Fake Alien Video & Purported Real One - You Tell Us, Real or Fake?

June 4th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

This is the fake one that has been purported to be the Peckman video…it is not, a simple look at the still photo released last week with easily debunk that.

This is the picture released by Peckman to The Rocky Mountain News as we showed you last week.


This video I found today at LiveLeak, I cannot, for some reason, grab it with my own grabbing software, so let’s hope they don’t pull it, but it appears to be a window and setting and face that is more like the picture released. The tape, if this is it, has been analyzed as being genuine and undoctored, but there is no proof of whether or not the thing peeping in the window is a living creature, or a sophisticated puppet.

I remain, still skeptical…

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22 Responses

  1. Bill Smith

    He looks harmless enough, if he’s a space alien. Looks kind of lost, and scared, actually.

  2. MarkN

    An alien peeping tom?

  3. Molly

    That doesn’t even remotely look real!

  4. Dr. Jerry

    Oh…yeah…that really appears to be real, uh…huh.

  5. hegelbot

    all i can say is, ahhhh yip yip yip yip yip yip yip ahhhh yip yip yip yip.


  6. Denghis (Ibn Al-Himar)

    That’s not an alien, it’s Larry Craig…

  7. BT

    I like the top one better. The “real” one looks like something from close encounters.

  8. Andy

    The videos are silly, except for the Yip Yip Aliens in Hegelbot’s youtube link. Those are definitely the real thing.

    I just want to go down on the record as saying: I, for one, welcome our new overlords. Yip, yip, yip, yip yip!

  9. doubleglock

    looks like my mother in law.

  10. Reign in Blood

    Just pause the vid when it gets to the point where the head looks like it is in the same position and they look totally different. Computer generated and animated transposed on to the original image of the window along with adding the time code.

    Refer to the movie Strange Brew as to how hard it is to fake the time code. “Just because I don’t know what it is doesn’t mean I am lying.” - Claude Elsinore

    Not the same video and still is unprovable to be anything more than just someone with a mask on.

    Silly. :roll:

  11. 007

    :arrow: ET

    Trick Or Treat! :cool:

  12. Getsome


  13. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    Kill the som’bitch … It’ll vote democrat! :gun: :gun:

  14. Tom in CO (now in Ireland!)


  15. Bill Smith

    Awww…..now you’ve hurt its feelings…….

  16. Kevin M

    If this country actually wants Hussein as President, then it is hardly surprising some people think this is a legit video.

    If that is the actual “purported” video, it is embarrassingly amateurish and utterly fake.

  17. Tom1981

    Great. Another undocumented alien.

  18. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: Tom1981

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :gun: :gun: :beer: :beer:

  19. T-Bagg

    The fake one looks more genuine than the “real” one. Fake or not, still puts creepy thoughts into my head. :shock:

  20. GF

    :roll: The movement near the end in the “real” video would be impossible for a non mechanical creature. At 49 seconds the head goes down and does a HARD stop at around 50 sec mark, we can still see a little bit of the “head” and then it moves down completely.

    These guys are going to have to bring in a :gun: dead or :shock: live creature probably based on something besides carbon before anybody is going to believe them.

  21. Mucasplug

    Fake as hell, the guy should be put in jail for pulling this shit. What a Ass-Clown!

  22. holland

    Like i travel millions of lightyears…just to be filmed behind a window… Right! Fake!

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