Deal Allows U.S. To Attack Any Country From Iraq

June 23rd, 2008 Posted By Bash.


This in from Voices of Iraq (VOI), usually a reliable source for inside info in Iraq. haven’t seen any of the major outlets reporting on this yet so take it with a grain of salt.

My two cents on it is that if we pull anything out of this whole Iraq War, it would be the ability to use Iraq as a staging area for any future conflicts we may have, especially in the Global War On Terror and the way in which we wage warfare in the 21st Century. Remember the problems Turkey gave us when we needed to use their air strips in 2003, they said “Fuck You.”

You also have to read into it that the article says that at least one Iraqi legislator disputes this fact, and the whole thing has yet to be approved by the Iraqi Parliament.

Baghdad, Jun 23, (VOI) – A Sunni legislator said on Monday that the security agreement to be signed between Baghdad and Washington would allow the latter to attack any country from Iraqi territories.

“The Iraqi-U.S. agreement contains several items that impinge upon the sovereignty of Iraq, including the right of the U.S. forces in Iraq to attack any nation and raid any Iraqi house and arrest people without prior permission from the Iraqi government,” Khalaf al-Alyan, a member of parliament from the Iraqi Accordance Front (IAF), told Aswat al-Iraq – Voices of Iraq – (VOI).

U.S. President George W. Bush had signed a declaration of principles with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki on December 1, 2007. It was planned to be ratified on July 31, 2008 to be effective as of January 1, 2009.

“The agreement grants the United States the right to set up a large number of bases in Iraq, ranging between 50 and 58 bases,” said Alyan.

The IAF is composed of three key political components: Vice President Tareq al-Hashimi’s Iraqi Islamic Party (IIP), IAF leader Adnan al-Dulaimi’s Iraq People’s Congress (IPC) and Alyan’s National Dialogue Council (NDC).

The IAF, which has 40 out of a total 275 seats, is the main bloc representing Arab Sunnis in the country’s political process.
Meanwhile, Labid Abbawi, the undersecretary for foreign affairs, denied that the agreement contained an item allowing U.S. forces to use Iraqi territories as a springboard to threaten other countries.

“This item does not exist in the agreement because it simply runs counter to the policies of both Baghdad and Washington governments,” Abbawi told VOI.

The deal governs the presence of U.S. forces in Iraq after the year 2008. The U.S. presence in Iraq is currently relying on a mandate by the United Nations, renewed annually upon the request of the Iraqi government.

The agreement would not enter into effect if the Iraqi parliament did not approve it.


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5 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    In the event that the false messiah is elected any agreement would be a waste of time. In the evnt that Captain Queeg gets elected, an agreement would be a good thing.

    Howver, the Iraqis should lose the pride shit and look at reality. Without the US they’d just be another province of Iran or the center-piece of the jihadi slave-state known as Islam.

  2. Tom in CO

    I fully approve. Like Japan and Germany before, Iraq will be a new US stage of military events.

  3. SOC

    Don’t hold you breath on this being approved. Just reminding the Iranians we are just across the street.

  4. Kim

    BASH :arrow: My two cents on it is that if we pull anything out of this whole Iraq War, it would be the ability to use Iraq as a staging area for any future conflicts we may have, especially in the Global War On Terror

    Couldn’t agree more, which the Iranians know all too well and will exert massive influence (political and otherwise) on Iraq to not allow this to happen.

  5. Mike Mose

    Iran’s time is coming up fast. That agreement, will make it legal, if only temporary, and give Bush, Cheney, and Israeli all the flexibility they need. After Iran for 5 days, Syria for about an 3 hrs.

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