John McCain Is A Huge Abba Fan

June 6th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Okay, so now I’m not going to vote for him. And definitely not party with him.

Article And Video From McCain’s Official New Blog:

“John McCain: Presidential candidate, ABBA fan”

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20 Responses

  1. drillanwr (hembra blanca típica)

    :arrow: Dollard: Okay, so now I’m not going to vote for him. And definitely not party with him.

    :!: I’ll still vote for him … But the ABBA thing … yeah, that’s a creep-out factor. Yeah … No party for you, dude …

  2. TBinSTL (just typical)

    Like disco, I hated it at the time(I was criminally inclined back then and we didn’t listen to that kind of music) but I really enjoy jumping in the wayback machine when I hear it now……. :cool:

  3. TBinSTL (just typical)

    Read his position on “Global Climate Change” at the blog; now that’s a reason not to vote for him.

  4. AFITgrad86

    So would 7 x 24 ABBA be considered torture? :roll:

    OK I’ll admit it I like them too .. in measured amounts … You can have too much of almost anything.

  5. Old Sailor

    Cmon Pat, you’ve got to be joking! Just because you don’t like his music? Give me a break. I can’t stand ABBA either, but so what? I can’t stand any of the music I hear on the military videos either, but so what?

  6. Phendlin (Death Rattlers)

    well, it could be worse, (yes, it can always get worse!) it could’ve been the partridge family. :shock:

  7. Dan (The Infidel)

    Whatever. I like Abba. I used to party with a chick that looked like the blond in the vid. She was hot.

    To this day my sister gives me shit for not marrying her. LOL

    If I vote against McCain, it won’t be because he’s an Abba fan. It’ll be because he’s a Dhimi-rat in Republican clothes and because I met several people who served aboard ships that McCain was on…and they hated his ass because he was a loose canon. He’s always been an all-for-me-and-none-for-you kind of dickhead.

    Oh and I won’t be voting for Osama either. I’ll do a write in for Bolton.

  8. Poe

    Whats wrong with Abba?

    Damm critics… :twisted:

  9. hegelbot

    yes, can i vote for him twice, abba rocks…but i like the erasure version better.

  10. hegelbot

    knowing me knowing john mccain AAAAAHHHHHH…

  11. hegelbot


  12. franchie

    “He’s always been an all-for-me-and-none-for-you kind of dickhead”

    uh, he is a virgo :roll:

  13. Pat Dollard

    :arrow: Old Sailor

    Yes, I am joking. The absurdity of not voting for him just over this was basically the meat of the joke. I think there’s actually a term called Absurdist Humor. ABBA…the post was supposed to be lighthearted, kind of clowning McCain on the whole thing. Seems a few folks took me a little too seriously…

  14. Dan (The Infidel)


    Virgo? What’s that got to do with anything? Its all about character and leadership. None of which McCain showed early in his military career. He’s still a loose cannon on deck.

  15. franchie

    Dan, Since I discovered that he is a “virgo” yesterday on that board,

    and I happen to know quite a few that seem to share this character traits :roll:

  16. Dan (The Infidel)


    You’re reading tea leaves. That’s fine for charmins and witches….it doesn’t work for elections.

  17. franchie

    no Dan, just make some characters comparaisons

  18. Dan (The Infidel)


    No Frenchie. Your analogies have nothing to do with McCain and provides no insight.

    It’s a veiled attempt to re-engineer the real topic here into something personal.

    This ain’t about you. It’s about McCain.

  19. John H

    Fuck I love Abba! I grew up on that shit, I’d shoot to that at the range any day! Yeee Haaaawwwww!!!!! Besides who wouldn’t nail the Abba girls.

    Seriously listening to ABBA reminds me of eating pizza at the old local pizza parlor, with the drive in next door, and shit load of Tn hot-rods outside. 70’s nostalgia FTW. Though ELO would even more roxer……boogie on!

  20. Pat Dollard

    :arrow: John H

    ELO was the first “rock” concer I ever attended. I was about 11, and it was a big right of passage. Angels Stadium in Anaheim California. Journey opened for them. Wonder if any of the cast of the “Sopranos” was there?

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