Hussein Imitates Bush On Iran To Jewish Audience

June 4th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


Not even 24 hours since being crowned the democrat nominee for POTUS and Hussein has both feet in a pile of donkey-shit …

Obama’s Evolving Position on Iran

Hawkish Stand More Like the Bush Administration’s Position


Don’t call Barack Obama an appeaser.

In his speech Wednesday before the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee, Obama sounded a bit like the more hawkish officials in the Bush administration.

He said the military option is “on the table” for dealing with Iran’s nuclear program, and in stark contrast to earlier statements, he said he would meet with Iranian leaders “if and only if it can advance the interest of the United States.”

Obama’s tone was strikingly different from it has been in the past.

During a debate last summer, he said he would be willing to meet with Iranian leaders and other American adversaries “without preconditions” during the first year of his presidency. Today, he made it clear that we should not expect a President Obama to be sitting down with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad any time soon:

“[A]s president of the United States, I would be willing to lead tough and principled diplomacy with the appropriate Iranian leaders at a time and place of my choosing if and only if it can advance the interest of the United States. That is my position. I want to be absolutely clear.”

Obama Camp Defends

Obama campaign officials insist the presumptive Democratic nominee has not changed his position.

“It’s not a precondition to say he’ll only do it to advance our interests,” said Obama foreign policy adviser Denis McDonough.

McDonough said Obama has never promised to meet with Iran’s leaders. He’s simply said that he is willing to meet with Iran’s leaders. “And the key word there is willing. The idea that some have suggested is that he has promised a meeting. That is not the case and never was the case. He argued then as he argued today that he is willing to meet as it advances our interests.”

But take another look at what Obama said during last July’s Democratic debate sponsored by CNN and Youtube. The question is clear, and so is his response:

QUESTION: “Would you be willing to meet separately, without precondition, during the first year of your administration, with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea?”

OBAMA: “I would. And the reason is this: The notion that somehow not talking to countries is punishment to them — which has been the guiding diplomatic principle of this administration — is ridiculous. Ronald Reagan constantly spoke to the Soviet Union at a time when he called them an evil empire. He understood that we may not trust them, and they may pose an extraordinary danger to this country, but we had the obligation to find areas where we can potentially move forward. And I think that it is a disgrace that we have not spoken to them.”

Obama’s position on talking to Iran has been evolving for some time.

Since the CNN/Youtube debate, he has been saying that he would only meet with Iranian leaders after “preparation” by lower-level officials.

Most recently, talking to reporters in South Dakota last month, he explained, “The preparation would involve starting with low-level, lower-level diplomatic contacts, having our diplomatic corps work with their Iranian counterparts, an agenda. But what I have said is that at some point, I would be willing to meet.”

Now with his speech before AIPAC he said he will meet with Iranian leaders “if and only if it can advance the interest of the United States.”

This isn’t all that different from the Bush administration’s position.

Echoes of Bush Policy

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has also offered to meet with Iranian leaders if Iran agrees to suspend its uranium enrichment program. It’s a more specific precondition than Obama’s, but it is an offer to hold negotiations.

“We would be willing to meet with them but not while they continue to inch toward nuclear weapons under the cover of talks,” Rice said Tuesday. “The real question isn’t why won’t the Bush administration talk to Iran. The real question is why won’t Iran talk to us.”

There is, of course, one important difference.

Obama is willing to start low-level talks on Iran’s nuclear program right away, something the Bush administration has refused to do.

Obama said he would engage in such diplomacy “with no illusions about the Iranian regime.”

“I will do everything in my power to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon,” he said, repeating himself for emphasis, “everything in my power to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear, everything.”

Echoing the Bush administration, Obama added: “I will always keep the threat of military action on the table to defend our security and our ally, Israel. Do not be confused.”


Doug Ross @ Journal lists several of Hussein’s out and out lies in today’s speech before AIPAC:

For a skilled politician capable of evading concrete positions, Obama’s speech was characterized by an unprecidented series of fabrications, gyroscopic spin, and outright lies.

Recall that Barack Obama spent two decades attending a church that supported Hamas, attacked Jews and repeatedly honored Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

Now compare and contrast:

Obama at AIPAC:

…I will ensure that Israel can defend itself from any threat — from Gaza to Tehran… First, we must approve the foreign aid request for 2009. Going forward, we can enhance our cooperation on missile defense. We should export military equipment to our ally Israel under the same guidelines as NATO…

Lie. Obama opposes all missile defense technology.

Obama at AIPAC:

There is no greater threat to Israel — or to the peace and stability of the region — than Iran… while I don’t want to strike too partisan a note here today, I do want to address some willful mischaracterizations of my positions.

Lie. Barack Obama told a crowd of 75,000 last month that Iran is not a threat.

