Hussein Advisor Rice: No Attacks On U.S. Soil Since 9/11 Is “Stupid” Way To Fight Terror

June 18th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

Yeah, we should just do the way Hussein says, you know, prosecute them in our courts after they commit the act!

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12 Responses

  1. SOC

    Ludicrous and irresponsible. What a dumb Bitch…
    She would rather have us put our trust in a Marxist, closet muslim, political radicalist, inexperienced wimp…

  2. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    THIS from the same mindset that: didn’t think demanding gays using condoms, testing blood donors for HIV/AIDS was nasty discrimination, and believed passing out free needles to drug-users … but felt the government had a duty to cure and medicate AIDS and HIV ‘victims’ …

    Hey, bitch … I’d rather see the fucking terrorists in pieces from a hellfire hit than see his fucking smarmy face on TV in court after murdering Americans …

    NEVER preventative medicine with these dick-heads …

  3. cathyann

    Wow! She has offers as much substance as Obama!

  4. One Shot

    Just another dumb cunt…

  5. Kurt(the infidel)

    the utter lack of intelligence of Obama and all of those who surround him is just shocking. with a capital S. they do not get it. they think doing things the exact opposite way that President Bush has done things is the answer, and will make them right.

  6. Phendlin (Death Rattlers)

    susan rice, wanna see stupid? LOOK IN THE FUCKING MIRROR!!! you dumb cunt!

  7. Q_Mech

    This igmo doesn’t want the “smart” way to fight terrorism, she wants the “easy” way.

    It doesn’t work that way, champ. Don’t worry, though - even when better men and women than yourself are out doing things the hard way, you STILL DON’T HAVE TO LIFT A FUCKING FINGER.

  8. sully

    This is the bullshit place the libnazi ‘fighting terrorism creates terrorism because Americans deserve to be terrorized’ meme takes you. Complete incoherence.

    I’m glad to see them finally out in the open. This POS Rice and ‘Winnie the Pooh’ Danzig are great proof that we are all seriously fucked if they get elected.

  9. steve m

    A more glittering collection of moronic imbeciles has seldom been seen in the history of this great land. There isn’t one iota of common sense in the Obama group… 6 months to shoot your mouths off you clueless fools. let ‘em talk, the hole gets bigger…

  10. Trigger Control

    Obama’s Ho knows stupid, she works for the worlds biggest dumb ass…

  11. Phendlin (Death Rattlers)

    the dumb leading the dumber with the hussein/msn crowd.

  12. cnchess

    They still think that by calling George Bush stupid that they can overcome the stigma of losing to him on everything he cared about. Killing about 40,000 terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan and handing al qaeda ther first and only military defeat in Iraq is smart. Sucking al Qaeda into Iraq to fight the best warriors in the history of the planet was brialliant. While they were bleeding out in Iraq, they were not able to harm any Americans anywhere in the world. If that is the “Change” the “smart” democrats want, then welcome to the White House, President McCann in the Fall. Then, the “stupid” George Bush, will have thumbed his nose at them on the last day of his Administration.

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