Video “Freedom”: Reagan Wisdom & McCain’s Plan - Narrated by Fred Thompson

June 24th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

You gotta watch this…

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12 Responses

  1. 007

    :smile: Good Vid!

  2. fan

    The need to also run it as a general commercial to help get Republicans elected.

  3. Phendlin (Death Rattlers)

    i actually had goose bumps on my arms. i think it was the first time i actually felt ‘hopeful’ about Sen McCain, even if just for a minute. :shock:

    and i sure as hell don’t hold out any hope for the marxist-ass party shit heads like pelosi, reid and the obamamation.

    heh, used the spell checker which correctly identified ‘obamamation’ as ‘abomination’.

    3 cheers to the spell checker! :beer:

  4. CPLViper

    Fred Thompson For President! … ok, ok, VP, damn it!

  5. Boo Boo

    What a beautiful film. As time goes on, Ronald Reagan grows in stature in my eyes, if that’s possible. Very inspiring. I hope this plays over and over somewhere where it will be seen by millions and millions.

  6. TBinSTL (just typical)

    If it hadn’t been for a “perfect storm” of old school, country club Republicans and fringe idiots pushing lies and distortions about Fred Thompson, we could have had the best candidate since RWR. We failed him, I failed him, I failed you, my countrymen.

  7. sully

    Great vid.
    Too bad Ronnie had to put Kennedy on the SCOTUS.

  8. sal


  9. A. S. Wise- VA (America, FUCK YEAH!)

    Fuck yeah! Really contrasts McCain with the Dems. Indeed, it can make conservatives more enthusiastic about McCain. Hype aside, he still has a pretty good record, if you look at the raw facts.

    On the way back to my car after class today, on of my classmates was fawning over how great Swedish society’s social programs are. The only good thing Sweden has, are its women! My mom had three Volvos, and I hated everyone of them! Then he lamented over how similar McCain’s positions are to Bush’s. No doubt he’ll be voting for Obamination.

  10. Lock and Load

    Fantastic Video!!! :beer: :beer:
    McCain needs to stay on this track, and keep talking about Reagan every chance he gets. Reagan’s vision was of a shining city on a hill - if McCain reverts back to his Dhimmi appeasement mode, we can kiss that city goodbye. Thompson needs to be VP - he would add the required conservative backbone to the McCain ticket. I’m still pissed that he was passed over :evil:

  11. Boo Boo

    :arrow: TBinSTL: “old school country club Republicans.” Why blame fellow party members, whoever they are? Nelson Rockefeller is dead. There are plenty of fingers to point, why start? Divide and conquer. Meanwhile, most of the people polled in this country on this day say they are going to vote for Obama: a man with stupid ideas, policy positions taken from the 70’s, no experience, a Farrakahn accolyte. What does that tell you? Also, could you see old looking Thompson against young Obama in a debate? McCain is bad enough to look at.

  12. Judith, typical White Ohioan

    AIR THIS ON TV AS AN AD FOR MCCAIN. McCain isn’t perfect, far from it, but he is so far above old purple lips that the distance is too great to measure. For those still clinging to others who didn’t make it, look at the consequences of not voting and working for Mac. As my Daddy used to say, Either lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way. Let’s push this wagon to the Whitehouse.

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