Dan Rather Asks McClellan If Bush Admin Has A Vast Right Wing Bloggers Conspiracy Machine
Dan Rather smells a vast right wing conspiracy…is he right?
No, he’s left.
Is he correct in assuming, suspecting, or believing that the Bush Administration is paying right wing bloggers to spread right wing conservative islamophobic propaganda?
Oh, wait a minute…Dan Rather works for…who? Oh yeah! Mark Cuban.
You remember Mark! He despises right wing bloggers because it was right wing bloggers like us that buried his fucking anti-American, anti-troop film “Redcated”, relegating it to one of the all-time lowest grossing films ever, just squeaking by Ed Wood’s “Plan 9 From Outer Space”…
Last night Scott McClellan met with Dan Rather to discuss McClellan’s book at the 92nd Street Y in Manhattan. According to Stephen Spruiell over the NRO, Rather asked…
RATHER: Is there a special operation in the White House or in the Executive Office Building next door to it that seeks to orchestrate, perhaps even run some of what’s on the Internet?
McCLELLAN: Certainly there’s a large operation, part of the communications operation is the office of strategic iniatives, working to make sure that… the blogosphere has a tremendous amount of influence, and they just want to make sure that we’re helping to shape some of that narrative…
RATHER: To your knowledge, are there bloggers who are paid by the White House political operation? Some campaigns have —
McCLELLAN: — not to my knowledge, but that was not an area I focused on.
Bash here again: “Hey, Mr. President! If you’re funding right wing bloggers, we could use a little help, we haven’t reached our goal of 1,000 PatDollard.com readers to pledge just $1.00/week to help keep our site running. And hey, look, if you need to use Government money to fund our troops, please, disregard us…but how about on a personal level? Care to help out, Mr. President?” Just click here!
Nah ?
June 5th, 2008 at 12:56 pmNope! But if your a democrat, guilty of doing exactly what your blaming the Right of doing and start a RUMOR in regards to such crap, the LEFT WING RADICAL PROPAGANDA machine PAID in Full by George Soros in the biosphere, print media and TV MSM will ensure that every American believes there is.
June 5th, 2008 at 12:58 pmThe Nazis problaby would have won if they had a well oiled propaganda machine bike this back then.
June 5th, 2008 at 1:04 pmLOL. Rather is just PO=d because leftist pukes like him, lost their monopoly on reporting the news. So now he and his thugs have to compete with people who are actually interested in getting out facts and truth as opposed to an editor or a reporter’s opinion on the news.
And be advised Mr Rather that bloggers express their own views. They aren’t paid by anyone. However if you’d like to change that fact by all means I’ll take your money.
Lastly Mr Rather, you are old enough to recall being taught that a man is known by the company he keeps. Now that you’re hanging out with the weasel McClellan, does that mean that you are now as much a weasel as he is?
I think so.
June 5th, 2008 at 1:14 pmMike Swann
The Nazis had a much more performant propanda machine
June 5th, 2008 at 1:20 pmDan Rather has always hated Bush because he grew up with money and privilege, while Dan was dirt poor. He’s still a liberal jackass.
June 5th, 2008 at 1:45 pmRATHER: To your knowledge, are there bloggers who are paid by the White House political operation? Some campaigns have —
McCLELLAN: — not to my knowledge, but that was not an area I focused on.
What a bullshit answer
THE ABSENCE OF EVIDENCE IS NOT THE EVIDENCE OF ABSENCE…guess he did learn something in the White House, or on adult swim.
June 5th, 2008 at 1:50 pmDan Rather smells
June 5th, 2008 at 3:35 pmWhen I was younger I used to have a little respect for this guy. Now I wouldn’t let my retarded dog hump his leg.
June 5th, 2008 at 4:09 pmDan Rather is a failed almost, but never was U.S. Marine. However he is a clown.
June 5th, 2008 at 5:42 pmHey Dan, STFU.