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15 Responses

  1. One Shot


  2. Rob

    pretty cool. At least the profits are going to a good cause too. :beer:

  3. Egfrow


  4. Arthuraria

    Just what we need…to start fueling vehicles with our drinking supply…because that surely won’t create an even worse crises than corn product shortages…

  5. JS

    Ha! I would crawl under the car and disconnect the fuel line from the gas tank, and then ask him, “Okay, go ahead and start the car.”

  6. JS

    Good point, Arthuraria.

    Fresh water, while a renewable resource, is not an infinite one, and it has other more important uses such as SUSTAINING LIFE ON THIS PLANET.

    The last thing we need to do is start burning it for fuel.

    Now, if he could get the car to work on saltwater.


  7. Denghis (Ibn Al-Himar)

    A hundred miles per ounce of water, 20 miles per gallon of whatever else he is using…
    Any way you look at it (barring some handy pocket nuclear generator in the throttle body), there is not enough energy in an ounce of water to run a piss-ants go kart around the inside of a Cheerio…

  8. Andy

    Yup, agreeing with a number of you, this is a scam.

  9. maynard

    Did he say Hydrogen? And was it in those mason jars?
    And is the new name for the car the Hindenburg?

  10. hegelbot

    you take that back maynard, the Hindenburg was safe, safe dammit, besides zeppelins is the safest way to crash, jump and run, jump and run.

  11. rightangle

    He has ties to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, but is selling a fromula for perpetual motion based on hydrogen. I say he_lyum.

  12. DC

    this idea is older than dirt………
    Think up something different if you want your scams to at least be credible.

  13. Indy

    This was actually a true story as far as I could tell. Try a little experiment.(Or watch it on the site). Hook up a set of jumper cables. Put a little water in a ballon, blow up ballon. Put the neg and positive on opposite sides of the ballon.Remove cables, light the ballon, and the liquid burns.Hydrogen? Probably is bullshit, but worth a look.

  14. Indy

    Your right. All pure bullshit.


  15. dilly

    Pretty sure I saw a flux capacitor under the hood. As for water fuel, smells like horseshit to me.

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