Israel Calls For “Coalition of the Moral” To Stop Nuclear Apocalyptic Iran!

June 26th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

Israeli Parliamentarian, Gen. Effi Eitam, talks smart and tough about the seriousness of the Islamist nuclear threat against Israel - intent on resuming Hitler’s incomplete annihilation of Jewry and global domination - and the West’s moral responsibility to militarily prevent Iran’s professed Armageddon in the name of Allah.

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5 Responses

  1. SOC

    100 % dead on correct. A coalition to keep it from spreading into WW3…

  2. SOC

    100 % dead on correct. A coalition to keep it from spreading into WW3. Israel cannot take on Iran alone. Too many Iranian proxy armies already on their border. We must not stand by silent. We must help Israel.

  3. RC

    Israel needs to convince Europe that they are within range of Iranian missiles and wmd’s.

    I find it interesting that Greece recently offered its airspace and cooperated in joint training exercises with the IDF.

    Greek and Israeli foreign relations have always been sketchy with Tel Aviv solidifying closer ties with Ankara over the years. This to me shows that Israel was able to send a clear and imminent message to Greece of what they know about Iran’s capabilities.

    Heck they probably told the Greeks that A’jad wants payback for Persian losses suffered 2,500 yrs ago. Persian madness has a long history to this day. Come to think of it the recent joint exercises were codenamed Glorious Spartan 08.

    The frustrating thing about all this is the world shouldn’t need convincing to support Israel’s right to exist. I find astounding they have to go to such lengths; the negative PR war on Israel by liberal msm outlets is twisted and sickening - proving a real headache at a time of urgency and danger.

    Not supporting Israel today is going to usher in a period of immense misery for all the world.

  4. mike3481

    :arrow: RC said - “Israel needs to convince Europe that they are within range of Iranian missiles and wmd’s.”

    I disagree, that’ll never happen given the the level of anti-Semitism that’s nearly raging through western Europe and their refusal to deal with the Muslim Immigrant populations that are becoming increasingly independent of civil authority .

    Greece on the other hand, yes, I completely agree, the Greeks are too close to the tinder-box to behave as stupidly as the Europeans are or will. :gun: :beer:

  5. RC

    The leftist socialist govt of PASOK pretty much turned Greece into the basket case of Europe. The new conservative govt of Nea-Demokratia has made a massive changes there now, indeed the WOT is a high priority. It rounded up the Marxist group Nov 17 in the space of a few weeks, when under PASOK they were allowed to operate with impunity for 25yrs. Papandreou was giving safe haven to Arafat in the 70’s and coddling with the Soviets, the conservative center-right govt today is now more than prepared to cooperate with Israel and other western allies. It’s a good sign that the tide against socialist pukes in Europe is rising and moving in the right direction.

    There are ways to win the battle of minds in Europe, but the simplest solution is removing leftist parties from power. With center-right govts coming to the fore in France, Germany and Italy and elsewhere there is hope for Europeans, saying that I agree it’s way too late to be worried about popular opinion - time is of the essence.

    The only seeming remedy at the moment is military confrontation with Iran. Whether Europeans like it or not there’s no sitting on the fence when it comes to mushroom clouds..

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