Caught Without Make-Up / Who Has True Beauty Here? Part 2

June 4th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Who are these three ugly women? They’re actually celebrities caught without their make-up on. Some of these ladies are downright ugly without their make-up…one or two, however, actually possess true beauty, in my humble opinion. Inside you’ll find these three and four other celebrity babes caught without make-up on…tell us who, if any, actually possess true beauty even without make-up…I found two of the whole set of 14.

Eva Longoria

Anna Kournikova

Goldie Hawn

Debra Messing

Halle Berry

Katherine Heigl

Britney Spears

Bash’s pick from this group as a true beauty, that is, one who is quite attractive even without make-up on:

Britney Spears. Halle Berry’s not that bad either.

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16 Responses

  1. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    Best: Halle (natural beauty)

    Worst: Goldie (cripes!)

  2. Zeke Eagle

    I concur. Britney, then Halle but the well used Goldie Hawn would probably be the most fun. Sock it to me!

  3. David Ross

    I never imagined that Iva had a bad side. That damn TV!

  4. Erik Marsh

    This group would have to be Halle.

  5. IP727

    poor kurt russell. :mrgreen:

  6. Haeshaw

    Hey, I would say Britney, but she still has some make up on in the first picture. I have seen her look much worse. I think Halle Berry wins this one.

  7. One Shot

    Halle gets my vote.

  8. David Marcoe

    Carmen Electra has them all beat.

  9. Caligula

    ha! britney actually looks hotter without makeup, but then again maybe i’m just not attracted to blow-up dolls :lol:

  10. Kurt(the infidel)

    its just incredible to me how awful these people look without makeup. damn

  11. okiemarine81

    Anna gets my vote

  12. Will

    Anna wins.

  13. PDizzle

    Anna, hands down. She still looks cute, the others look like hags.

  14. Righteous Anger

    What kind of make-up make-over does it take to make their pussy presentable

  15. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Britney, only because she is still young.
    Why do women wear makeup and perfume?
    Because they are ugly and they stink.
    Local San Diego shock-jock explanation. :beer:

  16. chay

    They all look like brown paper baggers to me.

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