Cult of Personality = Hallmark Of Duping The Masses

June 18th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

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6 Responses

  1. mike3481

    Bash, the written narrative in this video is damn near gold, I double clicked the Vid to get L.L’s link to it so I can take my time and write it down, save it to a folder so I can read it as often as it takes to really know it.

    I’ve got 8 Liberal blood relatives who I need to try to reach out to before the election.

    Thanks, :beer: :beer: :beer:’s for you :wink:

  2. Demogorgon

    Well I’ve too much free time on my hands so I’ll take a stab at this one. Except for the apparent attempt to ‘balance’ this very well produced pictorial essay of the utter fallacy of Mr. Obama… with brief images of Bush, McCain, various corporate entities etc. - as somehow being just the same in terms of cultivating a cult-like following - this video is right on the mark.

    Some people do see the reality of ’some’ things… but still cling to old paradigms of ‘corporate world’ conspiracies, and selective amnesia concerning the Iraq ‘part’ of this war. It will be many years before we learn the whole truth about THIS war. After all, you can’t win a war by telling the whole truth to your Nation’s people - because that tells your enemy far more information then you want them to know.

    Too many people took the optimistic and hopeful predictions made early on as some kind of cast-in-stone promise. I didn’t… but that still didn’t stop me from worrying over those long, agonizing months of 2005-2006-2007. Or occasionally wondering if any country in “that (the Islamic)” part of the world was worth losing so many American lives for. Or indeed losing any American lives for.

    I think many Americans have always lived in a world largely of our own imagination. In today’s world a war like this is something you’re only supposed to read about in history books. Or just see dated, infrequent, and brief news snippets of because it’s a war only involving other ’strange’ peoples on the other side of the world - not America and Americans.

    But all this is sort of off-topic - Senator Obama is nothing approaching the image that has been created largely for him. In fact, I think he may actually be a rather psychologically tormented man with severe emotional conflicts deep down inside.

    This is a very dangerous condition for an increasingly unassailable, aspiring young Messiah to have.

  3. cplusmc

    I was into it until the damn hippie started in with the “transnational corporations”. Corporations man, corporations man.

  4. Mjolnir

    This is a kick ass vid Bash…thanks for sharing. :beer: :beer:

  5. ticticboom(Will Kill For Oil)

    Great vid, even if it was done by a Bircher crank. People joke that Pat Buchanan’s speeches sound better in the original German. I say Obama’s speeches sound better in the original Russian.


    By internation corporations and banks, he means the JOOOOOOS! Idiot. Everyone knows they’re really run by the lizard-men from Alpha Centauri.


    Which reminds me, the main difference between Ron Paul supporters and Obama supporters is that there are many more of the later.

  6. Howie

    The only real difference between most Dem’s and Republicans holding elected office in Washington is where they get their money from.
    With only a few exceptions, a seat in Congress is not a place to do service for your country but a networking oppurtunity to enrich yourself after you leave office.

    It is time to take our government back. We need more Americans like Rep. Duncan Hunter, Zel Miller, Capt. Duncan Hunter, Mike Crimons, Kirk Morris, etc. Americans that will go to Washington for only one reason, to represent those that have entrusted them with the direction of this Great Nation!!

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