Iraqi Official Opens Fire On Visiting U.S. Troops, Killing One???????

June 23rd, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Not finding ANY report from VOI covering this incident.

THIS is VOI coverage of this……

U.S. soldier killed, 5 wounded in southern Baghdad

Baghdad, Jun 23, (VOI) - One U.S. soldier was killed on Monday and five were wounded in an attack by unknown gunmen in southern Baghdad, the U.S. army said.

“One U.S. soldier was killed on Monday and five were injured when their patrol was attacked by unidentified gunmen in Salam Bek region in southern Baghdad,” the army said in a statement received by Aswat al-Iraq - Voices of Iraq - (VOI).

“The wounded were rushed to a Coalition forces medical facility for treatment,” it added.

The death brings the number of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq since the U.S.-invasion of Iraq in March 2003 to 4103.
Of this number 19 soldiers have been so far killed in June.

29 soldiers were killed in February 2008, while 40 were killed in January 2008.

November 2004, which witnessed fierce battles between U.S. forces and armed groups in Falluja city, Anbar province, remains the month that witnessed the highest U.S. death toll with 137.

April 2004 comes second with 135, followed by May 2007 during which 126 U.S. soldiers were killed.

Monday, June 23, 2008

By Hannah Allam | McClatchy Newspapers

BAGHDAD, Iraq — One U.S. soldier was killed and five others were wounded today in a bizarre shooting incident near the town of Salman Pak, south of Baghdad, according to U.S. and Iraqi authorities.

Iraqi authorities said a member of the town council, which is part of the U.S.-allied Iraqi government, carried out the shootings,

An Iraqi police captain, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the incident, said local council member Raed Hmood Ajil opened fire on the U.S. troops for unknown reasons and was killed at the scene by American forces. The account could not immediately be verified.

The U.S. military could confirm only that “initial reports indicate one Coalition forces (soldier) killed in action, five Coalition forces soldiers wounded in action and one enemy killed in action” at 1 p.m. today in the Salman Pak area.

U.S. and Iraqi authorities are investigating.

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6 Responses

  1. A. S. Wise- VA (America, FUCK YEAH!)

    WTF?! Glad the mofo was killed. :evil:

  2. Mike W

    Member of the Madhi Army?

  3. deathstar

    VOI fails to mention that May 2008 was the least violent month of the ENTIRE WAR, and so far 2008 has been the least violent year of the eitire war year to date. Hmmmmmm, I wonder why?

  4. Lock and Load

    Sounds like the MSM is diggin’ around for some more bad news about Iraq, seeing as the good news is so good they can’t report it without screwing up their “war is lost” template. :roll:
    Screw them - their bias is obvious, and their credibility is long gone down the toilet. The only war that is lost is their war against the US military :twisted:

  5. TBinSTL (just typical)

    I’ve been seeing mention of this like the now dead piggy, was a high level guy. Oooo city council, just another punk that needed killin’ it just sucks that we had to let him get the first shot(or ten from the sounds of it) off.

  6. Barb

    VOI—taking lessons from MSM. :sad:

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