Illegal Alien Workers Sue For Workplace Rights & Benefits - With Video

June 4th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Every time this Francisco Hernandez comes on he pisses me off. He is a lawyer for illegal immigrants…

Last June, immigrant household workers at the United States Social Forum in Atlanta — a gathering of social activists — formed the National Domestic Worker Alliance to campaign for state and federal laws guaranteeing basic labor rights.

The alliance, made up of 20 organizations from across the country, is holding the first ever national convention for domestic workers from Thursday through Sunday in New York City, where the host organization, Domestic Workers United, is pushing state lawmakers to sign a Domestic Workers’ Bill of Rights.

That legislation, which would be the first of its kind in the country, would require that domestic workers receive such rights as one day of rest per week and advance notice of termination — standard practice for most other workers.

“The law has always treated this sector differently and less than equal to others,” said Ai-Jen Poo, an organizer for Domestic Workers United, which describes itself as an organization of Caribbean, Latin American and African workers.

“What this bill of rights does is put into place a few basic things,” Poo added. “The way we talk about it, this is really about respect.”

Bash side note: Respect? RESPECT?! How about you respect our immigration laws, you pukes?

The Census Bureau estimates that there are 1.5 million domestic workers across the country. A definitive count is nearly impossible since many of the workers are in the country illegally, and many collect income that goes unreported on taxes.


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7 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    They should not be allowed to sue because they should not be here! and yeah this Francisco guy really pisses me off because its obvious where his loyalties are. i say ship him back home with all of his buddies then close the border.

  2. Steve in NC

    We the hell should we bestow LEGAL rights to squatters who are in our nation ILLEGALLY?

    WTF is going on?

  3. AmericanJarhead

    Let’s give them 365 day off per year. That’ll help them illegals. The only rights they have is to not be killed, beaten or tortured. They ahve the right to get kicked out of this country as soon as they are discovered as well.

  4. Mark Tanberg

    “It’s the great American dream that they are chasing it’s why they came”
    So we all know that this is a great country and people want freedom and the benefit of a society built upon it. We also know that our country can’t hold the amount of folks that want to come. The obvious conclusion to be taken from that is that we need to export God based constitutional government to Mexico then the rest of the world if we are to solve this problem. So when the liberals say “what right do we have to impose our values on other countries and cultures” the response should be - “It’s our mandate to make disciples of nations”
    Whoa dude did I just bring up the separation of church and state again, — shame on me.

  5. sully

    Nanny states need their nannies and a sympathetic activist judge willing to give them and their POS argument ’standing’ in the courts is only a piece of paper away.

  6. Kim

    :arrow: Mark Tanberg

    Well said :beer: :beer:

  7. ssgduke54

    :???: Hey! You hire illegals then you get whats coming to you fools!

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