Code Pinko Founder Is Hussein Fundraising Bundler

June 12th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


I’m going to use the freakin’ “C” word on this bitch before this is over, I just know it…These are the same damned dumb anti-American, anti-troop fucking CUNTS that sent $60,000 to insurgents in FUCKING FALLUJAH!

Fuck this CUNT! I’m fucking pissed.

A co-founder of the anti-war group Code Pink, which has made a name for itself by interrupting hearings on Capitol Hill, is a fundraising bundler for Barack Obama.

Jodie Evans has pledged to raise at least $50,000 for Obama, according the Democrat’s campaign site.

According to research being circulated by GOP sources, Evans has a record of inflammatory statements such as saying that women were better off in Iraq under Saddam Hussein, “Men are dying in their Hummers in Iraq so you can drive around in yours” and, my favorite, that the invasion of Iraq amounted to “global testosterone poisoning.”

Evans, though, is not just a single-issue crusader. She’s worked in politics and liberal causes for decades, including stints working for Jerry Brown during his years as governor and in his 1992 White House run.

That an activist liberal is raising money for Obama isn’t all that surprising. But in a campaign that has been dominated as much by the associates of candidates as the candidates themselves (Jeremiah Wright, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush), Evans is a reminder that what may not have mattered much in a primary has the potential to be resonant in the general.


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6 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    Cunt is too strong a word. A better definition of a cunt might be a bitch that is a post-coital paradigm.

    Yeah, that’s the ticket. :gun:

  2. Jim

    Isnt George Soros funding code Pink.

  3. Mike in VA

    This Code Skank parasite is cut from the same “anti-war” cloth as Hussein’s Weatherman pals Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. :gun: :evil:

  4. Word-Drum

    So Hamas, the Chicago Marxist Race Mob and the lunitics from Cunt Pink are Obama’s peeps. The RNC should make a spot with Medea endorsing the sainted O.

    Too bad most folks don’t know who Soros is. Someone (in Oz)should pull back the screen on the fucking wizard.

  5. Kim

    “Jodie Evans is a radical activist and Democratic fundraiser best known as the co-founder — along with Diane Wilson, Global Exchange’s Medea Benjamin, and a Wiccan calling herself Starhawk — of Code Pink for Peace. Evans also works closely with Leslie Cagan, the pro-Castro leader of United For Peace and Justice.”

    Taken from this website:

  6. ssgduke53

    :oops: Ahhhhhhh! I am melting, meeellllting! How could my beautiful code pink wickedness be destroyed by a few good Marines! Melting, meeeelllliiiiitttiiiingggg, ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Ding dong code pink is gone… They go where the goblins go high ho, high ho!…..

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