I have never made a habit of wearing anything more than eye make-up … and use facial make-up only when I am going to be in photos … and then just a little. (and I stopped sunning my face nearly 10 yrs ago)

    That year the poor girl was in a terrible car accident and had to have her entire face reconstructed. Her father tracked down and paid for the surgeon who had reconstructed Ann-Margaret’s face after her bad fall.

  11. Erik Marsh

    Out of this group it’s Adriana Lima.

  12. IP727

    adrian lima looks good either way.

  13. Goodbye Natalie

    Eeek! :shock: Diaz looks like she just walked out of the pen after a hearty 20yr lesbo relationship - and the toothless bull rode her.

  14. Goodbye Natalie

    I have an admission of guilt. :oops: I saw Pamela Anderson’s noonie in a flick at an old man’s bachelor party - at least it was cute.

    During the dirty flicks, two of us fell asleep when the lights went low. Ain’t what it used to be.

  15. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: Goodbye Natalie

    her “noonie” is probably the only thing ‘original’ left on her … atleast back during the shooting of that flick. :lol:

  16. Gaige Mosher

    Lima, hands down.

    YO BASH! Include Amy Lee in the next set if you can. That woman is an absolute stunner in any state of presentation. Some days you actually can’t tell if she’s wearing face make-up or not, her skin is that flawless and her eyes are striking icy green.

  17. One Shot

    I’m with Caligula.

    Pam can still smoke a pole like no other though…

  18. danielle

    lima! she’s a natural beauty. beyonce doesn’t look so bad either. :D

  19. David Marcoe

    Carmen Electra has them all beat… :shock:

  20. Goodbye Natalie

    :arrow: drillanwr (hembra blanca típica),

    When I was still young and completely dumb with apparently poor taste, I feel madly in lust with one of these “pageant” girls. I guarantee this gal had never seen dirt, must less played in it.

    Anyway, for some reason we decided we would go on a float trip. Why she decided to, I don’t know. We hadn’t gotten 50ft down the river before Ms. Sorority thought the best way to see the “wildlife” was to stand. Needless to say, the canoe flipped about 180 degrees. When my little primped beauty came up, she looked like something between a drowned rat and Howdy Doody.

    It was all I could do to right the canoe, hoping to get home quick enough to recover from the fright.

    That was my first lesson in “what you see is not necessarily what you get.”

  21. ECM

    cameron diaz makes a better joker than jack nicholson or heath ledger, cripes.

  22. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: Goodbye Natalie

    Yep … Less really IS better.

  23. RWC

    Just their inside ugliness coming out.

  24. Marc Stockwell-Moniz


  25. chay

    Adriana Lima all the way. Or any Brazilian Beauty if she’s not available.

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