Obama at AIPAC:

The Iranian regime supports violent extremists and challenges us across the region. It pursues a nuclear capability that could spark a dangerous arms race and raise the prospect of a transfer of nuclear know-how to terrorists. Its president denies the Holocaust and threatens to wipe Israel off the map. The danger from Iran is grave, it is real, and my goal will be to eliminate this threat.

Lie. In September 2007, a bipartisan effort in the Senate passed the Kyl-Lieberman resolution designating the Iranian Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization. Obama vehemently opposed this effort and used the opportunity as a political tool to attack Hillary Clinton. Obama rewrites history by pretending his opposition to Kyl-Lieberman never happened, When given a chance to fight Iran’s support of terror, Obama instead worked against the bipartisan effort to increase the economic pressure on the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

Obama at AIPAC:

Contrary to the claims of some, I have no interest in sitting down with our adversaries just for the sake of talking.

Lie. Obama’s own website reads as follows: “Obama is the only major candidate who supports tough, direct presidential diplomacy with Iran without preconditions.”

Obama at AIPAC:

I have been proud to be a part of a strong, bipartisan consensus that has stood by Israel in the face of all threats… I will always stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself in the United Nations and around the world.

Lie: In January 2008, a Palestinian activist named Ali Abunimah described Barack Obama’s overnight switch from Pro-Palestinian activist to supporter of Israel.

Barack Obama is not distinguished from the rest of the [candidates], except by for how far he has moved to try to appease AIPAC and pro-Israel movements.

I remember, Amy—I knew Barack Obama for many years as my state senator—when he used to attend events in the Palestinian community in Chicago all the time.

I remember personally introducing him onstage in 1999, when we had a major community fundraiser for the community center in Deheisha refugee camp in the occupied West Bank. And that’s just one example of how Barack Obama used to be very comfortable speaking up for and being associated with Palestinian rights and opposing the Israeli occupation…

Obama’s list of lies is getting so long, folks will soon need a data warehouse to keep track of everything.


And DEBKA File echoes:

In his first foreign policy speech after clinching the Democratic nomination for president, Sen. Barack Obama vowed that as president he would deepen American defense cooperation with Israel. “Those who threaten Israel, threaten us. I will bring an unshakeable commitment to Israel’s security and guarantee Israel’s military strength so that it can defend itself from any threat – from Gaza to Tehran. Obama said he would sign a memo of understanding promising Israel $30 bn over 10 years. He was addressing the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) annual conference, June 4.

Obama spelled out his position on talks with Iran. He said: “I will do everything in my power – everything, everything - to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.” Iran has grown stronger and increased its support for terror since this administration went to war in Iraq “and I refuse to support a policy that has made the US and Israel less secure.”

Proposing getting US troops out of Iraq “carefully”, Obama urged broaching Iran first with “aggressive principles and diplomacy. We have no time to waste. I would keep the military option on the table to defend our security and our ally Israel,” he stressed.” But, he said, diplomacy can be tough if backed by real leverage with no illusions. “We must give Iran a clear choice: Abandon nuclear weapons, support for terror and hatred for Israel or else we will ratchet up the pressure. Al Qods is rightly labeled a terrorist organization.

“If we must use military force, we are more likely to succeed at home and abroad if we have exhausted our diplomatic efforts.

Some lay all the Middle East problems at the door of Israel and its conflict with the Palestinians, he said. “It is not, never has been and never will be.”

He endorsed the Bush vision of a two-state solution for Israel and the Palestinians, saying there was no room at the negotiating table for [the Hamas] terrorists. While stressing that Israel’s identity must be preserved as “a Jewish state with secure, recongized and defensible borders and Jerusalem its undivided capital,” Obama also stated that the Palestinians need a state “that is contiguous.” He advised Israel to take steps consistent with its security to ease conditions on the West Bank and refrain from building new settlements.

Obama declared repeatedly that as president he would never compromise on his commitment to Israel’s security – “not while there are still voices that deny the Holocaust, not when there are terrorists who threaten Israel’s existence and there are rockets raining down from Gaza.”

Asserting that oil prices are a dangerous weapon and they were bankrolling the Iranian regime, he urged greater US-Israeli partnership to develop alternative sources of energy.

And not to forget Hussein’s promise for his idea of a strong defense:

Fucking unbelievable!

And here is Sen. Joe Lieberman’s reaction to former fellow democrat Sen Hussein: “First I should congratulate him on securing the Democratic nomination. I hope it will be a civil and constructive campaign debate…

“I appreciate many of the very good intentions toward Israel that Senator Obama expressed today. But I also thought, respectfully, that there was a disconnect between what he said today, particulary in regard to Iran, and things he has said and done earlier in campaign and in Senate.”

“I was troubled earlier this year when he compared Iran and other rogue and terrorist states to the Soviet Union and minimized the threat. Today he said he thought Iran represented a grave threat. Today he was right.”

