Iran Building 7 Refineries To End Petrol Imports

June 5th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.


You can also see this report in a PDF here from TEHRAN TIMES INTERNATIONAL DAILY

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran has launched construction of seven oil refineries in an effort to boost its crude and gas refining capacity and achieve energy self-sufficiency.

A senior Iranian official said the refineries would increase capacity by more than 1.5 million barrels per day and end gasoline imports.

The official said all seven refineries would begin operations by 2012.

“The construction of seven refineries has started with the investment of 15 billion euro,” National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company director Aminollah Eskandari said.

“About 1.56 million barrels will be added to the country’s capacity to refine crude oil and gas derivatives,” he added.

Iran is the world’s fourth-largest oil producer but lacks sufficient refining capacity and imports large amounts of gasoline which it then sells at a heavily subsidized price.

Tehran, in 2006 started on a multi-billion dollar, five-year program to expand and upgrade its domestic refining capacity to 3.3 million bpd from the current 1.65 million bpd.

According to statistical figures, gasoline imports have declined sharply since rationing was launched last year. Importing gasoline has imposed a heavy financial burden on the state.

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7 Responses

  1. Evestay

    omfg why cant we do this, what an effing crock

  2. RTLM

    So the Russians will now build their refineries? I anticipate a revised build completion date.

    (we’re building one too)

  3. sully

    they’d be nicer as a heap of smoldering scrap metal.

  4. Goodbye Natalie

    I can tell you from personal experience that a cat cracker makes a very inviting, very massive, very explosive target.

    You hit one of those functioning things with a couple of 2000lbs JDAMs and you’ll be rattling some rotting teeth for miles around. :twisted:

  5. Boo Boo

    What about global warming? Why don’t they have to comply? Where’s their cap and trade? Did they sign Kyoto? Hey!

  6. Erik Marsh

    :arrow: Boo Boo
    They signed and ratified it in 2005.

    Hey, maybe we can actually get the left loonies to do something against them now! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  7. Kermit

    A suspect that their refinery expansion program amounts to erecting simple fractionation units. Just like those under the Jimmy Carter entitlement programs. They are not economical to operate in today’s world. They could be thrown up in a year. Kind of like our pre-WW2 refining capacity as well as pre-WW2 grades of fuel.

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