Give Me Your Opinion: How Many Times Does Iran Have To Say It Before The World Believes?

June 11th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


It’s like this…

First, let me quote something Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said today:

“Iran won’t stop its nuclear work.”

He said that today…again.

How many times has he said that in the last couple of years? Six? Twenty?

How about over 100 times?


Yet, for some unknown reason, a large portion of the world’s population seems to be under the impression that Iran can be coerced into giving up their nuclear ambitions.

And no matter how you want to translate Farsi, the message is they want to attack Israel and the United States and U.S. interests in that region.

What about nuking Baghdad as well? Has anyone thought about that? Lots of Americans there. Lots of Sunni. Sweet target for the Iranians. I can’t see them nuking Jerusalem, they want Jerusalem.

Small one on Tel Aviv? You bet uranium.

“We’ll sanction you!” The feeble U.N. raises it’s fist, signs off on a bunch of sanctions. Iran finds the loopholes, and slips through, all the while continuing on with their nuclear ambitions.

They pass more sanctions, and tell Iran “Stop!”

Iran says “Fuck you. We will never stop.”

Repeat above cycle ad nauseum.

Is it going to take a mushroom cloud over Tel Aviv for the world to finally say, “Hmmm, I guess the Iranians were making a bomb.”

So the question: How long do we wait? It is not a matter of “if” the Iranians are pursuing nuclear weapons. It is a matter of “when” are they going to have them. Once they have them, Pandoras box is opened. There will be no doubting that Iran will hand off nuclear bombs to terrorist groups like Hezbollah, Hamas, and even their hated enemy Sunni groups like Al Qaeda, if the target would be Americans, Jews, and the like. The enemy of my enemy is my friend bullshit.

The genie will be out of the bottle. Then what?

Do these pukes at the U.N. have any idea what will happen then?

So how long do we wait? And what should we do?

Seriously…I’m asking…

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13 Responses

  1. A. S. Wise- VA (George S. Patton Conservative)

    Most of the world won’t acknowledge the Iranian threat, until Tel Aviv, some European city, or the East Coast has a mushroom cloud rising above it. Even then, they’ll probably argue that Iran was “provoked.” :evil:

  2. Reign in Blood

    I have a feeling that Israel is poised to wage a strike on our bahalf by proxy. They probably have their intelligence agency working overtime right now to gather all info they can, already have a pretty good handle on exactly how far out Iran is and will strike when things are becoming imminent. I imagine there is an Iranian or two feeding them/us inteligence just because they know the dire effect of their own country becoming nuclear.

    I say a bunker buster or two will be destroying nuclear facility sites within the next year to a year and a half.

    I just hope Obama doesn’t win the election before a strike is necessary or we may end up seeing the reality of a terrorist regime with the bomb. Just need to make sure that McCain wins come November.

  3. Birdddog

    Bash: I have pondered the thought of a strike in Iraq. It’s the closest place (Basra) where the Iranians can witness the fire in the sky bullshit so Mookie can ride on the train into Tehran. I also wouldn’t put it past them to hit Jerusalem. Blame it on Israel. Nassy goes ape shit yadda yadda yadda. You have to believe every word Amabigdickwad says. :gun: :gun: :gun:

  4. Molly

    The Useless Nations don’t have the balls to stand up to Iran, so they just issue sanctions under the false assumption that they will comply. They are completely blind to the inherent danger that Iran is becoming.

    What we shouldn’t do is assume that Iran can be reasoned with rationally.

  5. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Well then, let us help you put yourself out of your misery. :gun: :twisted: :beer:

  6. Sandy

    “What about nuking Baghdad as well? Has anyone thought about that? Lots of Americans there. Lots of Sunni.”

    I have thought about that one for quite awhile. It is very probable that they would do it too.

    I have gotten to the point that I am stunned at the lack of concern for what is on the immediate horizon world wide. The denial that most people are in frightens me. I do think it will take a nuclear strike like A. S. Wise said. I also agree with Reign in Blood that Israel will strike Iran when the time is immenent and we will join forces with them to eliminate Iran’s capabilities.

  7. Mike Mose

    Since the UN is run by the same people as the nutjob Iranian they will clap and cheer when Jerusalem is on fire. Therefore the attack on Iran will come by the Israeli’s and the first shot fired at the Israeli civilians will allow the US to finish off every piece of Military equipment they have.

    I can’t believe Bush will leave Iran alone if Obama is elected. If McCain is elected Iran will be defenseless within the first year. IMHO

  8. Paslode

    People will take Iranian threat seriously only after a city lays in a smoldering heap of rumble resembling Hiroshima.

  9. JJIrons

    They won’t believe it even after it has happened. That is why we may as well go ahead and deal with them now and be done with it. Protect ourselves and Israel and let world opinion be what it may. The “world” will never agree with us taking Iran out so to hell with them. Just do it before it’s too late.

  10. T-Bagg

    To many believe a reactive defense and worlds will keep the world safe. The best defense is a strong offense. :gun:

  11. RC

    I totally agree Bash, The scary thing in my opinion is not that we can eliminate their ambitions soundly as we’ve always had that capability, imho I believe they posess 1-5 nuclear devices already. The reason why I say that are several, but the most obvious is that A’jad’s audacity to openly antagonize Israel and its neighbours reflects a defiance and a bravado that only a madman would show knowing what he already has at his disposal.

    I won’t go into great detail where he could have attained these nuclear devices as there are several options we can all agree on, rogue Paki scientist Khan seems obvious, North Korea, perhaps to a lesser extent from a former state of the Soviet Union.

    Some might call me paranoid, but I don’t think I am. What could he do with 4-5 ready nukes let’s ask?? Well for starters his scientists could back engineer two of them, calculate densities and enrichment levels required to mass produce equal lethality. My guess is he has another two warheads ready to go live at his orders. One I think has Tel Aviv’s name on it already, the other could well be Baghdad as you rightfully say. One might also have the port city of Haifa’s name on it, an easy target being both close to Hezbollah in Lebanon and to the Golan heights that Syria want. Why hasn’t he used them as yet? It might be as obvious as producing a couple more so Tehran can inflict major damage to its oil rich neighbors further exacerbating oil demand and economic woes worldwide. Why is SA all of a sudden looking at the nuclear option?

    The above may be over speculation on my part, but one thing I do know is that Israel won’t wait for world opinion on this. I’m not surprised the IDF is on tenterhooks ready to take out sites in Iran and Syria and elsewhere in the ME.
    If this summation is correct, Iran is a dead duck in water, their power utilities, radars and strike capabilities will be first victims jammed in concert by both the IDF and US forces, which leads me to believe they’ll be more inclined to use clandestine methods of inflicting misery. Prolonged indecision, impotent UN sanctions and blind ignorance may give rise to a new fatal reality - the atomic burqa. That might sound laughable, but I’m beyond second guessing muslim aggression anymore - 9/11 is enough proof of the sadistic lengths and efforts these scumbags aim for.

  12. Zeke Eagle

    “9/11 is enough proof” Amen

  13. WJC

    A.S Wise

    How did you do on your Military History exam?

    Those were some interesting topics to analyze.

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