“That measure was supported by three quarters of the Senate. Obama said it was saber-rattling. But it had nothing in it regarding military action. I hope he will say that vote was a mistake.”

“Also, he made a major point during the campaign that American foreign policy in recent years has essentially strengthened Iran, and at one point he almost seems to suggest that our policy elected Ahmadinejad. I just disagree with that.”

Representative Eric Cantor: “The speech had some good phrases and lines in it, but don’t think it did anything to dispel the doubts about Senator Obama’s commitment to the U.S.-Israel relationship.”

[Sen.] McCain’s senior foreign policy and national security advisor Randy Scheunemann wondered if Obama is living in an “alternate reality where the presence of U.S. troops in the region strengthens Iran.”


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31 Responses

  1. Ivan the Kafir

    This is what we called the political game of Twister.

  2. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: Ivan the Kafir

    Hussein seems to have one foot in his mouth and one up his own ass …

  3. sully

    “I will always stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself in the United Nations….”

    Ooooooh….. scary shit right there ladys and gentlemen.

    I listened to his dumb ass and I didn’t think it possible for someone to actually be worse than Cahtah but he is.

    I know, I know… I should be trying much harder to feel guilty for the enslavement of 1/2 blacks by the likes of Cahtah’s kinfolk but it ain’t takin’ so far.

  4. Kurt(the infidel)

    this guy panders and just morphs into someone else depending on who he is talking to. Obama the fucking Chameleon. shape shifter. whatever you would like to call him, i prefer liar myself

  5. Leatherneck

    Even though I do not want to see this silly man become our next president, Iran is going down no matter what. The Persian Empire fell before & it will fall again.

    Our top brass are going to have a nice little chit-chat with Obama & he will inevitably awake from his Utopian dream.

  6. deathstar

    Was the AIPAC audience fooled?

  7. sully

    Y’know… converting to Christianity from Islam, and he was Muslim AS WELL AS A KENYAN ARAB by virtue of his Pop, is like a MAJOR issue with the muzzies. I think I’d like to see this freaks Christian Baptismal record. Just to see whether he might actually be in imminent danger…….

  8. Word-Drum

    You can fool some of the Jews some of the time, but not this Jew. I don’t trust him. These Demonrats will say anything. But he did write that he would stand with the Muslims. It’s all scary sully. Not what they say but that Hussein could win.

  9. Will

    Well you can’t really say that he converted to Christianity, more like a watered-down Nation of Islam that “believes” in Jesus.

    Oh and lemme get this straight, he believes that he can restore security and peace in the Middle East, yet he wants to cut our defense spending and military funding by millions of dollars? Am I missing something?

    Idealism is a dangerous philosophy to live by.

  10. Zeke Eagle

    Trying to fill an empty suit with a pack of lies isn’t gonna work Barak. We’ve got yore number you lying little sock puppet for George Soros.

  11. fan

    I’m not shocked by nobama’s change in tone, we all know what he said early in the primary process is what he really believes, what shocks me is that someone from the MSM pointed at this change. Jonathan Karl better watch out, the MSM and the left go on witch hunts for those who report some of the facts.

  12. tedders

    “Can’t you just leave me alone to eat my waffle?”

    The flip floppin wafflin back trackin panderer is in the spotlight now!! Let the show begin!!!!

  13. sully

    :arrow: Will:

    “Well you can’t really say that he converted to Christianity, more like a watered-down Nation of Islam that “believes” in Jesus….”

    NATION OF ISLAM??? :shock:

    Now wait just a minute… He said Rev. Wright helped him “find Jesus”. He said that Rev. Wright baptized his kids; but nothing at all about himself and his own baptism.

    According to Islamic law he was born Muslim by virtue of being born to a Muslim father. Yet he says he’s a Christian. If so, when, where and by whom was he baptized? I’m concerned that he may be in personal danger from Muslim jihadist freaks more so than the ‘average’ Christian Dhimmicrat nominee. Hopefully he’s at least gotten some sorta special dispensation from an Imam or maybe even an Ayatollah.

  14. sully

    :arrow: Word-Drum:

    “It’s all scary sully. Not what they say but that Hussein could win.”

    It is.
    Scarier still that he might win BECAUSE of the crap he says.

  15. RWC

    And yet, he’ll garner 90 percent of the Jewish vote. Somehow, someway.

  16. Will

    :arrow: sully

    That “church” he belongs to has a history of spouting black extremism, not to mention talking shit about whitey whenever he decides to rear his ugly head.

    Don’t forget that Obama has Nation of Islam staffers on his payroll and security team.

    Then there’s Jeremiah Wright, who, alongside Obama, is close friends with Louis Farrakhan. Oh and how do I forget Father Michael “Vanilla Ice” Pfleger?

    And as far as getting dispensation from an Imam, an endorsement from Hamas probably took care of his whole “Christian” problem.

