Israeli Minister Says ‘We Will Attack Iran’ If Nuke Program Continues

June 6th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


JERUSALEM — An Israeli daily says Cabinet Minister Shaul Mofaz has said Israel should attack Iran if it continues with its nuclear program.

The Yediot Ahronot newspaper quotes Mofaz as saying “If Iran will continue with its plan to develop nuclear weapons, we will attack it.”

Mofaz’s office did not return a call requesting comment on Friday’s report. The daily says that Mofaz has warned that the economic sanctions against Iran are not effective. Yediot reports that Mofaz has said that the United States would back any Israeli attack.

Reuters quotes Mofaz as saying “Attacking Iran, in order to stop its nuclear plans, will be unavoidable.”

Mofaz is a former defense minister and army chief. He would like to replace Prime Minister Ehud Olmert as head of the Kadima Party in light of a corruption scandal that threatens to bring Olmert down.

Mofaz, who was born in Iran, responded to calls from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, that Israel to be wiped off the map, by saying Iran “would disappear before Israel does,” according to a Reuters report.

Mofaz comments were a rare direct threat against Iran from any official in Olmert’s cabinet.


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10 Responses

  1. AmericanJarhead

    I agree that Iran will have to be blasted if they don’t prove they are making a ‘peaceful’ nuke thingy.

    However, saying it is just fricking stupid. Now Iran will be all pissed etc and never allow for inspections etc (not that they would anyway but still)…

    It’s best just to shut your mouth and show up one evening with very large bombs.

    That’s another thing, why does America telegraph every move we’re going to make in Iraq? “Hey terrorists, we’re going to attack next week in the so and so area. To do that, we’re sending another 1000 Marines to Iraq and they will arrive on the 3rd of so and so month and they’re from Camp Pendleton. Here’s the unit and here is a list of what kind and how many weapons they’ll have and also an explanation of the new tactics we’ll be using…”

    WTF is that all about? Why do we do this? The government should STFU about these things. If somebody gave this info out back in WWII it would be considered treason. Today, it’s just news.

  2. Mike Mose

    AmericanJarhead, Much of the info release by the MSM is on purpose and very intentional. Some is mis info. ie the NYTimes release of secret programs, The Democrats have been working against America as a nation for Years, Carter/ Radical Islam, Kerry/Viet Cong, Kennedy/Soviets, Bill Clinton/Chi Coms. The entire Democrat party supports Chavez against those elected Columbia.
    MSM and the Left are and will, support communist and radical Islam over America. If Obama is elected, his government will destroy whats left of America and support ever enemy.

  3. Erik Marsh


    Yesterday we had Barack Hussein Obama channeling Bush, McCain and Cheney with his new found stance on the threat of Iran and the need to stop them from getting nuclear even if that means using military force.

    Yesterday we had a meeting between Olmert and Bush where there was no press release except for a few “left empty handed” reports from semi-questionable sources.

    Yesterday we were told of the resignation of the Air Force’s senior command for events that required no more than a 1-star and a few colonels.

    Today, this headline hits BBC, FOX, AFP, JPOST, etc. etc. etc.

    So he thinks Obama told Bush to take care of it before he takes office?

  4. AmericanJarhead


    I know about the media, but even official gov information is too much information. When congress is telling the world that we’re going to send more troops or bring troops home (especially the idea of a pull out date), this is insane…

    Obama must be pounded into the sand during this election. I can’t imagine he will be able to sound coherent in a one on one debate with McCain. We’ll have to see how the media covers these debates. You watch, the debate format will be the subject of much debate. They will want to have them in a format which may benefit Obama.

  5. One Shot

    Expect something to happen sooner than later. By September is my guess.

  6. tedders

    “Expect something to happen sooner than later. By September is my guess.”

    After Nov 4th IMHO

  7. Dave M.

    I think tough talking Obsama* is a ploy.
    He intends to show he is tougher than Bush in order to
    goad Bush into actually striking Iran immediately. He couldn’t
    care less about Iran’s plans to nuke America - he can’t think
    further than getting in the White House, and he figures that if
    Bush attacks Iran it will go against McCain.
    I too think it’ll be around November 5th, debka points out that
    Admiral Mike McConell is just back from getting intelligence from
    Mossad and the IDF and will be briefing the President over the
    * Confused Obama - Osama, he’s all BS, so I’ve named him OBSAMA
    Maybe it will catch on.

  8. TJ (The Kafir)

    its nice to hear a politician talk tough! stop kissing asses and think you can reason with terrorists.

    he’s talking tough so that surrounding countries and perhaps iranian citizens will take this more seriously. this guy was born in Iran and he’s telling them they are fucked. Kudos to you mofaz. :mrgreen:

  9. Zete in canada

    So lets see some action! The US is too chicken to do it, yet they did mind going into Iraq.
    One nuke on Teheran and all the arab dogs will be brought to their knees.
    I’m for it.

  10. Big Bird

    So………why does Israel get to have nukes then? Why don’t they have to answer to the U.N. for them? Why hasn’t Israel had to sign any treaties? Looking at this from an outsiders perspective (I have nothing against the Jewish or Arab people) it seems only one side is expected to explain itself on the issue of weapons of mass destruction. This is very biased. Media coverage, extremely biased.
    Consider the cold war for example. Why did America continue to arm itself so heavily? Because the Russians did. Same principal in effect here also. As long as Israel continues to keep weapons of mass destruction, her enemies will seek them. Peace comes from open communication from all sides. Not a one sided threat. Start talking to each other, do the world a favor.

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