Father Fagler Forced To Step Down, Life Is Ruined - How About Fuck You, Racist Hypocrite?

June 3rd, 2008 Posted By Bash.


The “Priest” says this about his racist, hypocritical rant at Barack Hussein the Liar Obama’s church, caught on video and played all over the world last week:

He didn’t think the service and his “conversation” — a more casual address than a classic sermon, he explained — were being broadcast live online, as Trinity often does.

“They told me it was down,” Pfleger said. “Their live streaming had been down all day, and they didn’t know whether it was back up. . . . I regret the dramatization that I was naive enough to believe was just going to be kept among that church.”

EXCUSE ME??? You mean the reason you reached into your dark heart and pulled out all of that hatred and racism and hypocrisy was because you thought nobody was looking? Er…wait, you thought just the people in that congregation sitting in those pews on that particular day would be the only ones to hear the racist hatred hypocrisy you pulled out of your dark heart, knowing that they would approve of this dark, racially divisive, PRIDEFUL hatred and hypocrisy?

Which means that he knew that the people sitting in those pews would accept his racially divisive, hateful hypocrisy, but that anyone outside that church…anyone outside those walls…anyone not sitting in those pews that day would not accept the racism, and the hatred, and the hypocrisy that poured out of his black heart on that day, because he said he thought the cameras weren’t rolling.

He believed these people would not only accept the racism, and the hatred, and the hypocrisy of all he had to say, but they would encourage him to “Preach it, brother!” And hoot and holler and “Go on wit yo bad self” bullshit that supposed to be….

…what? What was it supposed to be, anyway?

This means that Barack Hussein Obama also knows exactly what is preached in the walls of that building on Sundays. He has distanced himself from the messengers Wright and Fagler (sic) called onto the carpet for their racism and hatred, but he embraces their theology. A Black Liberation Theology that says Jesus was black, that the black race is truly God’s chosen people. I could go on and on, but no need. Just Google Black Liberation Theology. Farrakhan also bases his theology in the Old Testament ramifications of the heresy that is Black Liberation Theology…but he takes it to a different level.

Oh, wait wait wait, I’m sidetracking…check out this that Fagler had to say:

“I understand that,” he says. “People say, well, I thought you were more politically savvy. Well, I would have been if I was speaking at a banquet, or if I were speaking at a press conference. But I didn’t think this was a political time. I was speaking at a pulpit about an issue that is . . . the greatest sin against the Bible, about racism. This is a dangerous time in America, the freest country in the world,” Pfleger says, “where you have to whisper your thoughts.”

Before I go further…a “dangerous time where you have to whisper your thoughts?”

Fuck you….he says that like its the Secret Government Police that came after him for his bullshit hypocritical racism. Nope, it was regular citizens also exercising their right to free speech that called Fagler out for what he is, for what he said, for what he has done.

Ain’t no dangerous time, motherfucker. You’re a dangerous man, spewing dangerous hatred and racism out into a spiritual atmosphere, playing the hypocrite and blind to that very fact.

He admits out of his own mouth that he was preaching about what he calls the “Greatest Sin in the Bible”, which it arguably is…racism stems purely from Pride, which was Lucifer’s sin, it was pride that caused his fall and banishment from Heaven forever.

But I think he failed to realize his own hypocrisy. He failed to realize that in the delivery of his message, he himself exhibited a great deal of pride, via his own racist remarks. Now one may argue that he is a white man, and that he is charging racism against Hillary, and that he was speaking on behalf of the black people, but let me tell you something…

…he assumed the identity of those folks and by his racially charged rantings about white America raping black people and that it was time to pay, and all of his other racist remarks, he is just as guilty.

Guilty of being a racist, and therefore guilty of the evil form of pride (don’t confuse that Pride with say, being proud of your children doing well in school etc etc)…but not only that, he is guilty of one of the few things that Jesus condemned while He walked the Earth…the hypocrisy of the religious leaders of His day.

Father Fagler…guilty of racism…and hypocrisy.

Check out this article from the only reporter Father Fagler would talk to since his mask had been pulled off and the true blackness of his heart, and the evil of his doctrine have been revealed…

From Cathleen Falsani at the Chicago Sun-Times:

On Sunday morning, I was enjoying a brisk walk along the Hudson River in lower Manhattan and some quiet contemplation when my cell phone rang. It was my editor.

“Mike just called, and he wants to talk, but he’ll only talk to you,” he said.

Mike, as in the Rev. Michael Pfleger, the perpetually embattled pastor of St. Sabina Roman Catholic Church in Chicago, who most recently has been under siege from comments he made about Hillary Clinton a week ago from the pulpit of Trinity United Church of Christ — a k a Barack Obama’s former (as of Saturday) church.

“Oh, really? Well I don’t want to talk to him,” I said. “I’m pissed at him. How could he do this? He probably thinks I’m a sympathetic ear, but I’m not. I pretty much want to slap him.”

