Hussein Gives Vague Answer About Alleged Michelle “Whitey” Tape

June 5th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.



Sen. Barack Obama on Thursday batted down rumors circulating on the Internet and mentioned on some cable news shows of the existence of a video of his wife using a derogatory term for white people, and criticized a reporter for asking him about the rumor, which has not a shred of evidence to support it.

“We have seen this before. There is dirt and lies that are circulated in e-mails and they pump them out long enough until finally you, a mainstream reporter, asks me about it,” Obama said to the McClatchy reporter during a press conference aboard his campaign plane. “That gives legs to the story. If somebody has evidence that myself or Michelle or anybody has said something inappropriate, let them do it.”

Asked whether he knew it not to be true, Obama said he had answered the question.

“Frankly, my hope is people don’t play this game,” Obama said. “It is a destructive aspect of our politics. Simply because something appears in an e-mail, that should lend it no more credence than if you heard it on the corner. Presumably the job of the press is to not to go around and spread scurrilous rumors like this until there is actually anything, an iota, of substance or evidence that would substantiate it.”

So was it even acceptable to ask the question?

Before Obama could answer, communications director Robert Gibbs interjected: “You just did.”

“That is my point,” Obama said. “I just think people have to think about it before they ask.”

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9 Responses

  1. sully

    Asking him anything uncomfortable is a distraction and makes you a racist.

  2. Phil N Blanx

    The ‘whitey’ comment was probably uttered by Michelle in some disagreement with one of her in-laws. Possibly throwing Hussein’s typical ol’ white granny under the bus. No wait, that’s already been done.

    BTW — Am I the only one wondering why Hussein is defined as the first black US Prez when he is actually bi-racial? Doesn’t that seem like dismissing half of his heritage or am I reaching?

  3. luke37

    She said it, every black american has said it. Big FKN deal, and Im voting for McCain. :shock:

  4. princetrumpet

    He’s answered about eight questions already. Can’t he just finish his waffle? Can’t he just waffle until he’s finished?

  5. Kim

    :arrow: Presumably the job of the press is to not to go around and spread scurrilous rumors like this until there is actually anything, an iota, of substance or evidence that would substantiate it.”

    This poor reporter mustn’t have gotten the DNC memo: scurrilous rumors without substance reserved only for RNC types, military, or current POTUS (i.e. forged NBC Bush military document, anything coming out of Al Jeezera, etc.)

  6. One Shot

    I have been very skeptical about the existence of such a tape. It’d be nice though…

  7. Jim C.

    It wouldn’t surprise me.

    But as much as I dislike the guy, I have to say he’s right.

    If it turns out to be a hoax, the people who’ve been loudest about it will make the rest of us look stupid.

    It’s also a possibility that this rumor was planted by some liberal. But again, I have no evidence for this and it’s merely my sheer speculation.

  8. flitetym

    not true, luke37 … I am a patriot first, God fearing father next, and a thoroughly contented man in the end.

    and oh yes, I am a black man … first generation American … been in love with this country probably for far longer than you’ve been breathing air.

  9. Evestay

    thanks for the laugh princetrumpet :beer:

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