WB Dozens Crushed As Huge Building Falls In Gaza - Dude…

June 28th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

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18 Responses

  1. TedB

    It was written…


  2. TBinSTL (just typical)

    They must’ve been gay, that’s how Sharia says to do it. Push a wall over on them.

  3. GBU43

    So lets see.. Use bulldozer to tear down front support structure of a huge building. Move bulldozers to a safe distance and have 12 morons walk up the unstable building.

    For a people that worship suicide bombers I can see how that might have made sense.

    Either way.. 12 less potential terrorists.

  4. Right_is_Right

    Story on this?

  5. AmericanJarhead

    Just a tiny little taste of NYC. They deserve more.

  6. deathstar

    Wowza. What happens when the lunatics run the asylum.

  7. Professor Bill

    That’s what happens when goat herders and glorified cave dwellers build and demolish building.

  8. mike3481

    Oh yeah, sure the Palestinians can run their own affairs :roll:

    Now we know why the rest of the Arab world sees these asshats as a bunch of losers who can’t now or ever be able to manage their own affairs. :shock:

  9. doubleglock

    allah akbar

  10. Getsome

    really i dont even know what to say to this one

  11. JonnyMordant

    I could swear that I see something in that dust cloud… Yep, it says “Miracle of Allah”?

  12. mindy abraham

    Irony..it’s a strange thing now

  13. Lots of Hair

    I think I saw Sampson pushing the two front columns with all of his might! Payback is a Bitch! :mrgreen:

  14. Kermit

    WTF were those idiots doing walking in front of the building which appeared to have had strategic supports cut (probably in a “vee” shape so the could rest in the foundation until the building was pulled) then the dozers were more than likely pulling cables attached to the building at least halfway up to pull it over.

    Decent demo, but idiots to not stand aside. The few minutes of their lives when they were not boffing goats and look at what happens.

  15. Big

    Why is there always a camera on?

  16. Dave

    Allah Akbar!

  17. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    allah akdumb.
    And they think they are going to defeat Israel? ROFLMFAO

  18. TJ (Honorary Lesbian)

    george bush did it! :lol:

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