“Just think about it,” my editor said with a whiff of smugness, “and call me back in five minutes when you’ve changed your mind.”

I hate it when he’s right.

I’ve been writing about Pfleger for almost as long as I’ve been writing about anything in Chicago. He’s a perennial source for theologically intriguing, often controversial, sometimes plainly outlandish stories on the religion beat. Pfleger, 59 years old and a priest for 33 of those years — nearly all of them served at St. Sabina in the Auburn-Gresham neighborhood — has never met a cardinal-archbishop of Chicago he didn’t aggravate. During his tenure, the activist priest has had throwdowns with all three of the “men in the red dresses,” as we call them, who have run the Catholic Church in this town.

Pfleger is always in trouble over something, with someone.

This time, the tone is a little different, as Pfleger’s waves have made a loud, acrimonious splash on the national and international scene. In video clips broadcast on YouTube, he stood in the same pulpit the Rev. Jeremiah Wright vacated not too long ago, mocking Clinton’s tearfulness earlier this spring on the campaign trail and accused her of expecting white entitlement in the face of her black opponent’s wildly successful campaign.

In the wake of the Clinton flap, Cardinal Francis George officially silenced Pfleger, whom he had pressured to resign a month ago from the Catholics for Obama committee.

“He and I have had conversations, and I won’t go into the conversations; I’ll only say that he has asked me to remove myself from Barack’s public campaign — from the group Catholics for Obama — and that was before all of this,” Pfleger told me as we sat alone in a conference room Monday in Sabina’s rectory. “He said that, as a Catholic priest, I’m not allowed to publicly support a candidate. I said my understanding was that, as an individual, I can support anyone I want, but that I would never tell parishioners who to vote for. First of all, from my point of view, that insults the congregation. They make their own choice.

“While I disagreed with him, I told him that I did not want to create another distraction for him or for Barack,” Pfleger said. “So I wrote a letter to Barack, telling him just that: that I did not want to create a distraction for him, that the cardinal has said no priest is allowed to have his name on a [campaign committee] and that this is a bishop’s rule throughout the country. Now, I don’t know because I haven’t done all the research, but he told me there is no other priest in anybody’s campaign listing of support around the country.”

As for his performance from the Trinity pulpit at a Sunday night service May 25, Pfleger has apologized for “the words that I chose” and for “my dramatization.” Pfleger told me he called the Clinton campaign to apologize directly but had not heard back from Clinton or her representatives.

All that is well and good, but how, as a friend and passionate supporter of Obama’s campaign for president, could he do what he did, with cameras rolling?

Pfleger’s short answer? He didn’t think the service and his “conversation” — a more casual address than a classic sermon, he explained — were being broadcast live online, as Trinity often does.

“They told me it was down,” Pfleger said. “Their live streaming had been down all day, and they didn’t know whether it was back up. . . . I regret the dramatization that I was naive enough to believe was just going to be kept among that church.”

Trinity is like a second home to Pfleger, who counts Wright as one of his mentors. “I thank God for the day I walked into Delores’ Barber Shop and met you,” the priest said of Wright at the beginning of his May 25 address at Trinity. “I wouldn’t still be at St. Sabina if it wasn’t for Jeremiah Wright.”

How much longer, considering his rocky relationship with George and the fact that he’s years and years past the archdiocese’s official “term limit” as pastor of Sabina?

“Are you in jeopardy of being removed right now?” I asked.

Pfleger blanched and wearily rubbed his forehead.

“Because of the hierarchical nature of the archdiocese, I think you’re always serving at the discretion of the cardinal,” he said. “Within the last year, we talked about a plan for transition over a number of years, and I think we agree on a plan and seeing the transition for Sabina over the next several years. That’s all I want to say about that, but obviously I serve at the discretion of the archbishop.”

How had George reacted to the Trinity dust-up?

“I can say that he called me, and we had a conversation, and I agreed not to use any of the political candidates’ names publicly between now and November, and that I would adhere to my staying off of the official roster of people supporting Ob . . . sena . . . Bar . . . ” he stumbled, slamming his hands on the table in frustration as he searched for the proper way to describe the junior lawmaker from Chicago with the big ears who has a healthy lead over the former first lady in the Democratic race.

Then, it was my turn. “So you’ve known, um, the person whose name we can’t mention, for, like, 20 years or so?” I stammered. “Jeez, it’s like he’s Voldemort in Harry Potter, the name we dare not speak.”

It’s a rare occasion when Pfleger and I find ourselves at a loss for words.

Pfleger’s about as cowed as I’ve ever seen him. He’s reeling, really, from what he admits is a difficult predicament of his own making. Over the weekend, he said that the days since his Trinity address had been the most difficult of his life, even more painful than when his foster son Jarvis was gunned down near St. Sabina on May 30, 1998.

I’ve spoken to Pfleger many times about Jarvis’ death and couldn’t believe he said this. It sounded like the worst kind of narcissism, and I told him so.

