Hillary Defiant, Obama Pissed

June 4th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


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Inside word is that she stole his thunder yesterday by not conceding, and he’s very, very unhappy…you could see it in the bitter, contemptuous look on his face after he said he would now certainly be “the Democratic nominee for President”, instead of a smile. How he handles her may provide an interesting view into how he handles any half-way complex challenge that isn’t merely talked away to friendly reporters…

The Swamp:

While Hillary Clinton was by some measure concilatory toward the presumptive Democratic nominee Barack Obama Tuesday, Obama’s campaign may be more focused on the parts of her speech that came after her congratulations.

After praising Obama as a candidate (without recognizing him as the nominee), Clinton went on to highlight, again, her own qualifications for the job.

“People in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the territories, all had a chance to make your voices heard. And on election day after election day, you came out in record numbers to cast your ballots. Nearly 18 million of you cast your votes… for our campaign, carrying the popular vote with more votes than any primary candidate in history.

Even when the pundits and the naysayers proclaimed week after week that this race was over, you kept on voting. You’re the nurse on the second shift, the worker on the line, the waitress on her feet, the small business owner, the farmer, the teacher, the miner, the trucker, the soldier, the veteran, the student, the hard-working men and women who don’t always make the headlines, but have always written America’s story.

You have voted because you wanted to take back the White House. And because of you…. we won, together, the swing states necessary to get to 270 electoral votes.”

In other words, ir you had just returned to America from an island in the South Pacific like, say, Lost’s Oceanic Six, you never would have thought that she had lost the primary election.

She also encouraged her legions of supporters to continue to make their voices heard by, among other things, posting messages on her website. She said she would consult with party leaders about her future.

On CNN Tuesday, among other news outlets, some pundits suggested that by not allowing Obama to have the spotlight to himself this historic evening, Clinton had torpedoed her chances at securing the vice presidential slot. While others said that Clinton was playing hardball, leveraging her 18 million votes, forcing Obama to deal with her whether he wants to or not.

CNN contributor David Gergen was not amused, saying that Obama is “going to be diverted” by Clinton when he needs to focus on taking on John McCain.

“She’s still competing with him for attention,” Gergen said. “He needs to move on.”

Gergen accused Clinton of trying to form a “coalition government.”

Panelist Gloria Borger said she was “surprised by the defiant tone” of Clinton’s remarks. “I don’t think it works well for the whole ticket idea,” she said.

And the famed Washington reporter Carl Bernstein said Obama would have to deal with Clinton’s “militant army of supporters.”

Militant army? Pundits like to speak of Clinton and Obama living in parallel universes. Well, welcome now, perhaps, to another one: 17th century England.

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8 Responses

  1. cclezel

    I AM LOOVVIINNNGG THIS!!! They are eating their own.

  2. SCYankee

    And Operation Chaos rolls on! :lol:

  3. danielle

    go shillary!! :beer:

  4. IP727

    HEY OBAMA, THE JIG IS UP. :mrgreen:

  5. Dave M.

    Strata has got some new breaking info on the tape


    He is having some server overload problems, I think.

  6. Cajun Neo Con

    I saw a few Obama stickers yesterday on the way home from Ohio to West Virginia. Get the truth out. Obama is a racist. Barack H. Obama…WRONG FOR AMERICA!!!!

  7. golfer280

    Even Hillary knows how scary Barry Obama is to this nation.
    I hope it doesn’t end until the announcement is made at the convention. Rush and Operation Chaos are two of the greatest pieces of entertainment to come along in years.
    The guy is a genius. He has totally fucked up the demoshit party.

  8. Jeff

    She is not disappointing me, at all. I think she’s only getting started too. She will not be denied!!! She would sacrifice her own daughter to sit in the big chair.

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