McCain On Hussein: “That Young Man has Bought Into So Many Failed Ideas” - With Video

June 3rd, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Ya know…McCain isn’t the greatest orator we’ve seen. In fact, you can tell when he is giving a speech he is reading off the teleprompter and I can’t stand it, I really can’t. So I try to overcome that and listen to what the guy has to say. I like him better when he just talks off the cuff. Anyway, to the point of this clip from a speech he gave in Louisiana tonight.

I’m telling you, I honestly don’t think Barack Hussein the Liar Obama is going to beat John McCain in debates, or in the election. Yes, many of us have problems with McCain in some issues, but not on the issue of National Security, our Armed Forces, and certainly not on the issue of “Who the fuck are you, anyway?”

At least we know John McCain, and that he will not screw our military over, nor will he fuck us over in the war on terror. Hussein is the alternative, and the alternative is not acceptable.

Hussein is now the nominee. Primaries are over for good. The General Election is on…

Time to beat the shit out of the Magic Messiah, Hussein the Liar.

Listen to some of the things McCain says in this short clip…

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14 Responses

  1. Terry Gain

    I think it’s a brilliant speech, including the delivery. Sincere, not slick. Go Johnny Mac!

  2. jarhead68

    McCain isn’t my first choice but as of today, he’s the only choice. Prepare for a landslide victory for the Navy hero John McCain. President John McCain. Sounds better than either of the other two nincompoops.

  3. sam, LA

    oops he said Great city of New Orleans instead of Kenner

    that Louisiana crowd was embarrassingly small and quiet as well

    McCain is not the best orator but at least hes got ideas in the right direction

  4. Terry Gain

    Nor mine jarhead68. Describing Clinton and the 98 pound weakling as nincompoops is very generous.

  5. JJIrons

    McCain is not my first choice either but since he is all we have, then John, make sure you trash the global warming garbage and quit supporting it. We don’t need the billions upon billions of dollars in NEW TAXES we will be faced with if this lie is accepted as fact. We can not afford that and we should not, especially since global warming is such a hoax.

    Now, go give Hussein a crushed skull.

  6. Zeke Eagle

    What a fuckin’ mess! To have these two as choices absolutely sickens me. I’ve never dreaded winning before but beating a radical Marxist with a self effacing socialist is not my idea of success.

    McCain’s abuse of the facts surrounding “Katrina”, his gleeful claim to have called for the “surge” when all he did was agree with that strategy and his pose of having been against President Bush to pander to the D’rats disgusts me.

    It is said that Juan McCain holds a grudge and when the sentiment is against a fellow Republican I believe it’s true but doesn’t it strike a raw nerve to see he doesn’t seem to hate those Vietnamese Communists who “tortured” him for all those years? Hmmmmmmmmmmm?

    If the Clintons do in fact have those KGB files concerning McCain’s stay in Hanoi, as it is rumored, and if they share that intel with Hussein we are fucked.

    Pray for our country.

  7. Will

    I think he’s a solid candidate for the GOP this year.

    He’s better than some elitist bitch who thinks she’s entitled to the presidency just because her husband had it.

    He’s better than some Nation of Islam wack-job who knows absolutely nothing about the issues and thinks he’s entitled to the presidency just because he’s black.

    I’ll be the first to say that I am not John McCain’s biggest fan, in fact not much of a fan at all. But I think if he stays true to his promises to the Armed Forces and the American people, then we have ourselves a military man that doesn’t bullshit. :beer:

  8. Sarah

    McCain is smart to put room between him and Bush. I happen to admire and respect the man but a whole lot of people don’t. McCain’s not running against Bush, he’s running against Obama and Obama and his people are going to try hang things like Katrina around McCain’s neck. Smart of him to get out in front of it.

    I think John McCain will welcome lots of talk about his stay in the Hanoi Hilton. People like Bud Day will have his back on that.

  9. Will

    I think he’s a rather strong candidate for the GOP this year.

    He’s better than some elitist bitch who thinks she’s entitled to the presidency because her husband won 16 years ago.

    And he’s better than some Nation of Islam wack-job that knows nothing about the issues and thinks he’s entitled to the presidency just because he’s black.

    I’ll be the first to admit that I am not a big John McCain fan, nor have I ever been. But I believe if he stays true to his promises to our Armed Forces and the American people, then I see no reason why he shouldn’t be elected overwhelmingly come November.

  10. Jon

    “He’s better than some elitist bitch who thinks she’s entitled to the presidency just because her husband had it.”

    Funny thing, I couldn’t help thinking tonight that McCain is the Republican equivilant of Hillary regarding entitlement to the candidacy, having lost to W in the 2000 primaries. I couldn’t listen to the whole speech, seemed really contrived to me, and I’m going to vurp when I pull the lever in November. I can only hope he’ll choose a running mate I have some respect for.

  11. A. S. Wise- VA (George S. Patton Conservative)

    :arrow: Zeke Eagle

    I believe you’re incorrect, he has in fact been criticized for his justifiable anger at the VietCommies:

    “I hate the gooks, I will hate them as long as I live.”
    - John McCain

    Can’t blame him, I’d hate them if I had to endure the hell he went through.

  12. Tom in CO

    I like it, but so has mccain. Amnesty, Global Warming, etc.

  13. Scarab-

    Wanted Guliani. I am satisfied with McCain, even pleased. In fact, with the obvious exception of Ron Paul (who the hell let him within spitting distance of the nominating process?) I can honestly say I would have been happy to support any of the GOP candidates.

    I have never met a man or woman I agree fully with. If I ever find one, I will know I am being scammed by that person. T’aint possible.


  14. sully

    Ron Paul…. the kind of guy we laugh off the stage…..
    … and the Dhimmis nominate.

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