He told me that, when Jarvis was killed, he was angry with God and didn’t understand why God had allowed it to happen. But he knew Jarvis’ death was not his fault. He hadn’t shot his foster child.

The difference between that pain and this, he said, is that, essentially, he shot himself and his church. “I’ve spent my life trying to, No. 1, serve God, and to build up this faith community. I felt all of that was at risk. I felt that I don’t want to hurt this church; I’ve done everything trying to make this church strong. I don’t want to hurt this church. I don’t want to hurt these people who are at their jobs or workplaces having to defend their pastor. That shouldn’t be what they have to do. I did not want to hurt this church’s reputation.”

The rebel priest has had a rough couple of weeks. Last week, as the furor over his comments at Trinity was building, he underwent surgery for a hernia. His doctor told him to stay in bed for a week. He didn’t. And Pfleger’s 96-year-old father is ailing after a series of strokes.

“He’s all I’ve got. He’s all that’s left of my family, and it’s so painful, ” said Pfleger, choking back tears. He has two adopted sons, but his mother and sister are deceased.

“So I’m dealing with that and the fact that the whole world hates my ass right now.” There’s a new group just started called “Catholics Against Michael Pfleger,” with an online petition to have him removed from the pulpit.

Pfleger has become collateral damage in a battle that’s bigger than he is.

“I understand that,” he says. “People say, well, I thought you were more politically savvy. Well, I would have been if I was speaking at a banquet, or if I were speaking at a press conference. But I didn’t think this was a political time. I was speaking at a pulpit about an issue that is . . . the greatest sin against the Bible, about racism.

“This is a dangerous time in America, the freest country in the world,” Pfleger says, “where you have to whisper your thoughts.”

(Chicago Sun-Times)

UPDATE: Francis Cardinal George is temporarily removing Father Michael Pfleger from his position as pastor of St. Sabina Roman Catholic Church on Chicago’s South Side.

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11 Responses

  1. Kentucky Jim

    A number of conservative churches and christian organizations have been hounded within an inch of their tax exempt status without ever mentioning a name. This church and others that serve as a platform for liberal, racist, activist ministers flaunt the rules worse than criminal aliens with impunity. Just another example of the double standard that has become the elephant in the room. If anyone criticizes them they are labelled as racists. Of course, when Jimmuh was pres, he stated that everyone is racist.

  2. SOC

    Probably likes young boys too… like Obama

  3. Terry Gain

    The life of a true Christian minister is never ruined –unless he is an unrepentant sinner.

  4. Goodbye Natalie

    I’ll say this again for all Christians who read this because I feel these verses very fitting:

    16 There are six things the LORD hates,
    seven that are detestable to him:

    17 haughty eyes,
    a lying tongue,
    hands that shed innocent blood,

    18 a heart that devises wicked schemes,
    feet that are quick to rush into evil,

    19 a false witness who pours out lies
    and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers

    This priest and his joined at the hip phony accomplice are nothing but modern day pharisees. The only ‘church’ they serve is the church of self-aggrandizement. And the fools that follow him are equally guilty.

    God will not be mocked. These men, whether in pulpit or state, that build their own earthly kingdoms will go down in flames. Far greater and wiser men have professed their own set of rules and wisdom, only to eventually fail. From Nebuchadnezzar, to Alexander the Great, to Julius Caeser, to Herod; from Napoleon, to Hitler, to Saddam, to the Ayatollah Khomeni, and all tyrants in between, these pagan progressives masquerading as some type of holy men will join their masters.

  5. sully

    WTF is this guy doing with “adopted sons” and a “foster son”?

  6. Zeke Eagle

    “adopted sons” and a “foster son”?

    Teaching wrestling, full nelson, half nelson and Father Nelson.

  7. Brad (Future Priest)

    Father Pfleger has gotten what was comming to him. Now that he has fallen, we should pray that he takes a good, hard look at his life. We should pray that God gives him the grace to repent and turn his life around.

    “You have heard it said that you shall not murder, but I say to you, anyone who hates his brother has murdered him in his heart” -Our Lord

  8. TJ (Honorary Lesbian)

    sully, good question!

    this man should be sent to a monastery to reflect and discern his vocation. Some priests cant handle leadership and are more reflective prayerful types, perhaps thats his real calling. In congregations that are diverse ideologically and otherwise a priest need remain neutral so that he can minister to peoples spiritual needs with out fear that he would break their confidence. As a conservative, knowing what i know about his views, i would be hard pressed to ever seek his spiritual advise. He has to know, that in feeding into black peoples predjudices he is alienating many others he is supposed to serve. :cry:

  9. azbastard

    I know you not saith the Lord

  10. TedB

    I have no use for self-loathing white boys. Thank you Cardinal George.

  11. Boo Boo

    OK, I didn’t know priests could adopt and have foster kids. Wow, I’d like to meet the kids, hear what they have to say. Also, this guy is out of line and it’s good his bishop is reining him in.

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