Lieberman To Head Organization To Deliver Dem Votes For McCain

June 6th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


“Citizens for McCain” aims especially for Hillary backers


The McCain campaign yesterday launched a new coalition meant to target independent and Democratic voters.

“Citizens for McCain” will be spearheaded by Joe Lieberman, and in an e-mail sent in the Connecticut senator’s name, it’s plain to see what they have in mind by launching the coalition now.

“The phones at the campaign headquarters have been ringing with disaffected Democrats calling to say they believe Sen. McCain has the experience, judgment and bipartisanship necessary to lead our country in these difficult times,” Lieberman writes. “Many of these supporters are former supporters of Sen. Clinton.”

In case you didn’t catch that, Lieberman continues: “Sen. McCain has had a very good working relationship with Sen. Clinton and will continue to do so in the future.” Lieberman then quotes in full McCain’s generous homage to Clinton in his New Orleans speech Tuesday.

To drive the point home, McCain’s campaign this morning issued statements from Charlie Crist, Tom Ridge and Mitt Romney seperately addressed to residents of Florida, Pennsylvania and Michigan, praising the new coalition.

Besides being key swing states that could ultimately decide the election, they are all states where Clinton defeated Obama (insert Michigan/Florida Dem primary caveat here).

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11 Responses

  1. deathstar

    Nice to see there are still old school dems around. It used to be a great political party until the neo-libs fucked it up.

  2. A. S. Wise- VA (Republican Space Ranger)

    He’ll never be in the good graces of the DNC, after the last two years. :neutral:

  3. Leatherneck

    Sounds good to me. I sincerely like Lieberman.

  4. KL

    This makes up a little for the Lieberman-Warner bill.

  5. AmericanJarhead

    Lieberman will definately bring McCain votes.

    I can’t wait for McCain and Obie to debate. Obie will be ‘butter’ and McCain will be the ‘hot knife’…

  6. Wulf

    This is the kind of thing we need in the USA. Break down the blind party loyalty and politicians like Ted Kennedy will no longer be able to hide behind the party line. That didn’t work for the Nazis in the end. I would like to see it stop now. Maybe then we could vote for someone we like instead of against someone we don’t.

    I have a dream too. I dream of a day when the person in public office is the best representative available. Not just better than the other guy.

  7. IP727

    This leftist dipshit voted yesterday to end the filibuster on the “climate change” bill . He is just like the rest of the defecate~okrat enviro nazis.

  8. IP727

    This little jerk voted yesterday to end the filibuster on the “climate change” bill. The attempt failed.

  9. AFITgrad86

    I love this guy as a person and for his positions on the GWOT and Israel. I’m scared witless of him when it comes to things like cap-and-trade and various social issues.

    Face it … this is Joe’s opportunity to get some payback from the DNC.

  10. Kufir Ken

    Ain’t politics a bitch…

    The fewer votes for Hussein, the better I’ll sleep, so if Joe (even with all of his shortcomings) is going to stump for the counter-B-HO party, then let him and cheer him on. Let the dem-rats follow the pied piper away from the delusional uber-left and keep this country going in the direction that it needs to keep going… the opposite direction of Hussein.

  11. Steve in NC

    McCain has to get in there. We can deal with inane domestic policies, but he needs to be in there for foreign policy.

    If he covets the middle ground to get in, fine, I’ll put up with it. Absolutely sucks.

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