Hillary To Quit White House Race Friday, Endorse Hussein - With Video

June 4th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Ahh, what a lively day…can Hussein afford Bill’s flapping jaws on the campaign trail? Hillary couldn’t.

Update: AP Plays catch-up, one minute ago:

AP News Alert

Jun 4 08:04 PM US/Eastern

Hillary Rodham Clinton has decided to end her historic presidential campaign .

WASHINGTON (AP) - Hillary Rodham Clinton planned to throw support to Democratic rival Barack Obama Friday and call on Democrats to unite against Republican John McCain, her campaign announced Wednesday.

“Senator Clinton will be hosting an event in Washington on Friday to thank her supporters and express her support for Senator Obama and party unity,” her communications director Howard Wolfson said.

The announcement brought to an end the historic campaign pitting the first serious female candidate against the most viable black contender ever.

Obama secured the delegates Tuesday night to claim the Democratic nomination, but Clinton stopped short of acknowledging that milestone.

Clinton agreed to back Obama during conference call Wednesday with impatient House Democrats who urged her to end the division between the Obama and Clinton camps, said a senior campaign adviser, speaking on condition of anonymity because the candidate has not authorized public discussion of the private conference call with supporters.

The adviser said Clinton will congratulate Obama for having gathered enough delegates to clinch the nomination, a step she planned to take Tuesday but postponed.

Several of the lawmakers on the call said they would be willing to appear at Clinton’s side if she were to hold an event supporting Obama. The details of the conversation were described by people familiar with the discussions.

Agencie France Presse:

Hillary Clinton will abandon her bid for the White House on Friday and concede the race to her Democratic rival Barack Obama, US media said Wednesday.

ABC network wrote on its website it had learned that “Senator Hillary Clinton will drop out of the presidential race on Friday, ending her historic bid for the White House and ceding the Democratic nomination to Barack Obama.”

A senior source in Clinton’s camp confirmed the report to the news website politico.com saying the former first lady would abandon her bid on Friday.

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7 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    talk about conflicting reports. it keeps going back and forth

  2. Zeke Eagle

    One monster down, one to go. Disgusting asshat D’rats!

  3. Toby Karnes

    :neutral: Woulda been nice to have Hillary there if just to have her husbands backing. Like him or not, he is a diplomat and knows what to say and when to say it when it comes to foreign policy. Don’t really wanna see my son go back and forth to Iraq per John McCain. Lets send their kids n see how they feel.

  4. 0311inOHio(typical white person)

    Hey Toby….. McCains son has been to Iraq.. USMC, Baby..

    As far as Klinton.. He is a fucking liar, traitor and more. The impeached President.

  5. sully

    “Like him or not, he is a diplomat and knows what to say and when to say it when it comes to foreign policy.”

    You GOTTA be kiddin’ right?
    …. right?????
    9/11 because BJ Clinton was such a fuckin’ whiz at ‘foreign policy’. :shock:

  6. AZ Patriot

    Oh and this is just brilliant sounding Gov. Napolitano mentioned as possible Obama VP choices :roll:

    The dike and the Muslim

  7. Dave M.

    How about Huma?

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