  17. sully

    “….an endorsement from Hamas probably took care of his whole “Christian” problem.”

    You haven’t heard?
    After his pandering at AIPAC, HAMAS ‘un-endorsed’ him.
    That’s what got me so concerned to find out if he’s really a Christian. If not, then he’s probably ’safe’.
    Is he HAS been baptized then ……………
    I sure hope the Secret Service is keeping up with all this.

  18. Will

    I just looked it up and Obama was baptized in 1988.

    Baptized or not, Islamic backgrounds are a little iffy in my book, especially when it comes to being POTUS.

  19. sully

    Yes, I found it too. By Rev. Wright….

    Islamic backgrounds might be iffy in your book but I’m fairly certain they aren’t iffy in the Qur’an. His Dad was Muslim and, to Muslims, he was Muslim by birth. So it should be quite clear that he ‘converted’ in 1988. A pretty dangerous proposition.
    That is, of course, for those that might believe Black Liberation Theology worthy of the distinction ‘Christian’. From my reading of Cone I would not call it Christian.

  20. franchie

    Hallucinant, oh my !

    I see there a few bi-polarisan fellows, that I wonder if they, wether should adhere to the Nazy party, whether should get treated in a psychiatric hospital

    and naturally the master of ceremony is jubilatory :

    what did he say ? “pandering” - though your the panderer here - you drag morbidity

    “call me Vichy and I call you Gestapo” :

    yeah, Heil Loser !

  21. sully

    sheesh… relax there franchie.
    i wasn’t attacking your palestinian friends.

    oh wait… you’re sympathetic to Hussein too.
    of course, I get it now… you reacted to criticism of Hussein exactly the same as the KosKids do… calling people silly names like Nazi and loser.

  22. franchie

    Sully, I wasn’t referring to anyone else but you !

    do you realise that your incitating to hatred ?

    or rather, yes, your too “aware” (education and tutti quanti) but not courageous !

    I wonder what your grandchildren will think of your dithyrambic diatribes,

    surely I wouldn’t like to have a grandpa that preached hatred instead of reconciliation

    Sully your going to Hell, because you deserve it ! it’s all in your mind

  23. azbastard

    its mind blowing so many have fallen head over heels

  24. golfer280

    One of Hussein’s big buddies is Calypso Louie, and if anyone believes Hussein has any interest in protecting Israel, they are delusional. He is a lying sack of shit, and he will lie at will to get his sorry ass elected.
    Where is Moshi Dayan when you need him?

  25. WJC


    I did some research and found out the Jewish tribe actually originated in Iraq!!

    The land between the two rivers!!

    Then they travelled along the coast of the Medditerr Sea to modern day Palestine.

    What gives? They actually originated in Iraq!

  26. Goodbye Natalie

    There would be a very easy solution to this to call on Obambi’s truthfulness concerning his support of Israel. And yet its simplicity seems to escape the audience, the media and even our illustrious (cough cough) Republican pols.

    Though Obama danced on this, a far more definitive question needs to be answered:

    Natalie: Senator Obama. Do you believe that Jerusalem is the historical capital of the Jews, should be the capital of Israel and remain under the control of Israel? A simple yes or no would suffice…

    And if so, can you state for the record and look into the camera telling our middle eastern allies (cough cough), including Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and UAE that this is your final answer?

    I disagree with Joe Lieberman on many issues and thought he really blew it when running with Albert Bore as he backed off on many stances to pander He was a major disappointment and I have not forgotten that because I now question his principles. I know the man smart enough to realize he blew it. But I will state that I think Joe Lieberman to be one of the Dhimmicrats that ‘gets it’ and one of the very few Dhimmicrats that I would actually like to talk to and have a degree of respect for. The height of irony would be that if the Dhimmicrats actually do take major control of the Senate with a tied veto proof block, that Lieberman changed his affiliation from I to R.

  27. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Blah, blah, blah.
    Hey that’s what I call my dog’s food; blah.
    Hey O’bambam, want to eat some blah.

  28. sully

    I’m pretty certain Bambi’s answered the question on Jerusalem. He wants Israel to retreat to its pre-1967 borders, have that be the State of Palestine, and a shared capital with ‘joint and cooperative’ administration of Jerusalem between Palestinian and Jew.

  29. sully

    Here’s a pretty good exposition of Barry:

  30. Dan (The Infidel)

    I heard a converstaion at work the other day…and even his supporters say that this is all a big dodge. Once he becomes POTIS he’ll be more like Jeremiah Wright than RR or GW.

    Sell it carnival-barker. Even your supporters know that you’re a lying POS. :roll:

  31. Will

    Well yeah. I mean those are the people Obama has decided to surround himself with for over 20 years.

    I’m just waiting to see (God forbid) what kind of crazies he decides to put in his cabinent.

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