Bumped: Holy Fucking Shit - 8 Piglets Fried By Hellfire - Best FLIR In Ages

June 6th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

This is as good as that one with the 30mm blowing the piglet around we posted the other day.

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29 Responses

  1. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    I find Open Pit has a nice line of BBQ sauces to choose from … Something there for everyone’s taste buds. :beer:

  2. steve m

    :beer: :beer: :beer:

  3. Political.fish

    I’ll bring the S’mores :!:

  4. Mike Mose

    Another Great Job by the US Military! Fine Job Gentlemen!

  5. Leatherneck

    This vid totally rules dude. You can almost see the whites of their eyes.

  6. deathstar

    That was NICE. :beer:

  7. sal

    even though i appreciate the offer, i still prefur hatfield bacon :lol:

  8. Zeke Eagle

    So humane compared to sawing the head off some trussed up captive after preaching and screaming “Allah Akbar” to the victim.

    Surprize! Excellent! Haj, meet Satan. His name is Allah.

  9. One Shot

    Chunks!! GOOD ONE!

  10. eric in MD

    i love it!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

  11. CPLViper

    I love the apache. The enemy had no idea we were even there and no idea of what hit them. That must be one quite helicopter. :twisted:

  12. deathstar

    Its like swatting a cockroach, one second its running along dumb and happy, the next its flat.

  13. AmericanJarhead

    Warms the heart doesn’t it? Thanks… I love the business-like manner in which these punks were removed.

  14. Ed Stanowicz

    Awesome!!!!!!!!! :evil:

  15. Steve in NC

    572 virgins goats are being raped in hell now.

  16. 007

    HellFire is a perfect name!! :lol:

  17. Phil N Blanx

    Gives a whole new meaning to makin’ bacon.

  18. mindy abraham

    Good shooting boys-Love ya :mrgreen:

  19. Kurt(the infidel)

    whooo! that was just devestating! for them :twisted:

  20. Mike in VA

    That made my day! :beer: :gun:

  21. Kevin M

    Nothing like watching a gaggle of sand monkeys getting flash-fried to make your day a little bit brighter! :smile: :mrgreen:

  22. Marcell

    Love it. Outstanding. :beer: :beer: :beer:

  23. jtm371

    how better to celebrate D-Day then with a great video.hope the hellfire was dipped in pigs blood. :mrgreen: :gun:

  24. John Goodrow

    Complete awesomeness.

  25. Dan (The Infidel)

    Outfreaking-standing dudes….Haj and his band of fellow satanists are now enjoying what they have reaped in life.
    Hell is motherfucker.

  26. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    I love it. Eight more Akbars and Habibs bite the dust.
    And they seem so clueless as to what is about to happen.
    That is great unto itself. Surprise. Wake up in Hell. See how benevolent we are? :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :gun: :twisted:

  27. Pat "The Christian"

    Nice grouping.

  28. T-Bagg

    :arrow: Political.fish

    I’ll bring the S’mores :!:

    -Hopefully the burning flesh smell don’t get into the marshmallows.


  29. Kim

    After getting a letter from the IRS today saying I owe them $$$ for interest earned on some hard earned savings bonds I’ve been putting away for years and recently used for my daughter’s college — well, this vid kind of warms my heart. Just wish there was an IRS turd included with this group :gun: :gun:

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