Jimmy Carter VS Hussein ADs - No Change
Kudos to TBinSTL (Just Typical)
for the idea
Kudos to TBinSTL (Just Typical)
for the idea
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Goddamn rump-bumper.
June 9th, 2008 at 12:00 pmIm Jimmah Cottah! and im running again for President, but this time as a 40 something year old black man. I just had a few surgeries and it fixed me right up. now i can run again under the alias Barack Hussein Obama
I think this video speaks for itself
June 9th, 2008 at 12:18 pmThe problem I see is that the change that is desperately needed has been blocked by democrats in Congress for my entire adult lifetime, since the late ’70s.
1) Democrats (supporting the Environmentalist mother earth-worshipping agenda), have attempted to shut down nuclear power in the United States and other countries for good. Thanks ONLY to President Bush and the Republicans in Congress (when they were in control of both houses), nuclear power is now making a comeback. Unfortunately, even the gains that have been made are in jeopardy from democrats who hate nuclear power for no good reason, other than their power base (the enviro-wackies) are bound and determined to impose their low-energy-use agrarian ideology upon the rest of America whether we like paying exorbitant fuel prices or not.
2) The democrats have been blocking oil drilling in places like ANWR (as many on this site well know already) and in the Rocky Mountains, and offshore; and have artificially created the oil crisis that we know face by now allowing the oil companies to do what they do best and provide the energy that we all need at reasonable prices.
3) The democrats have blocked real reform in tax law by preventing the Republicans from reforming Social Security, even when they were in control of both houses of Congress; and by blocking attempts to reform the tax code to make it simpler, flatter, and fairer to all classes of Americans.
4) They have consistently stood in the way of reforming Medicare and getting rid of inefficient and useless government programs that have outlived their usefulness; thus contributing to the expansion of government and deficit spending.
5) They have consistently championed pork-barrel spending and are unashamed of it; again contributing to bloated, useless government and deficit spending. Some Republicans, unfortunately, agree with this philosophy and should be booted out of government by the voters.
The real change that we need is getting rid of Democrat control of Congress and reducing them down to less than 40 votes in the Senate, along with a Republican President who is clearly committed to defending our country’s interests abroad with military force if necessary.
Voting in Barack Obama with even larger Democrat majorities will only cement the death-grip that Democrats have exercised over the US Government, even in the face of Republican control of Congress, because of Senate rules requiring a 60-vote majority to pass certain bills like drilling in ANWR.
Anyone who wants change should be voting for (CONSERVATIVE, ANTI-PORK) Republicans, not for Democrats who have no interest in real change.
June 9th, 2008 at 12:36 pmOld Sailor:
June 9th, 2008 at 1:00 pmI agree fully, I just wish there were a few conservative, anti-pork republicans running for election in my neck of the woods.
Kentucky Jim
How about you, Jim?
June 9th, 2008 at 1:18 pmMcCain can use this fuel for a longggggggg time. Obama won’t be able to defend himself too much on this.
June 9th, 2008 at 7:12 pmComparing Obama to Carter…. there is another thing to add too, Carter won the election.
June 9th, 2008 at 11:59 pmZolkowski
McCain was talking about a 2nd term for Carter, which didn’t happen. In case you don’t know, Ronald Reagan beat him in 1980, so no, Carter did not win the election.
The only reason he won the first time was because people were so sick of the crookedness of tricky Dick Nixon that “the-honest-looking-man-with-the-grin-from-Plains, Georgia” (who claimed to be a Baptist Sunday School teacher, but didn’t believe the Bible) looked like the antidote for what ailed the country in 1976. But since the Democrats held strong majorities in both houses of Congress, and now they had the White House too, they did what they wanted, and inflation soared, the USSR roared, and the US looked like a real loser, with anti-nuclear President Carter in the WH urging America to drive 55 mph and conserve energy while he was dodging maniacal rabbits out to kill him (or so he imagined).
After four years of that miserable period in American history, Reagan’s beaming genuine smile and positive pro-American and lower-tax policies were a welcome relief for everyone except probably the tenured Marxist public college professors who wanted even more of Carter’s ideas.
I remember those years well, because I was in high school from 1974 until 1978, and joined the Navy in 1979. The Navy had been turned into a haven for drug users and losers by Admiral Zumwalt, until Reagan became President, who rapidly cleaned up the military services from drugs and lax discipline through his new appointees. To be fair, Zumwalt was appointed CNO by Nixon, not Carter, but he inherited the policies of Zumwalt and did nothing to fix it.
If you are under 40 years old, you probably have no memory of the worst President in recent American history, but I wish everyone could relive that evil time so that they wouldn’t even think of voting for Obama. McCain is right on target with his comment, because Obama truly is the next-generation Jimmy Carter.
June 10th, 2008 at 1:35 amthis needs to be on TV
June 10th, 2008 at 7:50 am