Editorial In Saudi Paper: Obama Most Capable Of Bringing Change In U.S. Policy

June 11th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.


Kudos to LGF

PLEASE give me your thoughts on this one….


In an editorial, the Saudi paper Al-Watan stated that U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is more capable than anyone else of bringing about change in U.S. policy, particularly in all things connected to the Middle East.

The paper added that in light of Obama’s intent to conduct a dialogue with Iran, the Middle East countries should launch a dialogue with him and help him better understand what is going on.

Source: Al-Watan, Saudi Arabia, June 6, 2008

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10 Responses

  1. Cridhe Saorsa

    We know what is going on. The pressure is to much for them. President Bush has stuck it up there arses deep and turned it sideways. They gave been FUBARed three ways from Sunday. They want relief before the whole damn islamic fundamentalist machine crashes down around them. Obama offers them hope to survive their stupidity of trying to take on the US of A in a toe to toe slogging match. They know they have lost this war. Now they are trying to save whatever they can of their ideaology before their own people turn on them and they lose everything.

  2. SenorLumpy

    Change what?? Ya… as I thought

  3. A. S. Wise- VA (George S. Patton Conservative)

    I think our Mid East policy should the region, the Bikini Atoll of the 21st century. :twisted:

  4. franchie

    A. S. Wise- VA

    I am afraid that your eight for these jihadists sponsors

  5. sully

    “….no one has suffered more than the Palestinians.”
    - Barry Hussein Obama, campaign speech, Iowa, 2007

    Need more?

  6. EDinTampa

    Obama is to naive to be trusted with this nations security. He’ll swallow hook, line & sinker the enemy’s rhetoric and we’ll be sending billions of tax dollars to our enemy in hope of them creating peace.

    We’ll be financing our own demise.

    This will be the downfall of the United States of America.

    I wish Hillary were the nominee, she’d be easier to rally against.

  7. Steve in NC

    :arrow: Cridhe Saorsa

    Agree, and they also see a naive immature puppet they can manipulate with something as simple as positive comments to the press.
    They also like his middle name, I bet they are also thinking it is time to come home young hussein.

  8. bill-tb

    99 and 44/100 of all terrorists agree. Terror sponsor states are finding that all the dejected terrorists are coming home to roost, no jobs, no hope, no change, just the same old dictatorships with the rulers siphoning off the oil money. A hopeless state, if you are one of the rulers.

    What they need is change …

  9. franchie

    I am afraid that your eight for these jihadists sponsors

    correct :

    I ment that’s what we ought to make for the jihadists sponsors

  10. SOC

    Wrong. The Saudis think will do what is best for them. McCain will do what is best for America. The Saudis are not our friends. They just like our money…

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