Google’s Noodles

June 6th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


So, the internet search engine Google is taking a bit of a lashing from the blogs today … well, the conservative blogs anyway … for, as Pat pointed out in one of his Deep Thoughts entries today, ignoring D-Day in its logo in favor of commemorating the birthday of some Spanish dude that could paint


Which got me sifting through the over-stuffed junk closet that is my adult ADD mind, and I recalled some past Google “noodles”.


January 19, 2006 -

Bush Administration Demands Search Data; Google Says No; AOL, MSN & Yahoo Said Yes

Via John Battelle and Google Morning Silicon Valley, the San Jose Mercury News article “Feds want Google search records” covers the Bush administration demanding last year that Google and other search engines turn over aggregate search information to help revive a child protection law. Google has refused to comply with the subpoena. A motion has been filed this week by US Department Of Justice to force Google to hand over the data.

In particular, the Bush administration wanted one million random web addresses and records of all Google searches for a one week period. The government apparently wants to estimate how much pornography shows up in the searches that children do. [ … ]

January 20, 2006 -

Google refuses U.S. demand for search data
Microsoft, Yahoo! and AOL have complied

Google Inc. is rebuffing the Bush administration’s demand for a peek at what millions of people have been looking up on the Internet’s leading search engine — a request that underscores the potential for online databases to become tools for government surveillance.

Google has refused to comply with a White House subpoena first issued last summer as part of the government’s effort to uphold an online pornography law. That prompted Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to ask a federal judge in San Jose, Calif., this week for an order to hand over the requested records. [ … ]


January 25, 2006 -

Google Now Censoring In China

Oh, the irony. Less than a week after we hear that Google is ready to fight the US government in part to defend its users, now comes news that Google will cave into the Chinese government’s demands for its new Google China web site. However, the issues aren’t directly comparable. Moreover, while I’m no fan of Chinese censorship, I like some of the way Google is reacting to the demands. Come along, and we’ll explore the entire censorship situation in China, the US and some other places you rarely hear discussed, like France and Germany.

What’s Google done? They’ve agreed to impose censorship on the Google China service that’s reported to be rolling out. Actually, Google’s had sites designed for those in China to use for some time. They did obtain the Chinese domain that this “new” site is using back in May, and you were able to search there uncensored by Google itself since that time. Now Google is stepping in to do the censorship directly, rather than the Chinese government doing it. [ … ]

And in the MEANTIME …

March 31st, 2008 -

CIA enlists Google’s help for spy work

US intelligence agencies are using Google’s technology to help its agents share information about their suspects
Google has been recruited by US intelligence agencies to help them better process and share information they gather about suspects.

Agencies such as the National Security Agency have bought servers on which Google-supplied search technology is used to process information gathered by networks of spies around the world.

Google is also providing the search features for a Wikipedia-style site, called Intellipedia, on which agents post information about their targets that can be accessed and appended by colleagues, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

The contracts are just a number that have been entered into by Google’s ‘federal government sales team’, that aims to expand the company’s reach beyond its core consumer and enterprise operations. [ … ]

There’s more … But I’m sure you’ll “Google” it …


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10 Responses

  1. franchie

    CIA enlists Google’s help for spy work

    I knew that I was spyed :mrgreen:

  2. mshatto

    Fuck those dimwits at Google. I just called and got throuht to a very ignorant individual. The dumbass had NO CLUE what D-Day was. This is the kind insipid self-centered twits that work in Silicon Valley. Use Yahoo.

  3. deathstar

    Surge of knife violence causes Brit crack down on knives.

    Since thay banned guns in the UK shouldnt they also just ban knives. Cut your steak with a spoon peasants. While they are at it they should also ban cars, swimming pools and booze which all far more dangerous than guns.

  4. Steve in NC

    fuck youtube too.

  5. ECM

    Don’t use Google (Clusty is a good alternative).

  6. Kevin M

    I use AltaVista. What the F is Google?

  7. sam, LA

    i just had a conversation with my pops today and he told me he called Google because he was so pissed they were commemorating a spanish artist over d-day!

    i think he got the same ignorant broad mshatto got

    im glad he wasn’t the only one who called in

  8. mindy abraham

    They also ignored Memorial day :mad:

  9. ukatheist

    deathstar[dawsopolis?]pissoff until you look up in a dictionary and find out what a peasant was have the decency not to call one that, you bloody colonial,its the banning of carrying knives in public you asshat.oh and google twists and turns its corporate policy to fit its bottom line

  10. Poe

    The bulk of Google shareholders are dimwhits. the born into money clueless types who think anything “patriotic” is bad and don’t understand where the life of luxury they enjoy came from.

    I understand why they stay away from the “controversial” to there shareholders stuff. It sucks mind you, but whatcha gona do?

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