McCain On How To Fuck Iran Before We Kick Their Ass - With Video

June 2nd, 2008 Posted By Bash.


John McCain spoke to AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) this morning, and not only did he rip Barack “Hussein the Liar” Obama a new one, watch video of that here, but he also spelled out a specific plan for dealing with Iran short of bomb, bomb, bombing the shit out of them.

I’m all for bombing the shit out of them, but I guess we could try some of his ideas first…

In his speech, McCain called for measures aimed at increasing pressure on Iran, such as severely limiting Iranian imports of gasoline, targeted sanctions such as denying visas and freezing assets and a worldwide campaign to divest from companies doing business with Iran.

McCain called for financial sanctions on the Central Bank of Iran, which he said aids in terrorism and weapons proliferation, and he criticized Obama for opposing a measure to impose those sanctions.

McCain has warm relations with the group, which is influential in the Jewish community. McCain’s call for sanctions against gasoline imports is a priority that AIPAC’s members plan to lobby for on Capitol Hill later in the week.


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9 Responses

  1. Poe

    Cant we do all that and blow up the RG and Ahmadickhead?

  2. sully

    I’m all for trying diplomacy but where the fuck is the line in the sand drawn exactly?
    These fucks don’t care if we are right or wrong. They don’t even care if THEY are right or wrong. This is about stealing either our wealth or our lives. Or both.
    The game today is to poke around to see just how gutless we really are while they build weapons capability to fight at what they are sure is some later date.

  3. Dave M.

    FWIW, Debka seems very excited today, they seem to think
    something is going to happen sort of imminently.

    President Bush said, while in Israel, “I feel obliged to leave
    the world a safer place before I go.”

    Doubt he was talking about cutting his carbon footprint.

  4. cathyann

    Hey, look! He’s speaking from the heart and not from a prepared speech or a teleprompter!

  5. 1LT JAF

    Notice the numerous applause lines and standing ovation for McCain by a JEWISH audience of 7,000 members..

    that is pretty encouraging for me..

    if we can get out the truth regarding Obama we win..

  6. Cajun Neo Con

    McCain is taking it right to Barry Hussein Obama. Just like 1stLTJAF said…if we get the truth out about Obama and these facist libs WE WIN!!!

  7. Mike Mose

    McCain understands the world and how to effect evil Islam.

    I fully expect Bush-Cheney to bomb Iran and Syria into the history books.

  8. Kentucky Jim

    Less gas for Iran means more for us–its win-win!

  9. Brian H

    It’s a race, and there isn’t time for the sanctions to work before Iran has enough refined material for a few A-bombs.

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