Gun T-Shirt ‘Was A Security Risk’

June 3rd, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


Insert heavy eye-roll …


A man wearing a T-shirt depicting a cartoon character holding a gun was stopped from boarding a flight by the security at Heathrow’s Terminal 5.

Brad Jayakody, from Bayswater, central London, said he was “stumped” at the objection to his Transformers T-shirt.


Mr Jayakody said he had to change before boarding as security officers objected to the gun, held by the cartoon character.

Airport operator BAA said it was investigating the incident.

Mr Jayakody said the incident happened a few weeks ago, when he was challenged by an official during a pre-flight security check.

“He says, ‘we won’t be able to let you through because your T-shirt has got a gun on it’,” Mr Jayakody said.

“I was like, ‘What are you talking about?’.

“[The official’s] supervisor comes over and goes ’sorry we can’t let you through and you’ve a gun on your T-shirt’,” he said.

Mr Jayakody said he had to strip and change his T-shirt there before he was allowed to board his flight.

“I was just looking for someone with a bit of common sense,” he said.

“It’s a cartoon robot - what threat is it to security or offensive to anyone at all?”

A BAA spokesman said there was no record of the incident and no “formal complaint” had been made.

“If a T-shirt had a rude word or a bomb on it, for example, a passenger may be asked to remove it,” he said.

“We are investigating what happened to see if it came under this category.

“If it’s offensive, we don’t want other passengers upset.”

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7 Responses

  1. schlitz

    figures they’ll stop and give yah crap for things like that! I got yelled at and called an ass for smoking to close to the building outside with a muslim next to me nothing for him. wonder if it was any of the past hijackers that were thinking it was a distastful Tshirt

  2. Unbreakable

    Like I said yesterday, I wonder what would happen if you showed up wearing a JihadiKiller shirt?

  3. cclezel

    So are they worried we may use the T-Shirt in a hijacking?

  4. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: cclezel

    It’s all fucking fun and games … shits and giggles … until somebody loses an eye, ya know.

  5. Reagan T.

    Reminds me of my high school. I had the nickname “raygun’ and when I tried to put it on our class shirts (for basketball and whatever) they deemed the “gun” inappropriate. Just another example of the hall monitors ruling the world.

  6. Kurt(the infidel)

    jeez! whats next? do we all get our own personal Mary Poppins to follow us around and tell us what not to do

  7. blastdad( typical white patriot)

    He should of worn a Che T-shirt, probably been given an upgrade to first class.

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